Soriel {Undertale fandom}

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[Er, this will be another Soriel. ]

Baking (AU:Humantale!)
Sans came downstairs to get a cup of coffee. He just did some research about Gaster, and boy was he exhausted.
"M-mornin Tori." Sans said, groaning and stretching.
"Good morning Sans! Did you sleep well?" She asked, a bit concerned over her friend, because he looked so out of it, with heavy bags under his eyes.
"Eh. More or less the same. You?" Sans questioned back, his eyes looking lazily around for more coffee. Toriel saw and patted Sans on the head, causing the mass of hair to get more messed up. She crossed him, and gave him more coffee.
"I slept well. Since you have been working so much, I thought if an activity that might relax you. It's baking." Toriel suggested, as she watched Sans turn around.
"Y-yeah? Sure. Who else is coming?" Sans asked, surprising Toriel.
"Well, I thought perhaps it would he just the both of us, since I do consider myself pretty good at giving a two-Toriel." She replied, trying not to laugh at her own joke.
Sans laughed. Toriel breathed out a sigh if relief she didn't know she was holding. It's been a few days since she saw Sans, since he was always cooped up in his room, studying. This behaviour is new to her, since she would normally see Sans sleeping or cracking up jokes.
"Of course. 'Jest give me a minute, Tor." He stood up, and left the table to go to his room.
Toriel had no time to wonder since Frisk trudged in, asking for food.
After Frisk left to school(They're on the surface) Sans came in, wearing an apron that said 'cook dude' in big letters.
She was surprised that he wanted to cook, but what's more surprising is that he was tying his hair! Sans, as smart as he is, still goes back to his old ways and is too lazy to tie his hair, so it really is quite  the surprise to see him tying his hair.
"Heh... Sorry this is taking a while Tori! Ain't used to tying my hair." He mumbles, gripping the hair tie with his mouth as his hands fail to cooperate.
"O-oh! That's fine!" Toriel thought it was so cute that she started to stutter in her sentence.""T-take your time Sans!"
-Bonus scene-
After he was done, he looked up to see Toriel in blush staring at him. He started to blush and asked her. "...Tori?"
The woman didn't say anything back, but instead turned to start baking.

Don't a-bouquet about it. (UT! AU)
Sans hummed to himself. He got some flowers( an assortment for them) and some sick punch lines to impress Toriel, aka his lady.
Sans sighed, took a deep breath with his non-existent lungs and muttered, "Alright Sans. You can do this."
His heart thumped with every step he took. As he approached their house, Sans went to ring the doorbell.
Nervous, he started to make incoherent words to himself before the door opened. In front of the door stood... Papyrus.
"P-paps?!" Sans stuttered, expecting it to be  Toriel.
"Hello brother! Are you happy to see me? Of course you are! We are talking about The Great Papyrus after all, nyeh heh heh!" Papyrus exclaimed.
"O-oh. Right. Sorry Paps. Guess I was just wrong." Sans replied nervously, hiding the flowers behind him.
"It's alright brother. After all-" Papyrus saw something from behind of Sans' jacket.
"What are those?" Papyrus asked, surprising Sans.
"What are what?" Sans replied, a trickle of sweat running down his skull.
"You know what he means punk! The flowers in your back!" Undyne came, running into the conversation.
"Flowers?! For whom?" Papyrus asked and a surprisingly calm voice.
"For Goat mom obviously!" Undyne yelled back, not even giving Sans a chance to explain himself.
"You mean Lady Asgore?"Papyrus questioned, and with a dramatic gasp, he continued. "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" Papyrus yelled, and posed dramatically, with one hand on his skull and the other strutting out.(Hope you understand.)
"Paps! Y-you don't talk about your crushes like that!" Sans yelled back, a furious blush making it's way to his skull(idk how this works).
"Well,I suppose so... But no matter! I, The Great Papyrus, also part of the Royal Guard shall assist you!" Papyrus suggested, clapping his bones in excitement.
"Yeah! Us too!" Undyne randomly pulled Frisk along with her as Frisk gave Sans a grin and a thumbs up.
"T-thanks... Well,gotta scramble. Egg you later." And with that, Sans teleported out.
Everyone stood in silence until Frisk yelled, "Well? WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR!? LET'S GO SEE!" And Frisk dashed inside, followed by Undyne and Papyrus.
Inside, Sans was so nervous that he didn't notice three pairs of eyes spying on him.
"Now that I think about it, is this a good idea?" Papyrus whispered, worried that his brother might catch them.
Frisk gave Papyrus 'Well, duh! This is an awesome idea boiiii.' and resumed watching.
"It's fine!" Undyne shouted, which then is quickly quieted down by Frisk and Papyrus.
"Sans! Hello. What brings you to my kitchen ?" Toriel's voice startled the three of them. They whipped around to see an almost blue Sans, with Toriel.
Frisk smirked, and took silent pictures of the two of them.
"H-hey Tori..." Sans replied, as more seat trickled down his spine.
"Are you alright-" Toriel saw something behind Sans and asked, "Sans, what's behind your back?"
'Yes! She took the bait!' Four of them thought as Sans gulped and answered, "Heh. Guess."
"Umm.." Toriel muttered, but before she could answer , Sans spoke again.
"Give up? Don't worry a-bouquet it. You'll under-stem when I re-leaf it to you." Sans said, winking in the process.
He quickly gave her the bouquet and dashed out the kitchen, probably to have a meltdown in his room.
Meanwhile, Toriel is trying to process what happened while clutching the flowers Sans gave her.
The spies grinned at each other, did a victory dance and broke Sans' door to interview him. Where Mettaton Ex just  happens to be there.

Swimming with the fishes (Undersail)

"Hmm..." Sans hummed to himself as he slowly but surely sailed across the sea.
"Where am I supposed to go?" He asked himself, looking around from his small raft, hoping to get some answers.
Sans was sailing with his brother, Papyrus, when a storm struck. The ship got a hole, and the two brothers accidentally separated, leaving Sans on his own and Papyrus on his own, each worried for himself and his brother.
"I wonder if Paps is okay..." He muttered, worried if his brother drowned or something.
I mean, at least I get to perfect my puns." Sans said again, and started talking to himself about puns.
Little did he know, a mergoat was listening to his puns and trying not to giggle.
She eventually gives up and popped up in front of Sans.
"O-oh! H-hey..." Sans replied nervously, having to never seen a merman/mermaid or some other type of creature before.
"Hey! I like your jokes! It's really lonely with no one to talk to down there. Can I hear some of your jokes?" She asked, curious to hear what more jokes he has to say.
"Duh! So, why didn't the skeleton join the party?" He asked, waiting for a reaction.
"Because he was bonely."
The two laughed and joked all day, until...
Well, you got  a thing called imagination right?

[Thank you for reading!]

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