Morning (Ochako){BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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beep, beep!

ochako groaned as the alarm woke her, eyes shut. She blearily turned the alarm into 'snooze' and tried to get some more sleep. 

beep, beep!

ochako groaned one more time before deciding to finally open her eyes. she woke up to sunlight fluttering through her bedroom window, and to a pleasant sound of music in the background. 


ochako swung her legs out of the bed and stretched.

ahh. that felt good. 

she walked outside her room groggily, and into the shower. after a few minutes, the warm water slid down her back, relieving her sore muscles from her gym exercise yesterday. as our brunette stepped out of the shower and dried her hair, she began picking her outfit for the day. 

should she go for a t-shirt and some pants, or dress it up a little? deciding on the former, she dressed with a t-shirt that says 'bubblegum!' and a pair of skinny jeans. she tied her hair up into a loose ponytail and slipped on some tan slippers. 

walking out of her bedroom, she stepped into the kitchen, where the smell of bacon and toast tickled her nose, like how a dandelion would. a tall woman dressed in a suit stood by the stove, cooking silently. 

"morning yaomomo." ochako greeted.

"oh! good morning as well, ochako. you're early today." 

"i couldn't sleep."

"ah. well, then have some bacon." yaoyorozu gestured towards the pile that's sitting on the table. 

"thanks yaomomo. why an american breakfat today?" 

yaoorozu blushed slightly. "i just wanted to try something new. is it good?" a vigorous nod from ochako confirmed her.

as the two ate their breakfast in silence, the rest of the girls, jirou and mina woke up, having reasons of sorts to. 

after they finished their breakfast, the girls placed their dishes on the dishwasher.

"let's go for a morning walk! you don't know how refreshing it is until you try it!" suggested ochako. after they agreed, the girls put their shoes and coats on and walked towards a nearby park. bad idea. 

 the air slowly froze as the group walked around the white park. the crunch of snow under their feet got louder. they walked in silence, except mina's occasional chatter. the trees slowly collected their fluffy white coats and the air held a certain brisk to it. after it became too cold, yaoyorozu suggested for them to head back, to which everyone agreed to in a heartbeat. 

once they arrived, the girls fixed themselves cups of hot chocolate and sat around the fireplace, chattering gaily, sipping contentedly on their hot chocolates. 

but, as the wise say, all good things must come to an end. jirou, the music technician settled herself in her bedroom, saying she has to fix a guitar for a client. yaoyorozu, a fashion designer, quickly got dressed in a patterned sweater, a short denim skirt, tights that are layered with a pair of loose fitting jeans, a brown coat and white high heeled shoes. mina quickly chugged down the chocolate, grabbed a croissant and ran out the door to college, fearing that her psychology teacher would forbid her from entering class, striking her out of college. ochako was the last one to leave, seeing that she works for herself. she went in her room and set up her camera equipment, props and grabbed a stool. starting the camera, she waved and said,

"hi guys!"

[yes, she is a youtuber

also, i wanted to try out the casting thing.  is that how it works?]

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