A wish(Izuocha) [BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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Prompt: When Person A was a child, they wished upon a star for a best friend. Unfortunately, it takes a while for wishes on a star to be granted, unbeknownst to Person A. Eventually, they forget about this wish until later on in their life when someone appears in their room at midnight saying, "You wished for a best friend, so here I am!"

A 5-year old Uraraka leaned on the railings of her front porch, glancing at the stars. Unbeknownst to her parents, she's taken an interest in constellations and it's mythical beginnings. Like any typical child, she too, knew that shooting stars granted wishes. 

As she watched, a lucky star caught her curious, chocolate orbs. She clasped her palms together, and wished, in a hushed, quiet sliver of a voice: "I wish mama and papa would let me help them. Please..." 

Seconds of silence, only the spinning of a rickety fan filled the room. Then another, more selfish wish came to mind. "And... I wish for a best friend. I want someone who's gonna be nice to me, take care of me, and we'll be laughing together while making flower crowns!" 


A grassy, sunny field, where the wind constantly blew. She was standing in the middle of the hills, feeling the breeze cut through her skin. The blue, aqueous sky shadowed her view, with white fluffy clouds beyond the horizons. Constantly-shifting shapes played her eyes, as she took quick guesses to what they are, conforming into what imagination desires. 

"Boo!" Surprised, she whipped her head back, only to find no one, just her shadow. 

"Hello?" She innocently called. Instead of clear skies, a dark, placid gloom took over the cheery latter. Conformed shapes were no more and monsters with 3 feet came towards her, strangled voices coming out of them. 

She let out a strangled scream and ran as far as her legs took her. A stab of pain struck her ribcage, and she couldn't run anymore. Defenseless, she looked at the terror beyond her with terrified, teary eyes. 

"Please..." She whimpered. "I don't..."

Her vision faded white, and with one last desperate cry, she fell. 


As our heroine of 5 years grew, so did her mentality. Gone was the girl that could only whisper, non-sensical wishes, replaced with a gal twice her size and a cheery and fiery personality to go by. Long forgotten was the wish of a best friend. 

She stuck to her mentality of never giving up. The determination to help her parents jutted even more when she met a strange, meek boy with broccoli-like hair who she'd fondly come to call Deku. 


It was a regular night like any other. School, Dorms, Homework, repeat. She fell onto her lesser decorated bed and let her eyes trail to wherever caught her attention. One of those places was her window. 

She opened it, but unfortunately, the night breeze did not come to work it's magic tonight. Sighing, she closed the window back and lazily tidied her school supplies to the best of her abilities. 

Again, she fell into her bed, fully dozing off this time. 

It was about midnight when she woke up again. She took time for her eyes to adjust to the dim lights. She walked around the room quietly, to ensure she was still in the same place. Sighing sleepily in relief, she went to sink back into her bed when she felt a warm, light spark surround her left hand. 

She squinted and blinked multiple times. A ring of light seemed to circle her entire arm's length.  This isn't what her quirk does. What is this? She twisted her arm multiple times, before realizing. What if this is...!

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