Ice Cream (Izuocha) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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[Pretty short. Hope you like it!]

Today is a pretty hot day, because it's in the middle of summer. After school Iida, Midoriya and Ochako are walking home when Ochako makes the suggestion.
"Guys, do you want ice cream? My treat!" Ochako suggested, nudging Iida and Midoriya.
"No, Uraraka. It's disrespectful for the woman to pay! Midoriya and I will instead!" Iida yelled, surprising the surrounding people.
And in the surrounding area, there is Mei Hatsume, a student engineer developer in U.A. She is famous for her rather strange inventions, such as the rockets she gave Midoriya in the U.A tournament.
"Guys! Iida!" Mei cried, surprising the trio.
"H-hi Mei." Midoriya stuttered, since he doesn't like Mei much, since he found her a bit weird. Lida though, is happy to get to see his friend.
"Mei! What pleasure do we have meeting you here?" Iida questioned.
Mei seems to ignore the question and said, "Iida, I need help with my babies!" Her babies as you know, are her inventions. This time, she's creating a Sonic booster for Iida. No request, she just wanted to.
"Mei, I just helped you in the 3-4 period. What else did you make in that short amount of time?" Iida questioned, eyebrows raised as Mei smiled brightly.
"That's why you need to come with me!" With that, she dragged Iida of with her, not that he's complaining.
As they left, the remaining team (Midoriya and Ochako) can hear Mei yelling, "Besides, you're bothering the ship!"
" You're friends are on a date, Lida and..."
And the two of them could hear no more.
Midoriya and Ochako, overcome with embarrassment, stood silent for a few minutes before Ochako asked Midoriya if he wants Ice cream.
"I-I would, thanks." Midoriya said, scratching his neck unconsciously as he digged through his bag to give her his money.
As the girl left, Midoriya began thinking on Mei's comment as she isn't the only one saying things like that.
Kirishima, Mina, Hakagure have all said those things without noticing the blush that always formed when they talked about the brown haired girl and him.
He's kidding himself. Of course they noticed! They were the ones that got Midoriya to realize his feelings for the girl.
Midoriya stepped into the shop and the cold bast of air hit him. The ice cream shop is called 'Dessertology'. Midoriya chucked at the name, as it matched the designs well.
The room is decorated in a lab-ish sort of style, with beakers everywhere and science memes displayed with canvases.
He decided to look around, since he has nothing to do. The first meme said " A liquid is a substance that changes shape as the container changes'. Below the caption is a cat in a bowl, curling up inside it.
He chucked once more as he sat down and started to feel drowsy. He laid himself on the cool table and stated dozing off to sleep, due to the cold air.
A few minutes later, he is awoken by a sound of a click. He slowly sat up, rubbed his eyes and opened them slowly.
When they're fully opened, he saw Ochako with a small smile on her face, almost like she is holding in a laugh.
"Ice cream?" Midoriya gurgled, as the girl giggled and slides the chocolate flavored ice cream towards him.
" Thanks." And he began eating his ice cream.
After another few minutes, Ochako begin giggling again at the sight she saw. There was ice cream on Midoriya's nose. Without thinking, she leaned in and kissed the part where there was ice cream. As she sat back down, she noticed the boy gone red.
"Deku, you alright? Do you have a fever?" Ochako asked, placing her hand on his head. It's cool, she noted as she sat back down. Then, whatever could be wrong? She tried to think of things that happened a couple of minutes ago.
As she was thinking, she touched her lips unconciously as there was something warm that touched her lips. As she thought of that, the answer clicked.
She started to blush as well, and covered her face while muttering a small "Sorry."
After a silent moment, a voice broke it.
"I-it's alright. You don't have to say sorry." Midoriya mumbled as he continued to eat his ice cream.

"And that was our first kiss." Ochako explained to her kids.
"Ohhhhh. Do you think it'll happen to me, mommy?" The girl asked.
"Maybe. Now good night." Ochako kissed her forehead and closed the door.
"How is she?" Midoriya asked once Ochako's downstairs.
"Out like a light." Ochako stated, sighing as she took a swig of her tea.
"What did you tell her this time?" Midoriya asked, leaning onto the countertop.
"Our first kiss. I got work to do now, see you tomorrow." They kissed, and Ochako went to their office to work.
As for Midoriya, he went to sleep.

[Tada! I do hope it's good.]

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