Quirky Accident pt.2 (Todomomo) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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Yaoyorozu woke up due to banging at her door.
She sleepily crawled out of bed, wearing her PJ's and slowly opened the door.
She saw a frantic Ochako, a pleased Mina and a small Todoroki.
Flashbacks went through her mind as she processed what happened.
"Yaomomo! Help! As you can see" Ochako pointed towards a small Todoroki, "you have a very serious issue. Todoroki has shrunk and we don't know what to do with him!"
"Don't worry. I know what to do. Ochako, please try to get Mina off Todoroki while I go to Mr. Aizawa to explain what happen." Yaoyorozu ordered politely. After a nod from Ochako, she speed walked to the teachers headquarters.
After knocking softly on the door, a mumbled "Come in." was heard.
"Oh Yaoyorozu. What's wrong?" Mr. Aizawa asked.
"Well, you see..." Yaoyorozu explained what happened and how it happened, sometimes having to repeat things several times since Mr. Aizawa would just fall asleep. After she was finished, Mr. Aizawa rubbed his forehead and sighed.
"Well, I'm glad you understand what happened. If not, it would be the death if me trying to figure out what the hell happened. Who's the girl he bumped into, again?"
"Roselle Evenine, I believe." Yaoyorozu stated.
"Oh. Her. She does have a tendency to be clumsy. How she's in one of the top hero agencies, I don't know." Mr. Aizawa said, giving Yaoyorozu little information on her.
"Well, we have no choice but to take care of him. Yaoyorozu, you are dismissed from class today, since you'll be baby-sitting him today. I'll tell the teachers what happen. Dismissed."
"Thank you Mr. Aizawa." She bowed deeply and left.
' Kids... Always getting me in trouble...' Mr. Aizawa thought as he got ready for the day.
Back in the dorms, Ochako has successfully pulled Mina away from Todoroki, who was confused on what happened.
After Yaoyorozu came in the room, she immediately told the class what happened. Unfortunately, Lida did not infer with this problem, because he was away for a family business trip.
-^° Flashback °^-
"Yaoyorozu, I'm going to go on a family trip for a week. I hope you can take my role as class president for a while. I have told Mr. Aizawa and my friends. I thought it would be wise for me to tell you. Please forgive me for this sudden role of action!" Lida yelled, bowing in front of Yaoyorozu.
"It's okay Lida. I ensure that I'll take full responsibility." Yaoyorozu stated, bowing slightly back to him.
°^° Flashback End °^°

"So.. Todorki has been hit by some quirk that changed him into a kid? Interesting. I wonder if the woman works as the one in the federal government." Midoriya muttered.
Yaoyorozu was about to get breakfast, when she felt something tug her dress.
When Yaoyorozu looked down, she saw Todoroki tugging at her pants. Her heart squeezed at the sight as she bend down and asked, "Yes?"
"Who are you? You look pretty." He bluntly stated.
Gasps were heard throughout the living room as the class gasped, stunned how Todoroki can be more honest as a child.
"It must be something, to do with the quirk. Right, Yaoyorozu? Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya asked as he saw the vice class president not moving.
Inside her head, Yaoyorozu felt like she was about to die out of embarrassment.
Todoroki must have forgotten what he said, because the next thing he did was to tug on Yaoyorozu's pants again and whined, "C'mon, I'm hungryyyy!!!"
Yaoyorozu snapped out of it and stuttered, "Y-yes! Sure! Let's go eat!" And she dragged along little Todoroki along with her.
"She's going to be a great mom one day, I just know it!" Ochako said once the two were out of earshot.
"Let's hope for the best, kero." Tsuyu added.
"Now, let's go see the adorable couple!" Hakagure squealed as she ran to follow the pair.
^°• At breakfast •^°
After sitting down to eat, Todoroki started asking questions.
"Who are you?"
"What's your name?"
Where's mom?"
"Where's Fuyumi?"
"Is dad out yet?"
"Will he make me train again? I don't wanna train! Am I in my house?"
Yaoyorozu put her mouth onto Todoroki's lips and quietly answered all the questions.
" My name is Yaoyorozu, I'm your babysitter today. Your family is out for today on a business trip. I took you out here because you were so bored at home, and these people are very nice. Except that one. Oh, and don't talk to that one." She said, pointing towards Mineta first, then at Bakugou.
"So, you're my mama today?" Todoroki asked, holding her hand in a child like manner.
"Yes, I suppose I am." Yaoyorozu answered, tightening her grip.
"Now, as I said, you're not in your house, you're here because you were bored, correct?" Yaoyorozu waited for a nod, and continued. " So Todoroki, do you wanna play in the park?"
"Yes! I've never been to a park before! Is it nice? Are there swings like what Fuyumi said? Are there slides?" He gasped, eyes widening at each possibility of fun.
Yaoyorozu laughed and answered, " You talk too much. Yes, there will be swings and slides and see-saws. So, for now, let me feed you and we'll go, ok?"
"Ok!" He said diligently, and opened his mouth.
"Ahh..." Yaoyorozu fed him with he spoon with the 'airplane' trick.
After a few minutes of chewing, Todoroki commented, " Mama, why does it taste bad? I don't like it." Yaoyorozu and the rest if the class sweat dropped, because Mina cooked the food and it wasn't very good.
"Em... the chef was tired, so she cooked a bit bad today. But, if you're a good boy to Mama, you'll get McDonalds for lunch. Is that a deal?" Ochako intervened, giving out her hand for Todoroki to shake.
"Deal." He said in a child like manner, shaking her fingers with his small hand.
' I expected him to be cute, but not this cute!' Yaoyorozu thought as she snapped picture after picture for her personal uses.
But before she could finish, Todoroki turned around to see he taking pictures.
He headed towards her, looked at the photo and asked, in childlike manner, "Mama, why are you taking pictures of me? Oh! Are you sending it to my mama?!" He asked, his face turning happy.
"Mhmm! She wants to see how her little Shouto is doing." Yaoyorozu said, patting his head.
"Mama, I'm done. I wanna go to the park!" Todoroki whined again.
"Shut up you little brat! It's the f***king morning and I can't deal with a goddamn brat yelling like s-" Bakugou was interrupted by Kirishima covering his mouth.
Ignoring Bakugou, Todoroki went to the couch and started to undress himself, since he was in his pajamas and all.
"Todoroki! Let me just get your clothes!" Yaoyorozu blushed as she quickly made a striped shirt and short pants for Todoroki.
"Thanks Mama!" He replied as he took of his shirt.
"Do you need help changing?" Yaoyorozu asked as she watched small Todoroki struggle to get his shirt off.
"Urgh... No! No I don't! I'm a big boy! I can do it!" He said, putting a brave face on.
"Alright, big boy, I'll get changed too, okay?" A nod from Todoroki reassured her as she went to her room to get changed.
After dressing into a simple sundress with a sunhat on, she went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks and necessities they'll need.
"Let's see... I need food, drink, an extra set of clothes and a jacket... Anything else? No, I don't think so... Maybe I should ask Tsuyu." Yaoyorozu muttered to herself and nodded.
She went to Tsuyu, which, lucky for her, was just on the other side of the kitchen.
"Tsuyu! I have a question to ask! PYou have brothers right? Little brothers, right?" At Tsuyu's nod, Yaoyorozu continued. "What do you pack them when you got to the park?"
"Well, it depends. I'll pack them a lunch, spare clothes, orange juice and jacket if it's cold. But that's it. Oh! Maybe it will help if you give him and yourself a disguise. You know, to blend in with the crowd. And maybe a new name for him. I don't think you want extra attention. Kero." Tsuyu suggested.
'Of course... that make sense...' Yaoyorozu thought as she bowed as thanks to Tsuyu and hurried to pack those things.
After 10 minutes, Yaoyorozu hurried to the living room to see Todoroki ready to go.
"Sorry for making you wait TodoSho! Let's go!" Yaoyorozu said cheerily, giving her hand to him.
"TodoSho? Is that my name now?" He asked.
"Yup! My nickname for you! Like how my nickname is 'mama'. Yours is TodoSho [ I couldn't find anything else sorry]." Yaoyorozu added, plopping a hat on top of him.
"Yay! New a new nickname! " Todoroki yelled happily as he walked side to side with his 'mama'.
"They're so cute!" Ochako squealed.
"Yas! I wanna stalk the so bad!" Mina squealed as well, but it didn't come white as she expected.
"I mean, for the cute pictures of course!" Mina explained frantically after getting some looks.
"Well, we all better get ready for school. Also Uraraka, you would make a great mom as well." Midoriya noted as he walked back inside.
[I don't know what I did but I don't care.]

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