The Plan(BNHA/MHA Fandom) {Izuocha}

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"Alright crew! We need to make a plan to ship Izuocha! There so cute I just wanna... Argh!" Mina yelled.

Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida(because he thought it was important for his two friends to be happy with each other) and Bakugou (he lost a bet to Kirishima) gathered around Mina, waiting for her next sentence.

"Just hurry up you chewed up wad of gum. I don't have all f***in' day." Bakugou muttered, looking away. As interested as he is, he didn't want to break his reputation, so he kept his cool.

"Ya, ya, whatever Blasty! Anyway, let's start the meeting!" Mina clapped her hands together and continued speaking. "Okay, who's first?

Kirishima rose his hand. After a nod from Mina, he spoke.

"What about locking them in a closet? I mean, it has little space, so they could bond!" Kirishima suggested.

"Sorry Kiri. I accomplished TokoTsuyu with that. Izuocha might get curious." Mina said, sweatdropping slightly. "Next!"

Kaminari gasped. "Ooh! Ooh! I got it! How about crashing Midoriya from the window and then-"

Before  Mina could react, Iida burst in.

"No! It is absolutely unnecessary ! This could cause injury and the faculty will have some mishaps for this! I disagree!"

"Sorry Kami, but Iida's right. We can't just throw Midoriya through a window." Mina said.

"Damn right we can. I can do it, if ya want." Bakugou sneered, his lips turning into a sinister smile.

"Nope! You don't have to Bakugou!" Mina chirped.

"Now what? Cozying them up in a blanket?" Mina asked.

"Nah. You did it with Kaminari and Jir-" Kirishima was interrupted with a glare from Kaminari.

"Not. Another. Word." Kaminari quietly said. Kirishima felt a shiver down his spine and shut up immediately. 

Suddenly, Kaminari felt a shiver up HIS spine. He turned around to see Bakugou furiously staring at him, with a 'bitch, don't mess with my boyfriend' look.

As Iida watched in amusement, Mina snapped a photo of the situation and giggled softly. She cleared her throat loudly. The boys jumped, forgetting where they were.

"What's next? A red string of fate?"

As the four discussed, Bakugou stared at them, thinking of the way as well. He really does want to help his childhood friend, but still. Bakugou's Bakugou. What do you expect?

After a few bickers, Bakugou talked.

"Shut up. The way is so obvious."

"Well, what is it? Tell us!" Mina asked excitedly.

"How about... a twister game?" Bakugou muttered, slightly blushing(ya know, he's embarrassed about helping his friend and stuff). "Dumbass."

'Was Bakugou being a tsundere? Must note that down...' Mina thought.

"That's perfect! Bakugou, you genius!" Mina cheered happily.

"Wait.I got it. Thanks Bakugou. I got a plan..." Mina muttered,maliciously smiling.

'Something's up...  She has that smile...' Everyone thought.

"W-well? What's the plan?" Kirishima timidly asked.

"I'll tell you later. Thanks for coming. I'm going to my room." Mina said, still grinning.

As she left, the boys looked at each other and shrugged, returning to their lounge area.

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