Cold! (Kiribaku){Christmas #4}[BNHA/MHA Fandom]

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Kirishima walked into the dorm's living room, shivering as he did so. He was supposed to study with Bakugou in his room, but they both decided to do it in the living room since it would be warmer.

"Finally! How long were you gonna make me wait, hah?!" Bakugou grumbled as he pat the seat next to him.
Kirishima sat down next to Bakugou as Bakugou have him a chocolate drink.
It must not been enough for Bakugou, because he went to Yaoyorozu, asking roughly for some yarn and knitting things.
Bakugou sat back down and begin to knot in lighting speed that Kirishima wondered if this was the same man that just swore to Yaoyorozu a few seconds ago.
Finished with his first creation, Bakugou gave Kirishima a scarf, then a sweater and a couple more things.

When Bakugou went to make his fifth creation, Kirishima spoke up.
"Look Bakugou.. Um.. I know that I said that I was cold. But isn't this too much?" He questioned, gesturing to the sweater, scarf, hat and another piece of clothing that Bakugou was about to create.
Bakugou chuckled lightly and replied, "Nah shitty hair. Anything to make you warm as continued stitching.

[Short. Very short. I apologise.]

[Did you think that was it? Course not, I made the spaces to damn short is what.]


Bakugou walked outside the campus and walked to his parent's house. On the way, he saw Kirishima and Kaminari in front of a shop,then dashing inside. He felt his heart beat harder, but ignored it, assuming that it was because he was excited to go into town. U.A had a one day holiday, and Bakugou wanted to go into town to visit his favorite gaming places. But first, he had to stop by his parents house to get something.
Arriving home, he slammed the door open and yelled, "OLD HAG, I'M GONNA TAKE MY SHIT!" He yelled and went up to his room.
A few seconds later, Mitsuki [Bakugou's mom] shouted back at her son.
" GIVE ME A DAMN SECOND! AND DON'T CALL ME AN OLD HAG! I'M NOT THAT OLD!" She walked to the kitchen to get a glasses of water.
Another conversation followed with them yelling back and forth at each other.
Masaru [Bakugou's dad] came on the house, expecting it to be silent, but then he heard some yells from the kitchen.
' He must've arrived home to get something.' Masaru thought, sweat dropping as he entered the kitchen. Seeing her husband, Mitsuki yelled at her son to come down.
"GIVE ME A GOD DAMN SECOND! I'M NOT F***ING SONIC DAMMIT!" Bakugou yelled back. He stopped downstairs to greet his dad normally.
"Hi son." Masaru greeted.
"Hi Dad." Bakugou greeted back calmly.
"What're you here for? Need something?" Masaru asked. Before Bakugou could explain, Mitsuki cut in.
"He just misses us, that's all." She added.
"NO I DON'T OLD HAG! I JUST NEED TO GET MY SHIT AND LEAVE!" Speaking in calmer tone, he turned to his dad and said, "I have a one day holiday and I needed to get some stuff. I'm going to leave now." Bakugou said, and turned to leave.
"Oh! Your sister really wanted to see you though!" Masaru replied, which shocked Bakugou a bit.
"She's back? When?" Bakugou asked, cocking his eye. His sister is going to a boarding school out of Japan. Her quirk is telekinetic which means she can move objects around, but only for a short period of time.
"Yesterday. She wanted to visit you, but I told her to rest first." Mitsuki replied.
"Oh. Can I see her? I JUST WANNA KNOW IF SHE GOT SOME OF HER GOOD ASS COOKIES!" Bakugou yelled, hiding the fact that he was happy to see his sister.
"She's going to the antique shop. You know the one." Masaru replied, earning a nod from Bakugou.
He recalled seeing Kirishima and Kaminari coming into the same antique shop.
The doorbell rang.
"That must be her. Can you open the door?"
"Sure." Bakugou said. He walked to the door and opened it.
He saw his sister and... The Bakusquad?
"What the hell are you shitheads doing here?" He asked.
"Shut up bro, they wanted to see you!" [Listen, I don't know how to do this, so I'd I have to insert your name, I'll write A/N, ok? Thanks.] A/N yelled.
A few seconds past before A/N realized that she had greeted her brother.
"Bro!" A/N hugged Bakugou for a second and turned to The Bakusquad.
"Sorry for that! Welcome to our house! I'm going to tell Mom first." A/N said, entering the house to talk to Mitsuki.
While A/N left, Kirishima gasped.
"Bakugou, why didn't you tell us you had a sister?!" He scolded, lightly hitting Bakugou.
"I did shit heads! You just didn't listen!" Bakugou replied, pushing Kirishima lightly back.
"Mom said they could come in!" A/N yelled from the kitchen.
The Bakusquad stood akwardly on the door until Mitsuki yelled at Bakugou.
"C'mon Bakugou, let em in! I wanna see your friends!" 
"Well, what are you, deaf?! Come inside." Bakugou roughly, opening the door wide for them,
"Thanks Bakugou!" Kirshima said cheerfully, and the rest followed in, big grins on their faces. Bakugou rolled his eyes and shut the door hard.
"Nice to meet you. You're one of Bakugou's friends right?" Mitsuki took her hand out to Kirishima and they shook hands, followed by Mina, Sero and Kaminari. Jirou was going to a music concert, so she couldn't come. [Yes, I've included her in the Bakusquad.]
All of them smiled nervously as Mitsuki started to talk again." And this is my husband, Masaru." They shook hands once again.
"Bro's got friends? He actually have people who like him? What is this? Nani? What?" A/N asked herelf as she went to the living room couch to sit down.
"I heard that , you piece of crap!" Bakugou roared at his sister.
"Course you did idiot! I said it loud, didn't I?! Course you heard me! Anyway, which one is your boyfriend?!" A/N asked back, which made Bakugou blush slightly.
"I don't have any boyfriend dipshit! The hell are you talking about?!" Bakugou confirmed, disappointing A/N.
"But, the black haired guy" She pointed at Sero, "told me that the red haired guy was your boyfriend!" 
Seeing Sero's panicked face, she quickly changed her sentence. "I mean, course you don't have a boyfrined, your personality is too shitty for anyone to handle."
"The f*** you say?!" Bakugou yelled, emitting small blasts from his hand. Before A/N could react, Kirishima tightened his arms around Bakugou and hardened so Bakugou woudn't escape.
"What the f*** shitty hair! Let me go!"Bakugou tried to escape, but Kirishima wouldn't budge.
  A/N quickly got out of the living room and stood next to Mina.
"And he said he didn't have a boyfriend. Lies, all of them." A/N  scoffed as she looked at Bakugou calming down with Kirishima telling him to stop.
"I know right. Like, how are they not boyfriends?!" Mina whispered quietly back.
"Anyway, sorry for teasing bro. I'll get you guys some drinks. Water? Coffee? Tea?" A/N  offered, but all of them shook their heads.
"C'mon. Soda?" She saw Mina's eyes light up and smirked.
"They're coming!" A/N left the living room and went to the kitchen.
'I'll help!" Mitsuki disappeared into the kitchen.
"I'm going to go back to my office. It was nice meeting you!" Masaru said as he headed to his office.
Bakugou is still wrapped around Kirishima.
"Shitty hair. You can let go now." He quietly said.
"Oh! Right! Sorry Bakubro! I forgot!" Kirshima said, quickly letting go of Bakugou.
"Your sister's nice." Mina commented.
"Yeah, she's like this most of the time. Takes after dad. But if she gets pissed off, she kinda becomes like me and yells and shit." Bakugou explained, sitting onto the couch, arms on his head.

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