Fluffy Hair (Kiribaku) {BHNA /MHA Fandom}

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Kirishima and Bakugou were sitting on a bench outside campus, near bushes, eating snacks. After eating, they threw the packaging away in the trash can.

Kirishima was talking about school, friends, life, and everything he could think of while Bakugou listened, with some curse words involved, but pretty much a normal conversation between both of them. Everything was going alright until Kirishima decided to try something else. He decided to pat Bakugou's head to see his reaction, as most of his reactions are hilarious( pun toad-ally not intended ).

Kirishima thought he would just talk about dogs. And without any interruptions, he put his plan into action.

"Bakugou, are you a cat person or a dog person?" Kirishima questioned, putting his head to the side while looking at Bakugou.

"Dog," Bakugou replied turning away. He didn't turn away because of boredom, it was because he was blushing. See, our little Mr. McExplody has a crush on Kirishima.

So, while Kirishima was cocking his head towards Bakugou, all he could think was, "OH. MY.(swear word). GOD. HE IS TOO PRECIOUS."

"It feels nice to pat a dog on their head right? It feels soft and good and they look up to you with their cute little faces..." Kirishima trailed on, thinking about how adorable dogs are.

"So, why'd you ask me about this, shitty hair?", Bakugou asked since Kirishima just changed the subject from Kaminari's date with Jirou to dogs.

"Oh, er, because..." Shit, I didn't think of that! Damn it Bakugou! Why are you so smart! Kirishima thought. Not only smart, but he's also good-looking... Wait, did I just think Bakugou is good looking?!?!
Now Kirishima is the one with the red face, as Bakugou's already disappeared a few moments ago.

"Hey shitty hair, you okay? Ye got somethin' on your face. Got a fever ?" Bakugou pressed his palm over Krishima's forehead.

"And now he's touching and worrying about me. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG." Kirishima thought, as his face got redder.

" I'M FINE!", Kirishima yelled, not wanting to scare the animals around him, he closed his mouth by instinct. "I just wanted to, em..."

With his fate on his hands, he reached up and pat Bakugou's hair slowly, as not to mess up his partner's hair even more.

"Dude, your hair is surprisingly fluffy~" Kirishima exclaimed, patting his hair, even more, forgetting his earlier promise.

" Sh-shut up you upside down broom!" Bakugou yelled, with a red flush spread across his face.

'This, this actually feels nice. Crap.', Bakugou thought, unconsciously leaning on to Kirishima as he enjoyed the feeling.

'He's not saying anything.' Kirishima thought.

"Bakubro, you alright? You have been surprisingly quiet. I'll stop if you want."

The redhead stopped patting for a second, waiting for the explosive's boy's answer.

" No. Don't stop. It feels nice...", the last part is barely audible but the redhead heard it. Bakugou then leaned fully Kirishima's shoulder, with a red flush across his entire face.

" Ok then." So they stayed this way, one petting the other's hair and the other enjoying the strange pamper he has been given. Until Ochako and Deku start heading towards them.

When the boys them coming, they sat up stiffly, pretending nothing happened between them.
"Hi, Uraraka! Hi Midoriya!"Kirishima waved.

"Hi Kirishima, Bakugou. Chocolate or Vanilla?" Ochako asked, with a face and voice full of confidence.

"Ya, ch-chocolate or vanilla?" Midoriya repeated, with a quieter voice.

Before Bakugou could yell at the green-haired boy, Kirishima covered Bakugou's mouth and said, "Chocolate. Definitely chocolate. What is this for anyway?"

"Iida, Deku, and I were disagreeing on something. Lida said that vanilla tastes better, while both of us said chocolate." Ochako explained, huffing at the silly opinion Iida made. ( I love anything chocolate flavored.)

"And you two are the last people we asked. It was a tie, and now we're one point ahead of Iida! Yes!" Midoriya celebrated along with Ochako, doing a silly little dance until Midoriya accidentally started floating along with Ochako.

"Stay safe you guys!" Kirishima yelled, his hand finally releasing Bakugou's mouth.

"Sorry, Bakubro! I couldn't let you yell at Midoriya while he's having fun!", Kirishima explained, hoping he wouldn't get killed.

' ... F***.' Bakugou thought, while he, again, unconsciously leaned against Kirishima.

'Again?!?! I swear, he will be the death of me.' They both stayed in that place until the bell rings.
They both stood up and left for class. Together. Holding hands.

Meanwhile, Mina is hiding behind the bush, squealing as she saw her ship sail. She stood up, brushed her skirt, and walked towards campus, with a smile across her face as she got a very good picture of the couple.

'I'm so lucky I didn't get caught by them. I would be dead meat by now.' Mina thought.

(Some random Kiribaku pic.)

[Thank you for reading. Now go search for more Kiribaku stories. They are so cute together! Also, am I the only one that ships KIRIBAKU, Todomomo, and Izuocha? Comment if you do.]

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