They're... Dating?! (Izuocha) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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They're... Dating?!  (Izuocha) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}
Summary: In which Class 1-A finds out about Uraraka and Midoriya's strange behaviour.

"Toru, is it just me or is Ochako acting weird lately?" Mina asked to her friend, Toru. The both of them were lying on Toru's bed after a hectic study session with Bakugou.

"Wait, really? I thought Midoriya is acting weird!" Toru replied,shooting Mina a strange look.

"How so? He just acts... like Midoriya first. Looking in his notes, stammering, blushing when Ochako's near, the works!" Mina said.

"Well, it's clear that you haven't been noticing much. He's been blushing less, when there's Ochako, and he's been talking a lot more to her!" Toru lowered her voice. "And... I caught them holding hands!"

A squeal came out of Mina's mouth.
"Really?! Are you serious?! That's so cute!"

"I know! In fact", Toru pulled out her phone. "I got a video of them~"

"No. Flipping. Way." Mina's mouth dropped open dramatically as Toru played the video.

In the video, it shows Midoriya getting closer and closer to Ochako, and lightly held her hand as they continued to converse. Mina quickly looked up to see Ochako's reaction. Much to her surprise and dismay, Ochako pretended that everything is alright and there was a hint of a blush on her face.

"See what I mean? Ochako's acting weird too! She's also acting weird! She's not blushing or something! Are they over each other?" Mina asked.

"There's no way! They are literally holding hands!" Toru fought.

The two of them fell silent for a second. Suddenly, Toru gasped.

"I got it."

Mina looked at Toru expectantly.




Mina looked astounded, then giggled maniacally (It's what I do when I tease my friends about dating stuff).

"Yes! Yes! That must be it! We have to keep a close eye on them now, for the investigation. Should we invite the others to it?" Mina asked.

"No, it's probably better if we don't. They'll say, 'It's not polite to snoop into other people's business' or something. We're not even snooping! We're just... helping, ya know?" Toru said, shaking her invisible head.

"Mhmm! Right, so what do we do?" 

"Well, I don't think there is anything we CAN do, except notice the different little things they do with each other. Let's report here next week with our findings." Toru suggested, shrugging.

Both girls have figured out the hard way that when you want to help someone confess, you don't ask them directly. Todoroki nearly burned U.A down when they both asked about Yaoyorozu.

"Right! If only school stuff was this fun!" Mina wailed, stretching.

"Well, let's stay here then! We can talk about this here!"

"Yes!" Mina cheered. "A sleepover! I'll get my futon and stuff here ASAP! Thank God tommorow's Saturday!"


A week later...

"So, Mina did you find anything?" Toru asked her as they walked towards Toru's room from yet another study session with Bakugou.

"Yup! You?"

"Well, duh! Let's go!"

Both girls dashed into Toru's room, locking the door.

"So, you first! What did you find?" Toru asked excitedly.

"Well..." Mina pulled out a notebook from nowhere. "Here are my notes."

"Ehhh?! You have a notebooks for ships?"

"Obviously! I have to be ready at times like this! So," Mina cleared her throat. " One, the make eye contact more often. I have the advantage of looking at them. Second," Mina squealed. Hard. "THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!"


They girls could hear Bakugou's distant yelling telling them to be quiet. They ignored it.

"Anyway, 3. They got wayyy closer than normal friends do." Mina took out her phone and showed Toru a picture of both of them leaning into each other, with a very small distance between them.

"Okay. My turn! My observations are the same as yours, but there's one more thing." Toru paused dramatically. "They've been missing out on events together, with some lame excuse. Remember the time when we all wanted to viit this cafe, but Ochako and Midoriya said no?"

"Oh! Then that time we wanted to shop for Ochako, but she said she's busy with schoolwork, although she's done it with us! Ohh! Yes! That makes sense! Good job Toru!"

Toru felt pride in her chest.

"So, now that we know they're dating, what do we do?"

"I guess, try to keep it a secret. You know how scary they are when they want to be..."

They both shivered. 


And so school progresses. The girls kept it a secret. Well tried. Eventually it did spread to the other girls and boys. Bets were made of whether it is true or not. 

One day, the two of them asked the whole class (in exception of Bakugou)to gather around in the living room in the evening. 

Once they've all gathered round, Midoriya cleared his throat nervously.

"H-hi... So, you must be wondering why you are here. Well, I got s-something to announce." He nodded at Ochako, who had her head down this whole time. When she looked up, her face was red.

"R-right... S-s-so... W-w-w..." Ochako stammered some more, before getting the news out.

"W-WE'RE dating!" 

After a short moment of silence, the class started whooping, except Mineta.

"Since when?!" Mina shouted.

"About 3 months ago."

"HAH! Bring us the money!" Mina shouted. Kirishima, Kaminari, Mineta, Tokoyami, Jirou, Tsuyu and Shouji reluctantly walked over to Mina and gave her money. 

"Yes! Thank you for this!" Mina grabbed the stack of money and divided it into two, half for her, the other for Toru. 

"W-wha... How..." Ochako and Midoriya were at a loss of words.

"Ya know guys, you aren't exactly subtle with your hints." Toru giggled.

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