Studying (Izuocha) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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[Enjoy folks!]

Ochako is starting to lag on some subjects, such as Hero Hiss-tory(🌊 what I did there?). She tried hard, she really did, but sometimes it felt like too much. So she asked herself, 'What would be the best way to study?'

Now normally, she would study by herself, but she always found herself unmotivated, for some reason. She was thinking about this issue so seriously that she didn't realize that Midoriya is standing in front of her.

"Um... Uraraka? Hello?" Nothing seemed to faze her as she prompted her face up, thinking up a logical explanation on how to fix the problem she had on hand. It was only after Midoriya started to wave his hand until Ochako realized.

"Oh! Sorry, Midoriya! I was thinking of something!", Ochako apologized frantically, her hands waving side by side as she apologized(I do this), which Midoriya found rather cute.

"It's fine. What were you thinking about that makes it so serious? Is it about your parents? We could talk about it if you want-", He looked up to the sound of Ochako giggling.

"No, no! It's nothing like that! It's just that, I'm not doing good at Hero History and I was wondering how I might improve. Oh! Maybe you could help me?", Ochako said looking up at Midoriya with hope in her eyes and her voice.

"I-i..." As he turned around, to Midoriya, the world has stopped spinning.

Her hazel chocolate eyes glistened with the evening shine. Through an open window, a breeze fluttered throughout the room, messing up her hair just a bit.

She tucked her hair behind her ears, only allowing the hair to drop down again. Amazed, Midoriya pondered on how he didn't see how pretty Ochako looked, until now. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her features and certainly nothing wrong with her personality.
Her bubbly personality and fiery spirit made her a better friend to any friend that Midoriya ever had. She even made Bakugou respect her! That, he believes, is a very hard thing to do.

But she did it. With a sudden burst of red (cause he's blushing), he started to daydream about how she would look like with her hair long and how pretty she would look. Wait. Pretty? I mean, she certainly is, but he never thought of her like that. He always thought of her as a friend. A comrade to count on. But now? He doesn't think he can go back to those times anymore.

Now, in his mind, she would always be the ray of sunshine. With every thought, he starts getting redder and redder, which he didn't notice, since he was too busy thinking about what just happened(And of course, a few thoughts on Ochako).

"Deku? Hello? Hey!"Ochako yelled, surprising Midoriya from his daydream-ish state.

"Ya?" Midoriya questioned.

"What is it you want to say just now?", She questioned since he did just stopped talking and was staring at... her? Her cheeks redden at the thought of it. See, she had a little, screw that, HUGE crush on Midoriya. She loved all of him. His hair, his smile, his determination, his cute little habit of mumbling, and most of all, his friendship with her. It was, she believed, the most important bond she has ever had with anyone.

"Yes. I meant to say, yes, I would teach you." He grimaced at how awkward his sentence came out. He isn't good with these things.

"Meet you at 7? Your house, of course." Ochako questioned hope and a bit of red written all over her face.

"Of course! I'll see you there!" After flashing a smile she so adored, he left.

========T I M E S K I P=======

Midoriya knocked on her door, nervous, partly because he's never been in a girls' sanctuary and partly because he never tutored anyone before. Normally, everyone would go to Momo for guidance. Even he asks for help from her, though rarely since he's one of those people who got good grades, but needs to try hard. Except for Kirishima, that is. For whatever reason, he thought Bakugou teaching him would be better( We all know why now don't we?).

Ochako opened her door, being just as nervous as Midoriya since she never had a boy in HER private sanctuary before.

"Come in! Please make yourself at home!", Ochako greeted, smiling while opening the door for him.

"O-ok!" When he entered the home, warm air blasted his body and a cozy aura warmed him up, making him less nervous about entering her house.

'Smells like Uraraka.'Midoriya thought, then immediately blushed at the thought.

"Stop! You're being a pervert!" Midoriya accidentally said that out loud, earning an odd look from Ochako.

"D-d-Deku! What did you say?!", Ochako yelled in an embarrassed tone, since, you know, you don't hear that from your crush every day.

" Sorry, Uraraka! I didn't know what I was thinking! Please forgive me!", Midoriya says, no begged.

" It's okay, Deku. You were thinking what you would say to Mineta, right?", Ochako questioned, hoping she got the right answer.

"Tha- that's right! So, shall we get started?" Midoriya asked back.

"Yeah, that's the reason I bought you here, you know!" Ochako replied, feeling a bit happy she got the right answer.

------- A few hours later... ------

" So, let's review. The first hero that was known to exist was known in the year...", Midoriyaquestioned, expecting Ochako to answer.

Ochako is so tired that she couldn't hear what Midoriya say, so his words turn to a mumble then to a lulling noise. After that, she slowly entered the realm of dreams.

When Midoriya turned around to find Ochako, he saw the cutest sight ever.

Ochako was sleeping on the side of the bed, arms crossed and drool starts to come out of her mouth.

Midoriya couldn't help but laugh when he saw the sight. He quietly took a picture and bought her to bed, where she instinctively grabbed the first thing she touched, which happens to beMidoriya.

Quickly bought down with such force, he ended up on top of Ochako. Of course, he blushed heavily as he tried to get comfortable, since he was already tired, so he might as well go to bed.

--The next day...--

When Ochako woke up, a pair of arms greeted her. She just woke up, so she wasn't sure who it was. For all she knows, it could be her dad. Or something(IDK).

'I was on the side of the bed, then...??? I'm here. Huh .' Ochako thought as she struggled to remember.

"Mmm, good morning." A familiar voice said sleepily.

" Good morning Deku!" Ochako replied, not really thinking of what she said.

'Huh? Deku is here. On my bed. Which means... Oh .' Ochako is struck by the thought of her crush sleeping next to her, so of course, she starts to blush.

"H-how did you get on my bed?", Ochako questioned quietly, turning away from Midoriya, so he won't see her embarrassed face.

"O-oh! That! Um, we were reviewing for the Hero History and you suddenly fell asleep, so I picked you up, and then you pulled me in your sleep...AND I WAS TIRED SO I MIGHT AS WELL SLEEP HERE SO YEAH!"Midoriya replied, his face turning as red as Ochako's.

"WELL, I GOTTA GO! MY MOM'S WORRIED ABOUT ME, SO SEE YOU LATER AND THANKS AND BYE!!" Midoriya yelled out, ran to the kitchen, picked his things up, and ran out of the house.

" Sleep? Me and .... HIM?!?", She screamed out, as she realized what just happened.
And then she starts to float out of embarrassment in her house.

[People, I know it's bad and I keep on changing P.O.V but hey, just read on and find some more books. Also, if you're reading this at midnight or more, SLEEP! It's bad for you.]

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