Camping Trip (Kustard) [ Undertale Sans' AU]

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[ Allow me to explain. I used to be in the Undertale fandom, and I currently am. I visit it from time to time, so here I am! I ship Scifell as well, and Soriel. I do hope you enjoy my little story. Don't worry. I'll make Sans as non angelic as possible.]

"Sans! Are you ready or what?!" Red yelled as Sans scampered quickly downstairs.
"Alright! Let's go!" He said cheerfully, which is a surprise.
Sans was sleeping over in Red's house, since he wanted to cuddle.
But Red wasn't going to disturb this happiness, so instead, he gruffly replied, "Bout time. Leggo."
Sans and Red teleported to wards the camping site. They should land dead straight in the campsite but instead, they landed outside of it. Miles from it, to be exact.

"Red/Sans!" They both exclaimed at each other.

"You did it!" Sans cried, pointing towards red.

"No, you did it!" Red yelled back.

They argued like this until a phone rang.

'A call has arrived! A call has arrived!'

Both looked down and saw their phones light up from a call from UT! Papyrus.

'You answer.' Mouthed Red towards Sans.


[S for Sans. R for Red and P for Papyrus.]

S: sup bro.

P: Don't 'sup' with me brother! You know exactly what's going on! Undyne and Alphys are here, King Asgore is here, the human is here, Mom is here( to which he refers to Toriel) but no you and your boyfriend! Hurry up!

R: comin' pap! God damn it! Yur brother 's to slow!

S: Shut up!

R:You shut up!

S: You!

R: Y-

P: Be quiet both of you and get going! Once you arrive, you both will wash your filthy mouths!

-- Call End--

Sans closed his phone and slipped it into his pocket and started walking again.

This is their first time together as a couple with the UT! 'family'. After Sans announced that he has a boyfriend, Frisk immediately suggested a campout with the boyfriend. Sans excitedly agreed, which made the rest beam.
Sans slipped his phone into his pocket and said, stammering a bit.
" S-sorry Red. That's how family is."
"S' okay." And he kissed(?) Sans' forehead.
-Fricking time skip-
"Finally!" Yelled Papyrus as he saw his brother and boyfriend head into he campsite.
"Hi bro." Sans said, gasping a bit.
"SO, is this the person you're talking about?!" Undyne interrupted, grabbing Red by the collar.
"Woa- get the f*** of me!" Red yelled, struggling to break free.
"Red!" Sans yelled, and grabbed(?) Red out of the air with his telekinesis. Red fell to Sans arms.
"You okay?" Sans questioned.
"F-fine. Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks." Red stammered, and got off Sans.
By now everyone has seen the scene and is either clapping or hooting, making both Sans' blush.
After they quieten down, Sans coughed from his imaginary throat and said, "Everyone, Red. Red, everyone."
Toriel crouched down, shook his hand and said, "Welcome here Red. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Toriel, ex-caretaker of the ruins. I see you took Sans in your hands. I do hope he isn't a bother. Let me get you something to eat." She stood up, brush some dirt if her dress, and went to find something for Red to eat.
"No, it's okay lady. 'Got some grub." Red told her, and took out some Mustard from his pocket.
Before Toriel could reply, Papyrus took the Mustard bottle and said, "Mustard? Nyeh, it's still bad! This is like having two lazybones to take care of! Nyeh!" He cried desperately, going into his tent to cry.
"Well, punk, you don't look like a threat, so I'm okay with you. That is, until you do." Undyne dead panned, glaring at him with such fierce intensity before standing up to cheer Papyrus up.
"W-well, it's n-nice to m-meet y-you. I-i hope you're g-good at s-science! I-i could use some h-help!" Alphys said politely, shaking Red's hand, before going back to watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie.
"Well, I don't see the difference in you two or how you meet and why you fell in love, but you look just like Sans. Well, I do hope you have a pleasant stay here. Now, if you excuse me, I have some gardening to attend to." With that, Asgore rose and went to his tent to find some shears to cut the surrounding bushes.
Finally, Frisk stood up and walked towards them, shaking Red's hand and hugged Sans.
"Well, now I have two duncles. Yay! Also, when you marry, who's the bride and who's the groom? I want Sans to be the bride!" Frisk said, and zoomed off in escape from them both.
"Frisk, wait!" Hissed Flowey as he tried to bounce around to follow Frisk.
"M-marriage?!" They both yelled while giving each other looks of embarrassment.
And so the chase begins.
••• Dinner Time •••
"Omg. This. Is. So. Damn. Good." Red said while stuffing his face with Toriel's pie.
"I'm glad you enjoy it, Red. However please do not eat like a pig." Toriel scolded gently.
"S-sorry ma',am. " Red muttered, and ate his pie slowly.
They group we're sitting around the campfire together before Sans and Red stood up to do jokes for the others. Needless to say, they were awfully good and even got Papyrus to laugh.
After they were finished, Papyrus suggested to go stargazing. Everyone agreed even Flowey.
"The stars look nice."Red commented as they climbed up the hill.
"Yeah, they do look nice."Sans agreed sleepily, resting his head on Red's shoulder.
- Time skip-
Everyone is now sitting at the top of the hill resting.
Sans pointed towards a star and yelled, "Babe! It's a (some planet)!"
Red looked up and saw the star and sleepily said, " Yeah, yeah babe. It's the star."
They sat silently for a second before shouting excitedly about the different kind of stars and planets.
Frisk, being Frisk, 'accidentally' pushed Sans into Red so they could sleep together.
"Woah!" Sans yelled before being muffled by Red's shirt.
They both blushed, but still sat in the same position.
Slowly, they start to drift off to sleep.
Being the nice brother he is, Papyrus places a blanket on top of them.

[That's it! Hope you enjoy!]

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