OTP Prompts

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[So, I literally have no idea on what to write, so I took prompts from the internet (actually, this site: http://otpprompts.tumblr.com/) and inputed them into my ships. I hope you enjoy.]

PROMPT 1: Person A means to send a message to Person B saying "I love your hair" but accidentally sends "I love you". It turns out Person B loves them back. Not wanting to break the latter's heart, Person A asks them out. They date for six months before Person A realizes they've fallen head over heels for Person B.

Hey Deku! What do you think?

Message sent at 8.32 p.m.

Below the text is a picture of Ochako, with her hair plaited, on one shoulder. She sat on the bed, waiting for a response. Lately, she seemed to be into hairstyles, trying out some and showing them too Midoriya, since Iida doesn't seem like someone who would appreciate hairstyles. Turns out, Midoriya has been trying to find some new hairstyles to keep his green, fluffy bush in place so it wouldn't bother him in training. Night after night, texting each other about new hairstyles, it has become one of their routines the both of them come to enjoy.

It looks really nice Uraraka. I love you! I gtg study now. Bye!

Message sent at 8.33 p.m.

Uraraka's heart stopped.

Wait, what?

She checked the message again, shaking.

It's still there, clear as day.

H-he likes... m-me?

She couldn't sleep at night. Her heart was thumping so loud, she was certain the entire dorm could hear it.

The next day , she woke up and frantically got herself together, rushing to class. She entered to find Midoriya in class, studying.

"M-morning Deku." Ochako stammered.

"Morning Uraraka!" Midoriya grinned at her.

"L-listen D-deku..."

The boy turned to look at her.


"Um, I really like you too! In fact, from the first time we met, I liked you! I loved everything about you! Your smile, your determination to be a hero, your cute looks, everything! S-so, what I'm trying to say is... I LIKE YOU TOO!" She ended her speech while avoiding eye contact, looking down, face red.

"W-well, uh..." To be honest, Midoriya only liked her as a friend, but she looked so happy when she confessed that he didn't want to break her heart.

"W-would you like to go on a date?" He asked politely.

The whole of Ohcako's face turned red. A date! With her crush! She nodded excitedly, hugged him in thanks and ran to her room, face streaming in happiness.

Midoriya, however, took this situation a different way. Nervous? Certainly. This is his first date with a girl. Uraraka! A girl whom he thought had amazing strength and determination, who caused a little spark in his chest every time he walked, even though he doesn't know what. Someone who he admired. Someone who confessed to him. Still, it puzzled him. What made her think he liked her.

Pulling out his phone from his pocket, he began to scroll through the chat.


He found the 'I love you' text. His face blushed in embarrassment. He meant to say 'I love your hair', but somehow turned into 'I love you'.

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