Evening (Yaoyorozu){BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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It was cold, to say the least. The air was chilly, the trees have began showing off their white, snowy coats and it was the perfect time for a hot chocolate. Momo Yaoyorozu, a fashion designer at the ripe age of 23 stepped inside a coffee shop, breathing the rich scent of coffee. 


She sat down on the table in the corner, where it seemed separate to the rest of the world. Yaoyorozu asked for a latte, then got down to work on her laptop. Opening her favorite music app, 'spotify', she plugged in her headphones and let the rest of the world sink away as she tried to find a design her customer would love for a prom night.

Ah! Found it. A red, tight fitting dress with rhinestone details on the bodice and a ruffled bottom seemed a right fit for her customer. After a few hours of working on some more designs, she closed the laptop, stood up and drank the last drops of her latte in one swoop. Sighing in satisfaction, she paid and left the coffee shop. 

She stepped outside, the cold wind drafting through her skin. Slightly shivering, she walked quickly towards a supermarket.

Once entering, she sighed in relief as the cold numbbed away and the warmth of the heaters entered her body. She grabbed a basket and started shopping for groceries. 

Yaoyorozu was never one to eat off junk food, but she wasn't one to live being the health diet nutrition person either. She settled in the middle, buying fruit and vegetables that aren't diet infused or whatever those god forbidden foods say about it and occasionally buying junk food when she was in a rush.

"Let's see. Fish, broccoli, tofu, green onions, veggies... " Yaoyorozu muttered to herself, checking her shopping list on her phone.

She passed the produce aisle, scanning the best products.

Ah, there it is.

She picked up her groceries and went to the sweets section.

Chocolates for Mina, some of these for Jirou... Oh, and some Mochi for Ochako!

The 4 of them live as roommates, with Tsuyu living with Tokoyami and Hakagure living in another country.

After she scanned her groceries, she stepped out to the cold again. She would, that is, if a big bundle of fur wasn't in her way. She scooted out of it's way and went to her shared dorms.

She knocked in the door twice. A cheery 'get in!' permitted her of entering.

"Tsuyu's here!" Ochako can be heard yelling at Yaoyorozu.

"Oh!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed, surprised their friend visited. She dropped her groceries in the kitchen and quickly rushed towards the living room, eager to see her friend. 

"-and that's what he said, kero." Tsuyu's voice can be heard floating from the living room. Ochako and Jirou's laugh can be heard as well.

Yaoyorozu smiled, and entered the living room, quickly taking a seat on her favourite chair, a maroon armchair she got as a present from her parents.

"Yaomomo! Glad you could- what's that?" Mina pointed towards something behind her. Slowly, Yaoyorozu's eyes trailed Mina's finger, leaving her to stare at a cat. Luckily for her, she recognised the cat. It had a cream colored fur, and different colored eyes, one yellow, with the other being blue.

"Eh? That's the cat I saw near the supermarket..." Yaoyorozu muttered.

"Really? Aw, he must've been cold, poor thing! Yaomomo, why didn't you bring it with you?!" Mina wailed.

"Well, for several reasons. One, someone might have lost him, because he has a tag in his collar. See?" Yaoyorozu pointed at the said tag, which read 'Mochi'.

"What a cute name for a cat! Ano, Tsuyu," Ochako turned towards her frogged like friend, who happens to be a vet. "is there anything wrong with him?"

 Tsuyu shook her head."Doesn't seem so. It seems to have run off for only a few days. It's fur is still clean, and it looks quite plump. However, I'll check it again, just to make sure. Thankfully, I bought my doctor's bag with me. Jirou, do you mind me using your station as a bed for him?"

"Sure. How do you know it's a him?" Jirou, the music technician, asked.

"The genitals."

"Oh. Well then, come this way." Jirou led the rest of the girls into her studio made room, where she fixes all of her instruments for her clients. A yellow guitar with a black stripe was hung on the wall was made by a guitar painter for her, named Kaminari (hohohoho).

  Jirou cleaned off her work surface and laid linen on top of it, then stepping back to give Tsuyu some space to work with. Tsuyu rushed off to wash her hands for a second, and came back.

"Thank you Jirou." Tsuyu laid the male cat on the makeshift bed and opened her medical bag to start examine him. The girl's huddle next to her while she worked.

After a few minutes, she concluded, "Well, the Mochi's alright. It's been fed well, and there doesn't seem to be any issues, just a few minor ones." She went back to work again. 

By then, her watchers have seemed to lose attention towards the feline. 

"I wonder who the owner is." Mina asked. 

"Maybe one of our neighbours?" Jirou suggested.

"No, it couldn't be. Imagine Shoji owning a cat!" Mina laughed slightly at her words.

"Oh!" Tsuyu's exclamation brought everyone's attention back to her. "Ano, I think I know who this belongs to."

"Oh? Who?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"I think his name is Midoriya. He's a new customer in my clinic, only coming to visit once. He was coming in because the cat was coming in with flu."

"Ooh. No wonder he didn't feel hiss when he came in. He must've recognized you!" Jirou snapped her fingers.

"It sounds like it. Now, I'm on kitchen duty today, aren't I? I'll start cooking then. Tell me the news later, okay Tsu?" Yaoyorozu walked out off Jirou's studio, giving a last wave before completely disappearing.

"But it's only 5..." Ochako desperately called without notice.

"Let her. She's determined to cook for us." Jirou patted Ochako's shoulder.

The girls chattered continued chattering as Yaoyorozu walked out of Jirou's door with a smile on her face. She whipped on her apron and got started with her first meal, which is Miso Soup and making rice. 

After testing the aforementioned soup, she continued to the next meal, which are sunny side up and boiled veggies. 

When her cooking was finished, she put her dished into the dishwasher (thank goodness for that), and put the food into each of their plates. Yaoyorozu smiled when her plate was filled. Each of them had a diffrent looking plate, 'to make it aesthetic!' Toru and Mina had once said. Ochako's plate had  a picture of three different colored Mochi's on it, Jirou has a plate with music notes embedded around it, Mina has pink polka dots on hers. Tsuyu has (what else) frogs on them, Toru has a simple wooden plate with the words 'happy!'  and Yaoyorozu has animal faces on hers.

She placed the food on their table and knocked on Jirou's door.

"Food is ready!" She chirped. A throng of 'okay!' and 'coming!" can be heard. She stepped into the room and saw the girls lounging comfortably on Jirou's floor, sitting on a couple of cushions. Seeing this, Yaoyorozu had an idea.

"You know, instead of you guys going outside and eating, why don't I bring the food here?" The girls agreed. Yaoyorozu rushed to pick up their plates. 

The rest of the evening flew by as the girls chatted over their food, laughing gaily. That is, until it was time for Tsuyu to go home.

"Bye Tsu!" They hugged one last time, before waving a goodbye and watching their friend climb into her husband's car, which sped off into the darkness. 

[Tada! What cha think?! I enjoyed making this. Please critic this in the comments! Or if you don't want to, you don't need to.]

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