Quirky Accident pt.1 (Todomomo) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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After the school bell that indicated that the school ended rang, everyone packed up their bags and left, probably to the dorms.
Todoroki sighed. He was having this weird feeling today and couldn't figure out why.
He walked outside of campus to get some fresh air, and to think.
As he was thinking, he bumped into a woman.
"S-sorry! I didn't mean to! This is bad. Oh no, oh no..." The woman continued muttering, puzzling Todoroki on what was wrong.
"It's alright ma'am. You did nothing wrong." Todoroki tried to call the woman down, but his voice just seemed to worry the woman more.
"Oh dear! Oh no! Aren't you Todoroki Shouto? Oh my God! I would be happy, but this is even worse! Oh God!"
The woman suddenly stopped, took a deep breath and relaxed, before continuing her sentence.
"I'm sorry for rambling. Forgive me." She took a slight bow, which Todoroki bowed back to, and continued.
"Everytime I bump someone, my quirk makes them younger. Depending in age, the aging process will also depend. For teenagers like yourself, you will go into a form of a child aged 5-7. This will happen fast, so you better get someone to take care of you. It happens when you're sleeping. I think that's all you need. Any questions?" She paused to take a breath.
" Er, how long will this effect last, and what will happen to me mentally?" Todoroki asked, worried if something is bound to happen.
"Of course! I forgot! As expected of Todoroki Shouto! Em,to answer your question, it will only last for a day, so you should be fine. As for mentally, you will have the mind of the child you're situated at. You will forget what you'll be doing, so make sure you pick the right caretaker. Again, I apologise for giving more stress than U.A. students should endure. Please forgive me!" She yelled the last part out loud, bowing again firmly in front of him.

As Todoroki processed the information, he couldn't help but take note on how the woman seemed like a combination of Lida and Yaoyorozu. He stiffled in a giggle and chose not to say anything and bowed back instead.
"Oh! Before I go. Would you mind taking picture with me? I've got a friend who is.. let's say... OBSESSED with you." The woman's explanation came off as a bit creepy to Todoroki,and it was evident in his face. The woman must've noticed it, and quickly apologized.
"Eh! I didn't mean it like that. It's more like she favors you a lot. So, can we take a selfie?" The woman asked politely, but it wasn't difficult to notice the glint of happiness in her eyes.
Noticing it, Todoroki smiled slightly and said, "Sure."
He posed for the photo, hand in pocket, and the woman doing bunny ears on him.
"Thank you! Also... this might seem awkward, but I would like to take a picture of you. If you don't mind... But if you do then there's nothing to be worried about!"
'Now she reminds me if Midoriya. How odd.' Todoroki thought as he nodded yes and posed with 2 hands in his pockets, with a slight smile in his face.
"Ah! Perfect! She would be so happy! Thank you, Todoroki! My friend would appreciate this so much! Good bye! Hope to see you soon!" The woman was about to leave, when Todoroki stopped her.
"W-wait. Em, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name and who is this friend of yours?"
"Ah! Of course! I was so busy telling you details I forgot to introduce myself! Forgive me! My name is Roselle Evenine and my friend's name is Lisa. Two rather strange names, I know, but I like them. Well, I'm off!" And she left.
Todoroki turned to head back to campus, but someone else surprised him.
"Ah! Todoroki! Fancy meeting you here!" Yaoyorozu greeted, a smile forming.
"Hi. Nice to see you too." Todoroki replied. He thought of mentioning what happened to him, but decided against it since it would just worry her.
Surprised that he would reply, Yaoyorozu sort of stuttered as she answered.
"A-ah. Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking?" She asked.
"Just getting ai-"He changed answers before he could understand why. "Going out to eat. Would you like to join me?" He asked Yaoyorozu, unblinking , staring right at her dark, black eyes.
"It would be an honor Todoroki! Let's go!" She chirped happily, dragging his arm to follow her towards the bus stop.
Surprised, he halted for a second before allowing her to drag him along.
As he followed her, he couldn't help but notice how... pretty she looked.
As he was thinking about these thoughts, he bumped into someone. Again.
"Ah pardon me. Honestly, I keep on bumpi-" As the person of the voice looked up, she was taken by surprise.
"Todoroki Shouto! Well, this is odd. Found someone yet?" Roselle asked, sneaking glanced at Yaoyorozu and grinned. Realizing that she has done, she turned around and said to her, " My apologies, ma'am, I didn't see you there. I wasn't trying to pick on your boyfriend, I swear."
Hearing that, Yaoyorozu's face turned a light shade of red, and so does Todoroki.
"W-we aren't dating..." Yaoyorozu whispered softly, but the other two can still hear her.
"Oh, really? Damn it... I thought for sure you guys were! Aww!" Roselle grumbled a bit, but quickly remembered her place.
"We aren't, I assure you. Also, another question. Well, three, really. One, what do you mean by 'found someone yet? Two, are you Todoroki's friend? Three, er, are you some type if hero?"
"Oh, he hasn't told you? Well, I suppose I'll be explaining it again." She told Yaoyorozu again about what happened. Her reaction was similar to Todoroki's, which amused Roselle quite a bit.
"Oh! Todoroki! Why didn't you tell me? I could've help, you know." Yaoyorozu gently scolded Todoroki.
"Probably. I just... didn't want to make you worry, I guess. Sorry Yaoyorozu." Todoroki apologized.
After realizing what he said, Yaoyorozu turned her head away from embarrassment, which confused Todoroki.
He cupped her face with both hands, making her blush even more, and said to her seriously.
"Are you okay? You turned away when I said that. Was it not nice enough? I could do it again, if you like. Also, your getting redder. You sure you're fine?" He asked, concern for his friend's (cough - girlfriend - cough) health.
"Y-yes! Yes! I'm fine, thank you! Ano, let's go!" Yaoyorozu dragged Todoroki once again, a red blush erupting over her face as she walked.
After watching the whole thing happening, Roselle called her friend.
(R for Roselle and L for Lisa)
R: Hello?
L: Yo. Sup Rose?
R: Todomomo will happen.
L: Hell no it won't. He's gonna marry me!
R: Boiiiiiiiiii! You ain't got enough standards to get that high , yo!
L: Rightttt
R: Add 20 bucks into my bet. I'mma win the showdown.
L: Hell no you won't.
R: Hell yeah I will!
_ End Call _
[Alright, editor's note. Roselle and Lisa has nothing to do with the unfolding chapter, I put them there just for the fun if it. Have you ever read a really good fanfic/film and want to be there as well? That's what I'm gonna do here. This might be one of those lower than average fanfic, but you can imagine yourself on Roselle's shoes as she watch the whole scene unfold. Imagine that. Watching Todomomo before your very eyes. Lisa has nothing to do with discriminating Todoroki fangirls. Please don't kill me. Thank you for your attention. You may proceed.]
Yaoyorozu and Todoroki ate at a small cafe near U.A. called 'The Coffee Club'.
It was quite nice. There were quotes from famous Brewers everywhere, and cute decor items that make the place feel warm.
Welcome! How many people?" I waitress asked.
Todoroki lifted up two fingers. The waitress smiled and gestured towards a table for two in the centre.
"Have a seat and I will get you some menus." The waitress smiled, and left.
"So, Todoroki, what will you do about the situation?" Yaoyorozu asked, worried for her friend.
" Ask someone to take care of me." He replied, staring at her like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yes, but who?" Yaoyorozu explained.
That situation caught Todoroki off. He just assumed his child form will choose for him, so he shrugged and said, "Whatever he tells me to do."
"He?" She questioned, before seeing Todoroki gesture to himself and moved his hand in a vertical motion, from high to low.
"Oh. Of course, of course..." Yaoyorozu muttered, and started at the glass in a seemingly bored manner.
Truth is , she's trying to hide her excitement from seeing a mini Todoroki. She was sure that he is going to be such an adorable kid.
"Here's the menu. Would like me to wait or have you call me back?" The waitress's voice startled the Yaoyorozu.
Before she could reply, Todoroki said, " We'll call you back."
As Todoroki scanned the menu, Yaoyorozu went back dreaming on what it'll be like tomorrow.
"Okay, so that's it?"
"Alright then. Enjoy your date!" She said before turning to walk back to the kitchen.
' Wait. Date? No, it's not a date. It's just a happy going out with a friend.' Todoroki seemed to convince himself easily, but Yaoyorozu is still daydreaming.
' Is she okay? She hasn't ordered or anything...' Todoroki wondered.
He waved his hand out to her, but she didn't reply. So he nudged her on the arm. No response. Then, there was only thing he could do.
He tickled her, on her neck, and slowly went down towards her ribs, where screamed a bit, then Todoroki stopped to get her attention.
"Yes, Todoroki? Did you need something from me?" She asked, seemingly to forget that she was in a cafe shop.
"You were daydreaming, so I thought I'd wake you up from it." He told her. Yaoyorozu blushed, embarrassed that she let her thoughts run away for so long.
"O-oh! I'm sorry! I was just thinking of some stuff and the time sort of flew. Have you ordered yet?" She said in a rush.
"Yeah. I ordered coffee. I do think you'll enjoy that so I just ordered for you some cookies( IDK what kind tho).
"Oh! Thank you so much!" She said gratefully, which he said 'you're welcome' to.
"So, em Todoroki... This isn't a date, right?" She asked shyly, as if she didn't him to hear her ,which she didn't.
"Ah... Em..." He wanted to say it isn't, but for some reason he couldn't. Instead, he avoided eye contact with her.
' You just made the situation weird Yaomomo. Good job.' She miserably thought to herself, because every time she and Todoroki got eye contact, he would avoid it and so would she. This happened until Yaoyorozu stood up and said, " Excuse me Todoroki. I need to go to toilet." "Sure. I'll be waiting." She left in a hot mess after she heard what he said. Once she went into the girl's toilet, she texted Jirou, her friend that she knew very well.
(J is for Kyouka Jirou and YM for Yaoyorozu)

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