Water bottle (Sonamy) {Sonic Fandom}

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[Eh. Its not BHNA, but if I keep on doing BHNA fanfics, it won't suit my title. Besides, I like this ship. It's already happening on Sonic Boom, so why not? This is a Boom A.U. Please enjoy!]

Sonic wiped his forehead as the heat of the sun shone down on him. After 'helping'(basically, he's just annoying our fox )Tails in his workshop, he was beat. He walked towards the nearest house, which is Tails' house. He sat down on the steps and asked, "Yo Tails, can I have water?"
He was greeted with, "I thought you're scared of water!"
"Ha ha. Not funny. Now give me! I'm thirsty!" Sonic replied sarcastically, holding his hand out for a bottle.
Tails chuckled and threw him an open water bottle to his face, because Sonic was being a jerk when he was supposed to be helping.
"Tails!" Sonic yelled as he wiped most of the water away with his hands and ran inside Tails' workshop for a towel.

Meanwhile, Amy was skipping down the road she spotted Tails laughing at something. Curious, she went inside the workshop to find... absolutely no one.
"Strange, I thought I saw Tails a few minutes ago. I must be hallucinating because of this heat!" Amy muttered as she looked around for the two-tailed fox.
"Boo!" Shocked Tails as Amy turned around to go back out.
"AHH!" Amy summoned her hammer and almost hit her attacker until she saw Tails with his hands up.
"Don't hit me!" He yelled just in time.
"Tails! Don't shock me again! I almost hit you, you know!" Amy scolded, with Tails unconsciously shrugging his shoulders.
"Sorry." Tails apologized, his 2 tails began wrapping around his body in shame.
"It's alright." Amy soothed the fox.
"Why are you here anyways?" Tails asked. Amy just got back from a mission, so Tails assume that she would be tired.
"I heard you laugh, and there was nothing funny to see, so I thought I'd ask." Amy explained, rubbing her neck unconsciously.
"Ohhhhh. Sonic wanted water, but he was bugging me when he was supposed to be helping, so I ,being the diva that I am" -Here, Tails posed and strikes a pose with his hands in his hips with his head held high- "threw the opened water bottle to his face."
Amy's heart thumped a bit faster when she heard the fast hero's name. She went a bit red. Tails noticed but didn't comment. To attempt to hide her blush, she giggled and said, "W-well, that is funny. He did get what he paid for."
As if on cue, Sonic came in and asked, "get what who paid for? I mean, what paid for whom? I mean- you get what I mean!" Sonic ended his statement with a bit of red on his face, partly because if embarrassment and partly because of his fast-paced heart.
Tails ironically (not ironically) noticed this as well, but didn't say anything. Why? Because he wanted his ship to sail. It's the only ship he could ship, so why not?
Unknowingly to both hedgehogs, the fox had a plan to bring both of them together. He's going to bring 3 water bottles and ask them to train, because why not. Then he's going to sneak out and spy on them. Doesn't sound very constructive, but whatever.
" It's you not helping Tails. Instead you bothered him, dummy!" Amy scolded, flicking Sonic's head lightly.
"One, oww! Two, I was helping! With my awesome personality, I was helping to ease his mind." Sonic explained, a small blush appearing again.
"Right. Helping. Honestly Sonic, you're such a BIG hel-" Amy's sarcasm was interrupted by Tails, who wanted to start his plan.
And the Sonamy - Yes, he did make a ship name - ship is a go!
"Now if you two lovebirds excuse me, I need to get you both water." Tails flew to his kitchen after being thrown an empty water bottle by Sonic.
He opened his fridge, grabbed the water bottles, and went back to his living room, where his friends, I'm sorry, couple awaits.
-- While Tails is getting those water...--
"I'm hot! I'm thirsty! I'm going to dei! Die! Damn it ! I can't even talk!" Sonic complained, flopping himself on the couch.
Amy followed suit, but she's sitting down on the couch, as a proper lady should, as
she would always say.
"Well, complaining won't make it better. Just shush for once Sonic." Amy rubbed his quills. Just when she was about to stop, Sonic purred.
A mortified Sonic looked up at the girl, who was equally surprised, and looked down, determined not give any eye contact, especially to Amy, or Ames.
"Did you just-" Amy asked, interrupted by Sonic.
"No." Sonic's ears are red, and you could see the blush he has from his ears creeping up towards his face. To Sonic, that's just embarrassing. You're supposed to be this chill kind of dude, yet you purr in front of your crush.
To Amy however , that was adorable. It's normal for hedgehogs to purr when pleased, but when the blue hedgehog gets embarrassed by it, it's too adorable not to stop.
"Aww! It's okay Sonic. It's natural for Hehedgehogs to purr when pleased." Amy explained, laughing slightly.
"Not funnyyy.. but, if that's ok with you, can you... pet me again?" Sonic whispered the last part, his face becoming from a half blush to a full blush.
"Ahh... S-sure..." Amy whispered back, a heavy blush appearing in her face, and then reached up towards the blue quills and began ruffling it.
Sonic starts to purr, soft at first, but then starts to grow louder once he realized Amy's comfortable with the noise.
Tails wanted to bash in through the door, yelling, " Here's the water!" But what he saw made him smile. It was a picture of a comfortable Sonic, being pet by a content Amy. He took a picture of it, and waited in the kitchen until the moment was over.
"Tails! Where's the water!" When Tails heard that, he smiled and yelled back, "Coming!"
"There you are! Where have you been, buddy?" Sonic asked, smiling as if nothing happened. Amy was doing exactly the same, sitting next to Sonic fanning herself with her hand.
"I had a brainstorm and had to write it down in paper. Sorry guys. Here's the water!" Tails lightly threw the water bottle at them both, which they caught.
"Thanks buddy!" Sonic grinned, and proceeded to drink the plastic bottle. The other two did the same until their satisfied.
"Water never tasted so good~ " Amy said giddily, taking another sip of her water.
"Mhmm! Do you wanna train?" Tails asked, hoping that they would go according to plan.
"Nah. I'm tired, and Amy just got home from a mission, so I don't wanna! " Sonic complained, fanning himself to make it more dramatic.
"Caring for your girlfriend I see." Tails smirked.
"I hate you! No, I'm just tired!" Sonic yelled in defence, waving his arms from side to side.
"I see. Well, alright then. Amy, you coming?" Tails asked, offering his hand out to Amy.
"Sure!" Amy stood up and walked outside with Tails.
As they both left, Sonic felt left behind as he saw his crush and best friend leave.
"Damn it. I should've come. Oh well." Sonic muttered before getting up and running to catch up with his friends.
"Yo, guys! Wait up!" Sonic cried as the two in the front smiled teasingly.
"I thought you were too tired?" Tails asked with the most serious face possible.
"Y-yeah, but I heal fast! So now, let's train!" Sonic explained, running ahead of them, leaving them with a trail for dust.
"Gosh Amy. You're boyfriend sure is dusty!" Tails coughed, wiping the dust out of his eyes.
"I know right! Stupid Sonic!" Amy agreed without thinking, walking out if the dust in search if her 'boyfriend'.
Meanwhile, Tails walked far behind Amy, so he's able to run away when she realizes what she said.
"Tails, you coming?" Amy asked, looking back to see the fox slowly walking, trying not to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Amy asked, as she saw Tails try not to laugh even harder.
"Did anything happen-" Suddenly, Amy realized what he was laughing at. Amy grinned in an evil-like manner, and summoned her hammer.
"Tails." Tails gulped and sweat dropped when he heard his name.
And then he made a run for his life.
"TAILS! GET BACK HERE!" Amy yelled as she chased him with a furious blush and look on her face.
"No! I'm not getting crushed today!" Tails yelled back as he used his tails to get himself out if the situation.
After Tails disappeared into the sky, Amy trudged back to the training area, where Sonic is waiting.
"There you are! What took you so long?" Sonic exclaimed as he spotted the pink-haired hedgehog walking towards the training ground, muttering to herself.
"N- nothing! Let's start!" Amy replied, a determined look appearing on her face.
"Alright!" Sonic yelled back with equal determination in his voice as the two head to the training field.
Meanwhile, Tails is spying on them from the sky with one of his many drones.
"Hurry up! They're starting!" Tails cried quietly as he called his two teammates.
Minutes after the call, the two arrived.
"What's the big deal Tails?" Knuckles asked, punching his fists together.
"Yeah! You never call us because we're not good at inventions!" Sticks added, a confused look written on her face.
"You know how Sonic has a crush on Amy and Amy has a crush on Sonic right?" Tails blurted out, receiving a loud 'WHATTTTT!!!!!' from both of them.
"Ohhhhh. I guess that's why Amy has a picture of Sonic in her purse." Sticks realized, rubbing her head in realization.
"So, I set them up in some sort of date!" Tails explained, rubbing his hands together.
"Oh! Oh! So, can we look or what?" Knuckles asked, grabbing the device that records whatever the drone is looking at.
"Hey! Be careful!" Tails scolded as he grabbed his gadget back.
"Alright sorry! Can we see, though? " Knuckles apologized , peering St the screen again.
So the three of them get close together to see what happen. Luckily, Tails drone not only has a camera, but a sound recording machine as well.
So the two hedgehogs decided to give up training and instead are playing tennis.
"Ames, no fair!" Sonic cried as Amy stuck her tongue out in victory.
"You're just slow." Amy said, a small smirk gracing her tired face, even though she won't show she's tired.
"No, I'm not! I'm going to get water!" Sonic huffed, grabbing Amy's water bottle by mistake and pouring down to his mouth.
"Alright then. I'll just get some snacks for the both of us." Amy said, walking away from the training grounds.
"Thanks Ames! You're the best!" Sonic yelled as Amy went to go to her house for the snacks.
Amy went to her house, got some fruits and granola bars, and went back to the training grounds.
When she arrived, she saw the blue hedgehog blushing for no apparent reason while staring into the sky.
'Why is he blushing? Is he feverish? Oh, come to think of it, Tails told me that Sonic don't do well with the water and the heat. Oh no!' Amy ran to Sonic's side, snapping him out of his daydream as she pressed her forehead against his.
"A-ames?" Sonic whispered, peering into her eyes.
"Just checking your temperature. You look red, so I came to check if your alright." ,Amy explained, talking her head off his. "Seems you're okay now."
Sonic's heart squeezed a bit as he realized that his crush is caring for him. Well, it's Amy's nature to be worried, being the 'mom' sort of person.
"Well, I've bought the snacks for us. They're on the bench." Amy said, leaving Sonic to grab a bite.
As Amy went to get her water bottle, she realized that her water bottle wasn't in the place where she placed it. Instead, it was at the other side if the bench, where Sonic was sitting before.
'Ehh? I could've sworn I put it on the other side if the bench. Maybe I forgot. Yeah.' Amy summed up, taking her bottle to drink.
"Ames! This is so yummy! It's hot dog flavored! Your really the best!" Amy is touched by the compliments, even though it really is just her cooking skills.
And they both never knew they indirectly kissed, but the others do!
"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!" The three of them yelled in excitement and it can be heard outside Tails' workshop. The outsiders gave the house such a sharp glare(Especially Dave) the three could feel it, but they didn't care. The couple have just indirectly kissed, and there will be more direct kisses to come. As they were celebrating, Tails' headphones spoke.
"Hello? Is this Tails?" An Eggman like sound can be heard, with a 'clang' can be heard from the background as well.
"Yes, this is Tails, over. Eggman, what the heck do you want? If you want to attack, I got my Lazer guns ready to chop you. And my-" Tails got interrupted with a loud 'shush!'
"Good job! You got the hedgehogs together. I'm proud if you Tails! You have officially passed my exam!" Eggman stated with his rough voice.
"One, what exam? Two, thanks. Three, you ship them, and you didn't tell me?!" Tails cried, shocking the other two, who were eating Tails food from his fridge.
"Well, I thought-"
"Just a sec Eggman." Tails took of his headphones and yelled, "Get of my fridge!"
"Sorry! You don't have to be so loud, you know." Sticks grumbled, going to sit on the couch.
"Yeah, Tails. And now you're talking to the enemy but not us!" Knuckles added, getting a nod from Sticks and a sigh from Tails.
"He ships Sonamy, so I have to talk to him." Tails explained, getting an "ohhhhh..." from the two.
Tails rubbed his forehead with his finger and out his headphones back on. "Eggman? Come again?"
"Yes, as I was saying, I thought no one ships them, so I keep it all to myself. There have been times where I helped the ship, like when I attacked with the Truth Robot and Sonic was happy to see Amy." Eggman explained.
"Well, good for you. Let's make up plans someday for the ship to happen. Over and out Eggy!"
"Wai-" And with that, they both went offline.

[ I hope you enjoyed this little thing! It's was really fun to make! Now go and read more Sonamy. I swear, the fandom is bigger now! I'm so happy for them.]

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