Exams (Kiribaku) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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[Ah... It's been awhile since I haven't written about these two. This chapter is pretty similar the one about Izuocha, but please don't think of it. Also, cussing because of Bakugou.]

[ So. Em. I decided to make this one sorta short, so it might not be that good. Enjoy! P.S. : They're gonna be in their dorms.]

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Mina yelled, but nobody cared since the rest were too busy panicking themselves.
It was because Mr. Aizawa told them that there would be test tomorrow about (insert subject) and everyone (minus Yaoyorozu) was panicking, even Bakugou.
"Yaoyorozu! Please help us!" Mina and Kaminari begged, literally down on their knees.
Normally, Yaoyorozu would smile and offer everyone to join in with a happily. Instead, she stared down both of them with such seriousness and said in a low town, "Of course. Come to my room after school." And with that, she left, probably to pick up some books from the library.
Most of the classmates followed Yaoyorozu, except Kirishima and Bakugou.
"I bet you couldn't teach me." Kirishima suddenly said to Bakugou, with the silliest face he could muster.
"HAH??! YOU THINK PONYTAIL IS BETTER THAN ME?! YOU WANNA GO, BUDDY!? HAH?!" Bakugou yelled back, which was what Kirishima wanted.
"YEAH I WANNA GO! To my room. To study. Please!" Kirishima said, clasping his hands together.
Bakugou was about to say no, until he saw the cute(?) face Kirishima made.
'Damn it!' Bakugou thought. He was losing the battle and as he tried to ignore Kirishima's sobs, Kirishima inched closer until Bakugou lost the battle.
"F-fine shitty hair! But you better get there on time, or I'll kill you!" Bakugou stuttered, hiding the slight blush that erupted on his cheeks.
"Thanks bro! You can count on me!" Kirishima saluted, and got an eye roll in response.
The lunch bell rang.
"Alright! It's lunch time!" Kirishima headed to the cafeteria for some lunch with Bakugou. On the way there, they were caught up by Mina, Kaminari and Sero.
The five of them combined equals to a Bakugou screaming his head of with Mina sliding her acid literally anywhere, with the rest of the boys laughing like mad. Which ended them in detention.
"Damn it... Yaomomo is going to kill us..." Mina whined, earning a cold glare from across the room from Mr. Aizawa and Bakugou, which she promptly ignored.
So, the basic of their detention is getting more schoolwork.
After detention, each student went to their prespective rooms to freshen up for their study sessions.
At about 3 o'clock, Kirishima heard a knock on his door.
"Hello?" Kirishima said, looking around for the person.
"Are you blind or some shit? Let me in." A voice startled Kirishima. He turned around to see Bakugou, with materials to study on hand.
"Oh! Bakubro! I didn't expect you early! Well, make yourself at home, I guess!" Kirishima said, rubbing his neck.
"Thanks." Bakugou literally made himself at home as he plopped into Kirishima's bed,and didn't move a muscle.
"Em, Bakugou? Move." Kirishima stated, earning no response from to blonde.
"This is what I do at home. Let me stay." Bakugou replied, still in that exact same spot.
"Well, be a jerk if you want,but I'm studying." Kirishima replied, sitting down on his coffee table, textbooks spread out.
After a few minutes, Bakugou got up to join him.
-• Timeskip •-
"Bakugou! So, it's like this and then like this right?!" He yelled in excitement, unconsciously getting closer to Bakugou.
Taken by surprise, Bakugou blushed furiously due to the closeness they both had. And to make matters worse for him, Kirishima placed his hand on top of his.
Bakugou couldn't take it anymore, so he yelled, "G-get off me!" And pushed Kirishima away a little too hard.
Activating his quirk in time, Kirishima landed in the floor without a scratch.
"Dude! But, was I correct?" Kirishima asked, eagerly waiting for the response.
"Lemme see." Bakugou grabbed Kirishima's paper and looked at it for a quick second, before looking up again.
"Hey f***munch, you actually did it this time. About time you got it right." Bakugou said, showing no amusement whatsoever.
"Aww! Did you just congratulate me?" Kirishima teased, angering the blonde even further.
"NO!" Bakugou yelled, making Kirishima laugh.
"Such a tsundere."Kirishima teased between laughs.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Bakugou roared, and an idea came to him.
"Nothing! Nothing!" Kirishima giggled and stopped to catch his breath.
That was the moment Bakugou took to put his plan into action.
"Kiri. Can you come here for a sec?" Bakugou asked, in the softest voice he could muster.
Curious to why he had such a soft voice, Kirishima came closer to Bakugou, sitting down beside him.
"What's wrong bro?" Kirishima asked.
"Close your eyes."
"Just do it."
As Kirishima closed his eyes, Bakugou put each arm in the read head's waist , and began to tickle him.
Shocked, Kirishima started to laugh, which made Bakugou slightly smile. Inching closer, he tickled Kirishima's toes, and then neck. All the while, Kirshima was begging Bakugou to stop, but Bakugou was relentless. He continued, until the door slammed open.
"Hey bro, I just wanna... Oh." Kaminari dropped his voice and grinned.
"Sorry for interrupting! Enjoy~" He left, laughing like a maniac.
Bakugou wondered why Pikachu was laughing so hard until he looked down. A blush took over, and Bakugou went back to his sitting spot, pretending that never happened.
Bakugou was pinning Kirishima down so he won't escape from his tickles, but from Kaminari's prespective, it looked like they were about to kiss.
Needless to say, gossip blew up of Kirishima and Bakugou dating, Kirishima got a good mark, and Kaminari was killed the next day.
Also, Kirishima realized that this happened at night the next day and was sleep- derived.

The end!

[I think that's okay. I added my imagination , but Arigato and bye!]

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