Flying Santa(Christmas #1) {Izuocha} [BNHA/MHA Fandom

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[My first fic of the series! Enjoy!]

It was a cold December evening, which was a week before Christmas,  class 1A were huddled in the living room together, basking in the warmth of the fire. And Todoroki's left side.
The boys, except Mineta were gathered around Todoroki, chatting to themselves about something.
The girls too, were chatting about something.
"We should make a secret Santa!" Mina exclaimed, getting everyone's attention.
"Oh! Ya! We totally should! It'll be fun! I haven't had that since... I don't know, middle school?" Kirishima added in.
"Sure. I don't see why not." Todoroki agreed, surprising everyone.
"I think Todoroki is starting to get the effect of our friendship." Kaminari whispered to Sero as he nodded in agreement.
"Well? Are we gonna make this shitty thing happen or not?!" Bakugou yelled, getting up to get strips of paper.
"Oh~ I see you are excited, monsieur~" Aoyama teased, sparkling like a diamond.
"Shut up you gay ass french!" Bakugou screamed back, writing the words ' secret santa ' on two strips of paper before making more to the number of students in Class 1A without any writing on it.
"Alright. Listen shit heads! I'mma say this once, so you better use your damn ears. So, I wrote ' secret santa' on two of these papers." Bakugou said, showing the class the bunch of paper.  "I'll give 'em out, and whoever gets the damn paper with ' secret santa ' on it is secret santa. Do y'all understand? ! Cuz if you don't, I don't give a f***!" Bakugou said, slamming the paper towards to ground. Then he quietly took his piece of paper and sat back down next to Krishima.
The rest of the class took the papers as well, and opened them.
Silence fills the room as the chosen or not chosen ones tried to find something to say.
Mineta bursts in,yelling "Booby!!" And rushed towards Yaoyorozu's chest.
Todoroki froze him just in time.
"Thank you Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu said.
Todoroki simply nodded back.
And with that, the tension broke.
"Whew! That was the only time we had to thank Mineta. Am I right?" Kaminari said, finger gunning towards his peers. He was met with awkward stares from his classmates instead.
Kaminari cleared his throat and shuffled to get up.
"Well, I don't know about you people, but I'm bored. Mina, let's go play some Dance Dance Revolution!" And Kaminari left, Mina joining him, with the rest of the Bakusquad tagging behind.
That leaves Midoriya, Ochako, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Lida, Aoyama, Ojiro, Kouji (animal guy), Satou(sweets guy), Shouji (dupliarms) and Hakagure.
"Well, it is getting late, so I suggest we all go to bed." Lida said, standing up to stretch and went to his room.
"Yeah, we should go to. Bye guys!" Hakagure cheerfully waved as she and Ojiro disappeared from the living room.
"Hmm. Goodnight." Tokoyami said as he, Tsuyu, Kouji and Satou left the room.
Aoyama looked at us the readers like in The Office and said, "Well my darlings, I must go fetch my beauty sleep. Ta ta~" He says before winking at the readers and leaving.
"Is it just me, or does it seem like Aoyama winked at a wall?" Midoriya whispered to Ochako.
"No, he definitely winked at the wall." Ochako replied, nodding in agreement.
I'm staying here to study with Todoroki. See you tomorrow." Yaoyorozu stated as she got up to go to the dining table where her books await, with Todoroki following behind.
"Alright! Enjoy your study date!" Ochako cheerfully waved, and ran outside the living room.
"Eh?!" Yelled a flustered Yaoyorozu, and Midoriya left as well. Midoriya headed towards his room. Along the way, he spotted Ochako talking to herself. Not wanting to interrupt her, he passed by without a word, even though he caught the words 'Secret Santa'.
'Secret Santa? She must be murmuring about who's the Secret Santa.' Midoriya thought.
Midoriya continued heading upstairs and then he spotted something that surprised him.
As he passed Bakugou's room to go to his, the door opened slightly. Midoriya want to close the door,but as he went close he saw two of his classmates together, which are a sleeping Bakugou and a sleeping Kirishima next to each other. Midoriya smiled, took out his phone and took a picture. After that,he sent it to Mina.
[D for Midoriya (as in Deku) and M as in Mina]
D: (Sends picture)

D: So, I was walking to my room, and I saw Kacchan's door open. I want to close it, and that's how I saw it.
M: ah.
- End of chat -
Midoriya giggled and once again, continued to go to his room.
Once there, he locked the door and started muttering to himself.
"I'm secret Santa... That means I have to get everyone gifts in class, so that's..." Midoriya quieted, counting his classmates. "19 people to gift. Wait. Isn't there another person? There is! On average,  buying a family a gift is expensive, so imagine gifting 19 people. I don't have that much money, so that means the other person and I have to share the cost which means I have to find the person. But who?" He says finishing his muttering with a yawn.
' Well, I'll think of it tommorow. It's a week away. I should have plenty of time.' Middle thought, slipping into his bed for a sound sleep.

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