Stalker(BNHA/MHA Fandom){KIRIBAKU}

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[So, this will be a lil' OOC, because we all know Bakugou wouldn't do this.]

Bakugou peered over a wall before covering himself again.

What am I doing? Good question.

Bakugou was hiding from Kirishima, surprisingly.

 So, a few hours ago, Kirishima told him that he and Kaminari would be taking a walk. A walk won't take that long, right?

Wrong. One hour passed. Then two hours. Then three. By three, Bakugou was bored as hell. Sure, he was annoyed when the red ball of sunshine came, but it was better that THIS. He was watching a soccer game that he had absolutely no interest in. He had two options to choose from, whether it's to call Kirishima, or to call Kaminari. But Bakugou's pride wouldn't let him do either of them.

God damn it. 

He didn't the only think he could think of. Stalking. Well, more like 'keeping an eye of your friend without anyone knowing', as Bakugou would dub it.

Previously, before he left, Kirishima told Bakugou he was going to a nearby mall.

Which bought Bakugou to be looking at him, and hiding again.

The red headed boy, along with the yellow haired one, walked towards the wall Bakugou was hiding at.

Oh crap.

Bakugou started to escape, until he saw the boys sit on a bench. Luckily, there was a wall, closing him from the two boys.

What the hell? Are they on a date? Well shit. I better run.

Bakugou started to back away when he heard Kaminari speak.

"So, you like him, huh?"

Cola spurted out of Kirishima's mouth. As Kaminari soothed him down, Bakugou wondered.

Him? Wait, shitty hair's gay? Well, I'd be damned.

"N-no! I don't like him! You don't even know what you're talking about!" Kirishima said, red.

"Yeah I do." Kaminari leaned in closer.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."



This continues for several minutes.

"Well, I'll just guess then." Kaminari said.

"Try me bro."

"Alright. Blue eyes?"


"Blonde hair?"


"Red eyes."

"Nope." Kirishima lied.

Bakugou felt disappointed, without knowing why.

"What about... Red eyes, blonde spiky hair with a explode-bomb personality, a.k.a. Bakugou Katsuki~?"

After seeing Kirishima's face blush to a cherry, he grinned.

Bakugou's brain is turning into overdrive.

"I'm totally right. You do have a crush on him! Kiri has a c-"

"Shut up Kaminari!" Kirishima hissed.


"Just shut up!"

Too late. It's turned overdrive.

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