Soriel ( Undertale Fandom)

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[It's one if those things again! This on is a little longer. Title in Bold. . Enjoy!]

The Princess and the Frog (Altertale AU)
[P.S Not really sure what the placement of things are there in this universe, so please correct me if I'm wrong in the comments. Arigato!]

"Ahh!" Yelled Toriel. Well, more like croaked.

"I'm stuck as a frog! Sh*t!" She yelled, resulting a lot of loud croaks.

'Wait, where's Asgore! I gotta find him, fast!' Toriel thought as she hopped towards they're house.

And just her luck, Asgore opened the door and said, "Why hello tiny frog! Do you wish to shelter in the house of the Great Asgore? Of course you do! Come in!" With that, he picked her up and carried her near the fire, to warm her up.
'Ahh... This.. This is my life now.' Toriel thought as she basked in the warmth from the fire.
'I wonder where Asgore's gone. I should look for him. But I'm too lazyyyy... Argh!' While Toriel is debating with herself, Asgore came running in.
"Excuse me, tiny frog, have you seen my sister? She's always gone when I need her! She's probably going in her date with the tall, mysterious figure behind the door now! Humph! She's always- Oh! I'm sorry, tiny frog! I did not let you answer! So, have you?"
Toriel silently, hopped around, writing the letters, 'I'm Tori' with her slime.
"Huh? Your Toriel? Well, I guess you do look like her, with the pink when I said the mysterious, tall guy. Well, there's no time to waste! We must go to Alphys at once! Right now! Immediately! Let's go my presumed sister who is a frog even though I don't really know how it happened since magic don't do these! Let's go!" And with that, Asgore took Toriel and dashed, no, ran out of their house to Hotland.
Once they arrive, Asgore knocked on Alphys' lab door.
"Alphys! Open up! My sister is in urgent need of your medications! Please!" He cried, pounding on the door.
"C-coming! Wait a sec!" A yell could be heard from the other side.
A few seconds later, the door opened.
"O-oh! Hey Asgore! What's u-up?" Alphys asked, glancing around for Toriel.
"Well, Alphys, it seems that the frog I'm currently holding is supposedly my sister."
The statement left Alphys stunned. Then she came back down to Earth in few seconds.
"H-HOW?! No magic in the Underground is capable of such things! This is bad!" Alphys ushered them inside, closing the metal door tightly behind them.
They went to the second floor of the lab, and sat on Alphys' transformable bed.
"W-well, I'll see how I can help. I can use the detector I made to see what's w-wrong. I hope t-that's ok with you, Frog Toriel." Alphys explained, looking at Toriel in confirmation.
Frog Toriel nodded a 'yes' and was picked up by Alphys to get on the detector.
"Alright! W-we're done w-with the scanning, so p-please go to Asgore." Alphys left to go her personal studies, leaving Toriel alone.
'Does she expect me to go there myself? I guess so. Too... lazy...' Toriel hopped ever so slowly to the living room, where Asgore is waiting in.

Meanwhile, Asgore was getting impatient.
"Where is she?! She should be finished by now! Well, never fear dear sister! I will be here to save you!" And he took off, searching high and low for his sister. Fortunately, he searched low enough to spot a pink-ish frog slowly hopping towards the living room.
"There you are! I was so worried you know! Gosh! You're lazy even as a frog." Asgore scolded, sighing at the end of his sentence.
After a few minutes, Alphys walked back into the room, with a light blush on her face.
"S-so, I got the data. I-it might sound silly, b-but I found a way to fix you. You have t-to..." She paused for a moment, and continued her speech. "K-k-kiss the person you l-like." The statement left Asgore and Toriel stunned. More like Toriel red in her face. Asgore came back to the Underground before Toriel did.
"Wow, really? Then, she can kiss me!" Asgore nudged his snout towards Toriel's mouth.
Toriel came down to the Underground just in time to witness her brother kiss her. On the cheek.
Of course, as expected, nothing happened.
"HUH?! Why didn't it work? Does she... hate... me?" Asgore pointed towards himself, heartbroken.
Alphys quickly explained before the situation gets out of hand, since Toriel couldn't explain the situation for him.
"Asgore, s-she does l-love you! I-it's just that we n-need a, u-um... soulmate love! Yeah! N-not brotherly love. A-also, i-it needs to be on the m-mouth." Alphys finished the sentence with a red face, probably imagining herself with Undyne.
"OOH! So she does love me! YAY!" Asgore yelled happily, twirling around the lab happily.
Toriel emitted a small croak, and shook her head slowly as she watched her brother happily dance around.
" W-well, now t-that's settled, w-we only have one q-question to answer. W-who does Toriel l-like? I-IT'S NOT THAT I-I'M CURIOUS OR ANYTHING, IT'S TO BREAK THE C-CURSE!" Alphys said, panicking, just in case Toriel misunderstood.
Asgore paused his dancing and glanced at Toriel, a smile starting to form.
"I think I know! Of course! He must be it!"Asgore said to himself, nodding.
"W-who?"Alphys asked, curious of Toriel's lover and to get back at her teasing.
"The Tall, mysterious guy behind the door who tells awful puns of course! Because of my fabulous detective skills, I was able to detect my sister's boyfriend! Quick Alphys! We must go to the Ruins!" Asgore explained.
After hearing her brother's explanation, Toriel's light blush turned into a heavy one.
"Of course. But... I-I Can't go. Too m-much w-work to do! (In this Universe, I wanna make Alphys free of the Algamate accidents, so she can be happy as well!) But I w-will join you shortly! Oh nevermind! I-I can't s-stand the suspense! Let's go!" Alphys rambled, running out of the lab.
"Wait for us!" Asgore picked Toriel up and ran to catch up with Alphys.

The closer Alphys and Asgore were travelling to their destination, the more nervous Toriel got. See, she always showers him in an abundance of flirty puns, so when they get there, there is a high chance that Sans will give a flirty pun back, just to tease her.
At last, they got to the Ruins, with Toriel like a bottle of anxiety.

Asgore knocked at the door.
"Who's there?" A male voice replied, making Toriel blush even more as she realized that they're here.
'Oh yeah. This is about the time when we make jokes to each other.' Toriel thought absentmindedly.
" Toriel's brother! Can you please open the door? We have an urgent need of something from you!" Asgore explained.


Asgore and Alphys nodded their heads at one another and Asgore tried again.
"Toriel's in trouble!' With just a slight hesitation, the door opened and the three were dragged inside.
"So, where is Toriel?" The male asked, looking around for the small goat.
"That's the p-problem! S-she turned into a frog and t-the only way t-to fix h-her is for her b-b-boyfriend to kiss her!" Alphys explained with difficulty.
"But first, may I ask your name Mister?" Asgore asked
"Sure. Name's Sans. Sans the skeleton." Sans replied briefly, not wanting to add information.
"Oooh! A skeleton! Just like King Papyrus!" The words hit Sans like a knife.
"Hmm. So, I'm her boyfriend?" Sans asked, ignoring Asgore's comment.
"Yes! I'm most certain! She talks about you all the time, and everytime I scold her, she doesn't seem to listen!" Asgore responded, making the Skeleton develop a light blush.
"Huh. Well, I guess it can't be helped." Sans lifted Toriel and kissed(?) her lightly on the mouth.
After a few seconds, Toriel changed back into a goat, this time in a pink dress, an amulet on her neck and a crown on top of her head. Sans appearance too, has changed. From the long black cloak he normally wears with blue details, into a hooded black cloak with a dark blue jumpsuit(?) with buttons and a belt.
The rest were speechless as well. Alphys is because of the transformation and a new ship forming . Papyrus is shocked because his guess was correct and his sister was playing dress-up, which is unlikely.
"H-huh?" Toriel grumbled for the first time today.
"Sister! I never knew you had a dress!" Asgore exclaimed, a teasing grin appearing on his face.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! SHUT UP! AND LET ME TALK!" Toriel burst out, silencing everyone.
"T-thank you. So, um, first. Asgore, I woke up today as a frog and I don't know why. And I wasn't that obvious with Sans was I?! Because I totally don't shower him with flirty puns! Nope, totally not! Second, Alphys, thank you for telling me how to turn back! B-but don't tease me!Also, why is this thing I'm sitting on so comfy?" After that question, Sans started to turn blue . Like, a dark shade of blush blue.
" I-I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the skeleton h-holding you?" Alphys joked.

And that's the story of how the prince and princess found each other. The four of them spent the remaining day in the Ruins, exploring every nook and carry. Well, more like Alphys and Asgore are. The other two were sleeping together by the fire in a couch. Don't worry, Asgore took a picture of them. So did Alphys!

[So.. turns out it was a long fanfic... Well, you're gonna get a long good fanfic. I hope. Bye!]

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