Meant to be

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[not edited. Enjoy the longest one shot I made! 5096 words! Yay! Also, how's the title card thing?]

I was walking home from school when a suddenly heard yelling from my house. It's already dark, but I burst into the house and straight to the dining room. There, my uncle and aunt (or as I say it, mom and dad) re arguing about something. I heard the word 'money' and instantly knew what it was about.

My family ain't rich nor poor, but money has always been a problem. Ever since my parents died (car crash), which was several years ago when I was 10, my uncle and aunt took me in (My aunt from dad's side). I'm 15 now. At first, it was okay. Some corny jokes thrown here and there, my sister crying cuz she didn't get a toy, my aunt getting mad cuz of work, general stuff. But then, my uncle lost his job.

My aunt (mom) has to work extra hours just to get us by.

You know how it is from here. Lost his job, got depressed, solution: alcohol, unhappy wife, unhappy husband, money problems and bickering. It's been happening for several months now, but physical abuse never happened, just them arguing. But tonight, they took it to a whole new level.

First, my uncle (dad)- yo, can I just call him dad? Thanks.

So anyways, my dad started arguing with my mama, then my dad stood up and slapped my mother in the face. My sister (cousin, but I call her sister) gasped in horror as my mom sat there with a confused look. Soon, that disappeared, replaced with anger. So she stood up too, and started punching him. If this was on telly, I would love to watch it. But this is real-life.

"Stop!" I yelled, but they wouldn't listen. My mother yelled at me to get my sister to bed and I do too. And I was like, 'The hell man?! Here you are, arguing your asses out, and you're telling me to put your daughter in bed?!'

That's what I thought anyways, I didn't say anything, duh! So I meekly nodded, like a weakling, and brought my sister to the bathroom. As I was getting her bath ready, she asked, "Jam, what are they fighting about?"

Now, I know I shouldn't tell her, but I'm an honest woman alright?! It'll be against my system to tell her a lie! Okay, not really, but you get me right?

"Something about money, I guess. I mean, I don't know. It's just my theory."

"But... We aren't poor." She stated, confused. I sighed and took her tiny hands into mines. If this was the life we were going to live, I feel so sorry for her. She's only 7 and from all the data I got (from watching Dr. Phil), usually the kids will end up, not regular to put it lightly.

"Well, lemme explained, but get in the bath first or mama will kill me." She smiled at my joke and got in, waiting for me to scrub her. I took the sponge and started scrubbing.

"So, a few months ago dad lost his job. You know that right?" She nodded and I continued. "So then, dad got sad, really sad and to make it to away, he drank alcohol. You're taught that at school, right?" She nodded again. " But he drank too much and got drunk. This is where you don't know what's going on and there are different types of drinks. There's a happy drunk, sad drunk, so on. But dad is an angry drunk."

"Which makes him hit and kick and stuff?" She asked fearfully. I nodded.

"Sadly, yes."

"Does he know he does this?"

"I think so."

"Then, why doesn't he stop? He knows it's bad, so..."

I smiled bitterly. "It ain't easy, Riri. Alcohol's addictive, which makes want to keep drinking and drinking it. So the more the more he hits, basically." I sighed sadly.

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