Soulmates (Todomomo) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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Yaoyorozu never believed in the term 'soulmate'. That is, until she met hers.

It was a summer afternoon. She was waiting for the bell to ring in her class. She opened her book and began to read it . Soon, she became lost in her own world.


The bell shocked Yaoyorozu. She jumped, making the book fall in the process. A hand picked it up.


She looked up.

Oh. Todoroki.

She wasn't on expert terms with Todoroki, but she wasn't on bad terms either. The two admired each other as expected, with Yaoyorozu favoring him a but more than he did to her.



"What book is this?" He asked, gesturing towards the book on her desk.

"Oh, it's called 'Anne of the Green Gables'. It's a delightful non-fiction book to read. Would you like to borrow it?" She asked.

"Yes, please. Are you done reading it?"

"Well, I'm halfway there, but it seems like I forgot the page."

The bookmark that held the page slipped when the book fell, leaving the whereabouts to Yaoyorozu's reading unknown.

"Oh. My apo-"


The second bell rang. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu jumped a bit.

Yaoyorozu cracked a slight smile. "Jumpy, aren't we?"

"Mhmm. Although I don't know the reason of it." Todoroki passed for a second, seeming to hesitate on his next words. "Yaoyorozu, does this feel... odd?"

Yaoyorozu raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Odd? How so?"

"Well, you see-"

A bundle of classmates came in. The room became noisy as Bakugou yelled and Mina yelled back. The two couldn't continue their conversation.

Yaoyorozu slipped back onto her desk. She wondered what Todoroki meant.

Odd? What does he mean by odd? I haven't felt anything. Perhaps I should-

Her thoughts were interrupted when Mr. Aizawa's started talking.

"Silence, all of you. We have a guest today. Please introduce yourself."

A petite woman with black hair and green eyes entered the classroom. About 23, she had a commanding aura around her that made even Bakugou quiet down.

"Good afternoon. It's a pleasure finally meeting all of you. My name is Rose. I'm an owner of a flower shop named 'The Secret Garden', although it's not quite secret anymore." She smiled slightly, letting just cracks of it show.

Yaoyorozu pondered.

Why is a florist in our school? Perhaps she is our new teacher? But why would a-

A gasp can be heard from Midoriya. Yaoyorozu found herself looking at him, along with her other classmates.

"Oh! Oh! 'Rose', a girl with roses in hand, ready to support any mishaps and misunderstandings!"

"I'm glad someone here knows me. Now, I know you all don't expect to see a florist in this school, but call it a little field trip." She received puzzled looks from the students.

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