Puff! (Christmas #5){Hagakure x Ojiro} [MHA/BNHA Fandom]

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Holidays have arrived. Hagakure had packed up her bag and left U.A. to visit her parents. As she walked to the nearest bus station, she noticed a  certain tailed-hero from school.
"Ojiro! Ojiro! Wait up!" She yelled, waving her hand around, even though you couldn't see it(that's what descriptions are for.)
"Hmm? Oh! Hagakure! Hi." He approached the invisible girl, his tail wagging.
Hagakure giggled when she saw his tail wagging, but didn't tease him about it.
"Hagakure. Your hat. The ends are broken. Let me fix them." He reached towards the end and started twirling them, closing the gap between them.
Hagakure blushed, but it went unnoticed by the martial arts hero.
Then, Hagakure noticed Ojiro's fluffy coat too starting to dampen.
"Yours too! Your coat is dampening!" She exclaimed, and started fluffing it up (reference to picture).
A tiny unnoticeable blush appeared on Ojiro's face and the two stayed that way. Until Mina comes sneaking up at them and taking pictures.

[That thing was short. AF. I'll make another one.]

Christmas Tree (Ojiro x Hagakure)

Christmas was getting closer, and Class 1A we're getting into the Christmas vibe. Decorations have been hung in their separate rooms, minus Tokoyami's (he refused to let the girls decorate his room, although he almost budged when Tsuyu tried to encourage him) and Mineta's (nobody wanted to come to his room).
Bakugou's room didn't go unnoticed since Kirishima forced Bakugou to let him decorate.
Ojiro headed downstairs to join in the fun with the class. As he was going downstairs, he met Hagakure, but she didn't seem to notice [these cliches are getting more obvious. I apologize.] that he was next to her.
"Hagakure?" Only then did she notice. She flinched a bit when her name was called, but calmed down when she noticed Ojiro's beside her.
"Hi Ojiro! Christmas is getting closer isn't it?! I'm so excited! I think we did a good job getting your rooms decorated. We just got a few more things and then we'll be set up for Christmas!" She said happily.
"You look happy. This really must mean a lot to you, huh?" Ojiro chuckled.
"How did you know I was happy?" She asked.
"Um, lucky guess?" He replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"Also, what are the other things you were talking about?" Ojiro asked.
"There are just so many! Setting up wreathes, getting decorations for the entrance of the dorms, decorating everywhere else, and most importantly,setting up mistletoes and the ships." You could sense her evil aura as she said that.
"Ships? Like, the ones in water?" Ojiro asked, clueless to what's she means.
"Wait. You don't know?" Hakagure stopped walking to take at Ojiro with wide eyes.
"Yeah? Am I supposed to?" Ojiro asked, which cause Hakagure to stare at him harder.
"You... You... You uncultured swine!" She said, dramatically gasping and putting her hand on her chest.
"A ship is when you think to characters work well together. For example, Uraraka and Midoriya. Or Todoroki and Yaomomo. Or-"
"Oh. You mean those things you and Mina are always screaming about?" Ojiro asked, remembering the time he woke up just because he heard screaming from a girl's room.
"Well, not all the time. But yeah! So far we got Izuocha and Todomomo . We just need TokoTsuyu, KiriBakuKami and MinaSero." She added, grinning wickedly.
"I feel like you just did a wicked grin." Ojiro said, jokingly taking a step back.
"How's you know? Is this your secret quirk or something?" She asked, a bit scared.
"Not really. It's just your aura. It's giving off this... Em... evillish sort of thing." He said, nervously rubbing the name of his neck.
They reached the living room. Hakagure immediately went to analyzing the room while Ojiro just stood around awkwardly, waiting for her to give her verdict.
"Hmm... There is something in this room that's missing, but I don't know what it is... Ojiro, can you help?" Hakagure said, looking around again.
"Um, maybe the Christmas Tree?" Ojiro guessed, and pointed towards the empty space where the Christmas Tree could possible stay.
Hakagure didn't move, but judging from her sleeves, Ojiro could guess that she was gasping as she placed one hand on her mouth and the other on her chest. Thank Gosh for long sleeves.
"We should set it up! Come on dude!" Hakagure chirped, dragging Ojiro away by the sleeve.
He complied, and the two started walking.
"Hey Hakagure, do you know where we're going?" Ojiro asked, worried that they could be going the wrong way.
"Yeah! The storage room, right? Where they keep the Christmas Tree and stuff? Right?" She questioned, looking at Ojiro.
"Yes, but... The storage room is the other way..." Ojiro said, a sweat drop rolling down his face.
"Oh." Hakagure seems to be upset for a second, but perked up and went to the opposite direction.
The two walked in silence, Hakagure thinking on how to set the Christmas tree up, and Ojiro just walking in silence.
Nearing their destination, they noticed a ball of pink hair which disappeared as soon as they got closer. Seems as if the blob of hair doesn't want to be known. Letting that pass, they arrived at the storage room.
Ojiro opened the stiff door. It creaked as it opened and the smell of old things hit them.
"There's the Christmas tree." He said, pointing towards the tall, green bush.
"And here's the decorations!" Hakagure said, squealing at the amount of decorations there is. There were tinsels, wreathes, lights, and more, all boxed up and labeled.
"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's take them back to the living room!" Hakagure excitedly yelled, grabbing as many boxes boxes as she could and walked towards the living room. Ojiro followed her lead, taking as many boxes as he could and followed her.
After a good 10 minutes, they finished bringing the remaining boxes.
"That's about it! Wait. I just had a thought. Oh no. Do you think the other dormitories need them?" Hakagure asked, worried.
Ojiro stopped to think and continued what he was doing. "Nah. There's only 1 Christmas Tree, so the others should have taken and the decorations are for us." He explained calmly.
"Oh! That make sense!" Hakagure said, lighting up.
Hakagure opened the boxes, one by one, to be a bit disappointed. All the colors of the ornaments were in one color, and that is white.
"Well, I guess this is what we get from being the last one to get the Christmas Tree and it's decorations, I guess." Hakagure  sighed, looking at all the plain ornaments.
"Well, they are pretty, they just need a bit of color. Oh! I got it!" Ojiro said, his tail beginning to wag slightly.
"Couldn't we just color them? I'll ask Mr. Aizawa, of course. You can paint them in whatever color you want, Hakagure. I'm sure the rest of the class won't mind. You have a pretty good eye for color, after all." Ojiro suggested.
"Thanks! I'll go ask! Be back in sec!" Hakagure ran out of the room.
Ojiro sighed to himself, and sat down on the couch. Minutes later, Sero came, with Kaminari and Kirishima.
"C'mon guys, admit it! You totally like him!" Sero wailed, both to Kaminari and Kirishima.
"S-shut up dude! We don't like him!" Kirishima yelled back, face red.
"Then why is your face red? Yours too Kaminari! I wonder why~" Sero asked.
Before the teasing could go any further, Ojiro intervened.
He tugged Sero's shoulder. Leaning in, he whispered, "What are you teasing them about? Maybe I can join in?"
"Sure! It's about their crushes on Bakugou." Sero whispered back.
"So Hakagure was right. Well, I guess I'll join in the fun." Ojiro replied, a grin on his face.
"Alright!" Sero high fived Ojiro.
"Wait, what's going on?" Hakagure's voice asked out of nowhere. Ojiro turned, and Hakagure was standing there, holding little sample pots of paint and some brushes.
"We're talking about... What was it? The ship with Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakugou?" Ojiro asked.
"Oh! You mean KamiBakuKiri? Oh~ Well, I'll join in for a second or two~" She said, ending in an evil tone.
After 10 minutes or so of teasing, Kaminari and Kirishima had enough, so they moved out of the living room, Sero following them and giving Hakagure and Ojiro the thumbs up.
"Well, that was fun. I kinda see why you and Mina do it." Ojiro said, laughing.
"See? It's fun! Especially when you hit the right target!" Hakagure replied, bubbly as ever.
"Mhmm. But, what did Mr. Aizawa say? About the painting thing." Ojiro reminded, pointing at the pot samples.
"He said yes! He already bought these paints and told me to do whatever I want with them. It'll be fun! I'll call Mina." Hakagure left to her her phone.
As she did, Ojiro felt a bit sad, but brushed it off. He laid the ornaments out and took some unread newspapers to use as a cover for the painting. He stared at the three pot samples.
'Red, blue and yellow, huh? Well, I guess he was to lazy to find the rest so he just took the primary color. Make sense.' He thought, trying to remember what colors make what.
He took the yellow and blue paint and started to pour. Then he abruptly stopped and put it to one side.
'Wait. I don't even know what color I'm supposed to mix. I guess I'll just sit here.' Ojiro thought to himself.
"Sorry for the wait!" A chirpy voice said.
Hakagure sat down next to Ojiro and crossed her arms.
"Mina couldn't make it because she was shopping for 'someone'. Hope it's Sero!" She said, and stared at the pot samples.
"I guess Mr. Aizawa was to lazy to buy more than 3 huh?" She giggled.
"Heh. Yeah. So, what color scheme do you want to make?" Ojiro asked.
"I was thinking of green and brown. Nature makes it look good, so why can't we?" Hakagure said.
"That make sense. Let's do it." Ojiro said, his tail wagging again.
Hakagure giggled. "Ojiro, does your tail wag if you're happy?"
"N-no, I don't think so. Why do you ask?" Ojiro asked, getting a bit nervous.
"Then, what if I said, 'I like you' ?" Suddenly, his tail begin to wag furiously. At the same time, his face began to flush furiously too. So did Hakagure's face.
"I was just teasing. You don't need to embarrassed, Ojiro." She gently said, and the tailed hero's face and tail began to call down.
"Sure, Hakagure. Sure you were teasing, right?" Ojiro said in teasing tone.
"U-um... Yeah! T-totally!" Hakagure said, her face getting a tad red.
"A-anyways! We have to start painting!" Hakagure said, settling down and picking her first ornament.
After a few hours of hard work, the ornaments were painted and hung, with a beautiful white star on top. Wreathes we're hung on everyone's door, and boy were they exhausted. Okiro and Hakagure we're on the couch, laying limply.
"Well, we better get to bed. Thank God today's Saturday. I really don't want to get up for school tomorrow. I really wanna surprise everyone. Goodnight Ojiro..." Hakagure said, yawning as she wearily got up the couch.
Ojiro did the same thing, getting up the couch and heading to his room.
"Good night Toru. Have a good night sleeping!" He greeted and waved, going to his room.

The little incident was caught on tape, which Mina TOTALLY did not do to get her friends on tape for her ship records. And she totally didn't go to Midnight and ask to put the security cameras for 'safety resons' , which Midnight did not believe, but let her put anyway, because Midnight is a hardcore shipper. She totally isn't fangirling about two ships coming true at all. Nope, not at all. So it was totally Hakagure's imagination when she heard someone giggling in the middle of the night. Totally her imagination. Yup, just her imagination.

[Hope you enjoy these things!]

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