The Ball (TodoMomo) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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[I have been on a roll with TodoMomo lately, so here we are. Todoroki is VERY, VERY OOC.]

"Hey! Hey, Yaomomo!" Yaoyorozu Momo, a class 1-A student, turned around to see her friend, Mina Ashido running towards her.

Mina stopped right in front of her, gasping . Yaoyorozu waited patiently for her to catch her breath.

"Yes? Do you need me for something?" She asked.

"Well, yes and no." Yaoyorozu looked at her curiously. Mina continued on.

"So, have you heard of the U.A prom?"


Really, the thing U.A has to become concerned most about is the security, considering the many villians there are. Prom should be the last thing on their minds. Perhaps I should have a chat with Mr. Aizawa to understand the situation better.

"Hey! Yao-momo! Are you listening?" Mina waved her hand across Yaoyorozu's face.

"O-oh! Yes! I'm fine! What did you say, again? I don't recall." Yaoyorozu rubbed her neck shyly, out of habit.

"I said,do you have a date to go to yet?"

This surprised Yaoyorozu. She knew that in proms that there were dates, but was it mandatory? She didn't know.

"Well, is it mandatory?"

"Yep!" Mina said, popping the 'p'.

"Well,no, but I suppose I'll hang out with you and the rest if the girls. I'll be fine ." Yaoyorozu smiled.

"Aww! Thanks Yaomomo! See you at the dorms, my room! We have a lot to discuss!" Mina left cheerily,skipping.

I wonder if she ever runs out of energy.

Yaoyorozu returned towards her task at hand,which was sorting through her locker to find her books.

"Yaoyorozu." She looked left to see her second interrupter.

"Oh, Todoroki."

"Hello. Are you going yet?"

Oh, he started the conversation. There are so many things I don't know about Todoroki. I feel a bit ashamed.

"Well, I am in a little while. Do you need me for something?"

Todoroki looked down and stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Well, is it okay if..." He trailed off, his eyes flying everywhere. Yaoyorozu walked a step towards him.


"If... Youwanttogotothepromwithme?"

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't catch that."

Todoroki took a deep breath and said, in a very meek voice.

"I said, w-would you like to got to prom with me?"

The question left Yaoyorozu in shock. Him, Shouto Todoroki, someone she admired much just asked her on a date.

 A date! Of course, he did it because it was mandatory, but...! The fact he also stuttered! My goodness! It... It was quite adorable.

"If you don't want to, I understand. I'll leav-"


Todoroki turned around, sadness evident across his face. Yaoyorozu felt a slight pang of guilt for not saying yes immediately.

"I-I would love to go to prom with you!"

Todoroki cracked a smile, which he quickly closed. Happiness is evident in his eyes.

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