Cookies (Silvaze) { Sonic Fandom}

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Sonic and his friends, including Blaze and Silver, are having a get together in Amy's house.
"Sonic!" Amy cried as she hugged her hero.
"Amy! Get off me! Argh!" Sonic yelled back, with a tint of red on the tip of his ears.
"Stop bein' all lovey-dovey mate!" Marine yelled in disgust, closing her eyes while Sticks(I added her in, watcha gonna do about it?) yelled "EW!!" in agreement.
"Alright everyone, chill. We just got here. We don't the couple to get mad. Ok?" Silver said, getting a few snickers for the last remark.
"I'll bake you guys cookies," Blaze said firmly, walking to the kitchen.
"Yay! Cookies!" A few cried. And "no. I want chips!" Also can be heard. Soon enough, the gang starts to fight.

Meanwhile with the Silvaze couple...

"They're loud aren't they?" Silver stated, sweat rolling down his face.

"Yeah. Wonder why. Must be over something dumb." Blaze agreed, taking an apron and tying it around her waist.
"Wait, Blaze. Didn't you tell me that you don't like to cook?" Silver asked, as she stood in the front of Blaze, bodies only a few centimeters apart.
'I just wanted to get away from everyone." Blaze quietly replied her head down.
"Blaze..." Silver whispered, as he lifted her head with his finger and sighed.
"They're nice people. You just have to get along. Just imagine them in something silly!" Silver suggested, trying to get the lavender cat to smile.
Upon hearing that statement, Blaze's mouth curled up as she struggled to not smile. However, she failed. Her mouth starts to curve and it opened, releasing a quiet laugh from her.
After chuckling over the matter, Silver sighed and said, "Well, can't have them yell again, right?"
Which Blaze answered, "Right."

"Since you never baked cookies, I'll teach you. Is that alright?" Silver asked while getting the cooking book.
"Sure, Silv." Blaze replied, using Silver's nickname for her. She is the only one to call him that. Blaze smiled as she remembered the moment.

-FLASHBACK- (Ship moment!!)

"Silv! Wanna play ball?" Sonic asked, throwing the ball and catching it again.
"Don't call me that!" Silver complained, pouting while crossing his arms.
"Silv. Wanna partner up?" A female voice is suddenly heard. The two hedgehogs turned around to see Blaze.
Sonic is expecting Silver to pout again, but he is surprised when Silver happily said sure and ran towards her.
'What. The. Heck. I'm not allowed to call him that, but she is?!' Sonic thought angrily, squeezing the ball.
As if Amy has telephonic powers, she appeared behind him and said, "Oh Sonic. It's a man in love. You'll understand once you fall in love with me!" Amy happily yelled.
"Alright, Amy! Geez! Anyway, let's play!" Sonic said, going back to his happy attitude.


The blaze was in la-la land until she's pet by Silver (I KNOW IT MAKES NO SENSE, SHUT UP!).
'S-silver?!" The embarrassed girl cried, shying away from the male and covering her head with her hands.
"I knew it would work! So, let's actually start?" Silver teased, earning a playful slap from Blaze.

-Cooking Time!-

"So, let's gather the ingredients first, which are  3/4 cup of granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup of butter
1 tsp of vanilla
1 egg
"Silver, before we start, what cookies are we baking?" Blaze asked.
"Oh right! Sorry! We're making chocolate chip cookies!" Silver revealed, smiling widely before returning to the recipe book.
The smile squeezed Blaze's heart a little. She feels happy and light, even though she doesn't know why. Silver is reading the recipe book but Blaze isn't listening. That is until she starts to levitate.
"Wha- Silver, put me down this instant!" Blaze ordered, a light blush appearing on her blush.
"Nope!" Silver said and continued taking the ingredients.

A comfortable silence surrounds them until Blaze started to talk.
"Seriously Silver? Just because I didn't listen to you, you're going to put me up here?" Blaze asked, annoyed.
"Yes." Silver replied without showing any emotion, which shocked the cat since Silver is always the one showing emotion. A few minutes ago, he looked so happy.
"Silver!" Blaze whined.

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