Winter (Izuocha) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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[ I hope you'll enjoy!]

It's winter again, with the cold nasty blow of the wind and the harsh tests coming up, it is a difficult time for students everywhere, especially in U.A.
It is late and Uraraka is having a difficult time getting home, since she has no car/taxi to go home with. She would walk, but the weather is too cold to walk through.
Midoriya is still stuck inside the U.A building as well, since his mom told him to stay. Seems that she forgot to pick him up. He would call, but he coincidentally left it at home.
As Midoriya walks around to look for a telephone, he sees Ochako in the classroom. She has her backpack on her lap and a thoughtful expression across her face. She is so deep in thought that she doesn't realize that Midoriya is in front of her. That is until he waved his hand back and forth.
"Oh! Yes Deku?" Ochako questions the boy in front of her, a smile blooming back to her face. It is a fake smile though. You could feel it in her aura.
"I was just wondering what you're doing still here at school."Midoriya explained.
Ochako wondered why he is still at school as well. But before she could ask, Midoriya seems to have read her mind and explained again in a rushed manner, "I'm still here because my mom wanted to pick me up. I think she forgot to pick me up."

Ochako giggled at the statement and motioned Midoriya to sit down next to her next patting the seat beside her. So he did. They talked about school, mostly about the new couple that arrived, which is Kirishima and Bakugou. While they chatted, the hours flew by.
Ochako looked up and the clock and exclaimed, "Oh! It's already 6! I think your mom really forgot about you Deku! We have to get going now!"
With that, they stood up, packed their bags and ran towards the exit. As they stood outside, snowflakes started falling down.
"Look Deku! Snow!" She gushed at the sight as she twirled around in circles.
Meanwhile, Midoriya smiled at the sight and laughed softly at it. He joined Ochako, twirling around in circles and laughing together. A few minutes later, a car pulled up, followed by Midoriya's mom apologizing to her son frantically while Midoriya frantically (Mother and son duo!) said that it was alright.

Now, it was Ochako's turn to smile at the scene. As the green-haired family was talking to one another, Midoriya's mom spotted Ochako.
"Midoriya, is that the girl you've been telling me about?" She asked, loud enough for both teens to hear.
"Mom! Not so loud! Yes, she is." Midoriya confirmed his face red due to embarrassment.
"Let's invite her to eat with us." Midoriya's mom suggested, her face lighting up.
"Ok! I'll ask!" Midoriya replied, with a look as enthusiastic as his mom's.
"Uraraka, do you want to eat with us?" Midoriya asked, with a light blush coloring his cheeks.
"Oh, I wouldn't want to be a has-"
"You won't!"
"I-If you're sure!"
"Of course you wouldn't be an embarrassment! You're nice! I MEAN OF COURSE YOUR NICE!It's just-"
It's fine! Thank you for the compliment!"
"You're welcome!"
As both teens walk to the car, red faced, Inko (Midoriya's mom) could only smile as she thought, 'They seem like a good couple.'
On the drive home, Inko asked Ochako politely about her name, school, backstory, etc. Ochako, in return, replied all the questions as if she's talking to her own mom. Inko sat in the front and the two classmates sit at the back, because Inko instructed them to (hehehehehehehe).
Once they arrived at their destination, they got off and as they headed towards the house, Ochako whispered to Midoriya."Deku, she's really nice!"
Which Midoriya replied with, "Yeah, she is."

Once inside, they took off their shoes and headed for the living room. Drinks were offered and Inko starts cooking while noth of them took their books out.

"Midoriya, does x-z=y? Because if it doesn't, then it has to be y+x=z. Right?" Ochako asked, turning from her book to look at Midoriya .
"Right! But, if it's like that, that means x has to go to y and y has to mean z. But if it's like that..." Midoriya rambled on as the two discussed math homework. After they finished, Inko called them for dinner.

"Yay! Curry! Thank you, Ms.Inko!"Ochako cheered,and ravenously ate her food.
"Uraraka, calm down. You're going to-"
No sooner those words left his mouth, she started to choke. After a sip of water, Ochako murmured a "Sorry" and continued eating. Slowly.

The visit was over and before they knew it, Midoriya is already guiding Ochako to the door. And just like before, it starts to snow once more, covering the ground with white.
'Thanks for everything today Deku. You really helped in the math problems." Ochako recalled, smiling.
"You're welcome. Oh, there's snowflakes on your hair." As he brushed it away, they both locked gaze and without warning, the two got closer and closer until their lips met. They both jumped away from each other immediately, not stopping to even enjoy the feeling.
"WELL, GOODNIGHT! SEE YOU TOMMORROW!" Midoriya pushed Ochako out of the gate and with a second thought yelled, "Sorry! I'll order a taxi for you!"

"Thank you!"

After Ochako left, Midoriya sighed and walked back to the house, where he was confronted by his mother.

"That took so long! What did you do? You better order a taxi for her!"Inko threatened, with her finger pointing towards her son.

"I did mom. Er, I waited for the taxi to come! Goodnight mom!" Midoriya yelled, running away as fast as possible.

"Midoriya, wait!" Inko yelled.


"I love you!"

"Love you to!"

As Midoriya went to go to his bedroom, Inko interrupted once more.

"Midoriya! Another thing!"

By this time, Midoriya's a bit impatient. He held the sigh and said, "Yes mom?"

Inko smirked and said, "I know what took so long. I got it on video. Have sweet dreams!" Then she ran towards her room to get some sleep.

"Mom!" Midoriya yelled, and stomped his way to his bedroom, his face red once again.

Ochako, on the other hand, felt happy that happened and had a hard time sleeping.

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