Gifts (Sasusaku){Naruto Fandom}

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Summary: In which Sasuke gives Sakura a little something.
[Sakura and Sasuke are super OOC. Forgive me.]

Sakura groaned as she shook her stretched her stiff body. She rubbed her eyes and check the calendar.

What day is it today? Oh, March 28.

Humming, she soon got dressed.

She headed downstairs, and was greeted by her enthusiastic mother.

"Good morning honey!" Her mother greeted.

"Morning ma. You seem happy today. What's the occasion?" Sakura asked, popping one of her mom's delicious anko dumplings.

"Oh... I had some leftovers when I went with a friend a few days ago, so I thought I might warm it up." Her mother replied.

Sakura and her mother chatted about various topics until it was time to go.

"Mmm! Mom, you really should let me eat these in breakfast everyday! they are so good! See you later, mom!" Sakura said, licking off the remains that are still on her fingertips as she ran out the door.

"Bye! Good luck!" Sakura's mother shouted from behind her. As soon Sakura disappeared out of sight, her mother chuckled.

"Oh Sakura... You don't even remember that it's your birthday. My dear girl."


Sakura entered the training grounds and waited for her teammates to come. Sure enough, Naruto appeared not long after.

"Sakura-chan! Good morning!"

"Good morning!" She chirped back. "You're early today. Did you finally set your alarm clock to the correct time?" She asked sarcastically, although there wasn't any venom in her voice.

"That's not funny, Sakura-chan! I forget half of the time ya know, because I'm so tired! Kakashi-sensei gives us missions that are really hard!"

"And who asks for them?"

"Me! Wait..."

"..." Sakura smirked.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto wailed.

"But I do have to admit, these missions are getting harder." Just yesterday, Kakashi asked them to track down a missing ninja. Sure it was exciting, but it was pretty hard when you had the hot sun beat down on your neck.

"I know right!? Ne, ne Sakura-chan, Sakura-chan, do you know what day is it today?"

"March 28, why?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" She tried to remember.

Was there any errands? No, I finished them yesterday. Something I forgot to give back, maybe? No, I don't think so. The last thing I gave back was Naruto's jacket, and he's wearing it.

"Aw... And I made you this too..." Naruto mumbled. This made Sakura's ears prick up.

"Made what?"

"This..." In a very unlike Naruto style, he opened the pocket of his jacket to reveal a small stuffed dog. The stitching was uneven, and the fabric came from the remains of his old shirt he somehow managed to tear. But, Naruto tried to sew for her. Sew! And sewing took a lot of time and patience, and patience is something Naruto does not have. So, to see him make this small stuffed dog for her warmed her heart.

"I... I know it's not good or stuff.. Stupid Sasuke could make better... And if you don't like it you can-"

He was cut off by a hug from Sakura. He blushed instantly, and slowly wrapped his arms around her. They stayed in that position for a while until Sasuke cleared his throat. Sakura jumped . Well, attempted to.

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