started from a dm[Todomomo]{BNHA Fandom}

221 5 2

Your prompt: Momo and Todoroki texting. Or better yet, writing letters to each other.

[The story starts out the same, but the ending is different. I hope you like it!

Ping! Her phone vibrated as she searched through her Instagram. A DM from an unknown person surfaced in her notification.

Unknown: I like ur post. Where r u at?

That's an odd username. Momo's cheeks flushed at the remembrance of Jirou's dare to change her Instagram username to @weirdo, to 'hide your identity', she recalled Jirou saying. She made a mental note to change it back to her original one.

The post Unknown referenced was to a picture of a mannequin in a knee-length pink flowy dress, it's bodice embroidered with Sakura blossoms, it's straw hat held in place firmly by one hand, the other carrying a pearly purse.

It was taken in front of a small, white boutique, its arched roof barely showing in the picture.

Yaoyorozu, flattered, quickly typed out a reply.

@weirdo: Why, thank you! I took the picture in Mustafu, Japan.

Unknown: my pleasure. Seen


The pencil line that was studying from a test came to a sudden stop as Momo's phone vibrated. After a minute or two of overthinking, she decided she would see the notification. She needed a break anyways.

Unknown: how r u today?
Sent at 5.11 pm

Unknown: did anything bad happen?

Unknown: hery reply

Unknown: hey*

Momo frowned. This person certainly is impatient.

Unknown: sorry for being rude

Unknown: i just wanna talk to u

Momo smiled, and quickly typed out a reply.

@weirdo: No, that's okay. My day's going gr8, thanks for asking!

After a quick reminder that her manners were at stake, she dashed out a question.

@weirdo:And how was yours?

As soon as she pressed send, a reply was immediately distributed.

Unknown: it's ok. my school is having a rly hard test .

@weirdo: Same! What's yours about?

Unknown: about chem. I don't understand how to write ions and how they get their (-) & (+) symbol
it's hard

What a coincidence that it's the same subject we're both studying about! Momo thought delightedly. Maybe, just maybe I could teach him a bit.

@weirdo: would you like some help? I can explain a bit.

Unknown: noI don't wanna bother you

@weirdo: It's alright! I don't want anyone I want getting confused on a test! Please, I assure you I can be of assistance!

Unknown: well
if you really want to
then sure
don't say I didn't warn you tho

@weirdo: Thank you! Now, you said you were confused about ions?

Unknown: yeah

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