Date (Izuocha) {MHA/BNHA Fandom}

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[ It ain't supposed to be good. 'S just to keep me away from boredom.]

Mina Ashido, known as the class shipper, is trying to formulate a plan with her partner-in-crime, Hakagure/Invisible Girl. They are discussing this after they finished their homework, so Mr. Aizawa won't send them to detention. It is currently 8 p.m.
"So, how many are left?" Mina asked her partner, with a pen in her hand.
"5. No, it was.... Yeah, it was 4. We have Izuocha, Todomomo, OjiToru and Kiribaku.
"It-it's not my fault that it's difficult to talk with a boy!" Hakagure yelled, earning light pink dust across her face.
"I never said it was," Mina replied, with a smirk across her face.
" An-anyway, we have to get Izuocha ship together. Honestly! It's such kawaii shipping since it's 2 cinnamon buns loving each other but Midoriya is too shy to ask Uraraka out!" Hakagure said, her blush slowly fading as she turned angry.
"I agree, once again! So, we're going to arrange a hangout with us, and then we cancel it. Sounds good?" Mina suggested.
"Noo! Midoriya's too smart for that!" Hakagure complained.
"You're right. That's the plan we did for every ship anyways (They accomplished Kamijirou, LidaMei, and Tokotsuyu). So what's your plan?" Mina said.
"Well, we could
1. encourage them.
2. Fake them the news.
Or-" Hakagure is interrupted by a nod from Mina at the mention of the 2nd suggestion.
"We'll do just that! But what should we say?" Mina questioned, writing their plan down as:
Ship: Izuocha
Plan: Fake news.

It was followed by lots of scatches marks from the pen.
"I'll search it up on Google." Hakagure said, opening up her search page and typing, 'Japan love culture'.
An internet search popped up. And so the search begins for the perfect prank to get Izuocha together.
They clicked on the first site they see.
"This is good!" Mina said as she scrolled through the blog.
"Apparently, it says that the loyal ones have to have someone to be at 'home' with. Then it's said to don't date anyone else..." Hakagure muttered, nudging Mina to scroll down.
"Easy peasy! They did that already. Question is, how?" Mina observed, scrolling up to see the '10 ways to make a Japanese person fall in love with you'.
After a few minutes, the girls come up with a summary.
"Right, screw the last plan. So, when the 2 get super close, we push them, like we're running away from Sero. Or Bakugou. I'll ask Kirishima. Then, we both will send a text to each of them on different phones about this article, and that's it. We're pretty sure that Ochako likes Midoriya 100% and vice versa. Do you understand?" Mina instructed, with the most serious face she could pull of.
"Yes ma'am. We find it(the ship), we fix it(the ship)!" Hakagure saluted, saying the quote they have for their 'squad'.
" See you tomorrow!" Mina stood up and walked back to her room to get some much-needed sleep.
'That was fun! I hope the plan works.' Hakagure thought as she cleaned up her room, checked if Mineta was around, and went to sleep.
--The Next Day--

At breakfast time, they all went downstairs to have.. well, breakfast!
Mina and Hakagure winked at each other as a signal for their start of the plan.
"Morning Deku!" Came from a happy Ochako who just showered, so her hair was down and wet.
"Morning Uraraka," Midoriya replied, getting milk from the fridge and pouring it into a cup, and went to sit next to her.
Mina texted Hakagure to tell her that the plan started. [H: Hakagure, M: Mina, K: Kirishima.]

H: When are we starting?
M: Now!

Then, Mina texts Kirishima.

M: Hey, Kiri?
K: Yeah? We could talk ya know. I'm literally in front of you.

Mina looked up and saw... Kirishima.
"Watcha want- Woah!" As Mina pulled Kirishima down, dragging him outside the breakfast hall with Hakgure tagging along.
"Why are you guys getting fierce? Gosh." Kirishima winced, rubbing his arms to ease the pain.
"Sorry! We have a plan to get Izuocha on the go." Mina apologized, with a glint in her eyes.
"Did I hear Izuocha? Let's hear it!" Kirishima is like the 3rd member of this squad of theirs since the girls always ask him to help them. And it would be unmanly to say no, so he always said yes. Besides, it's secretly enjoyable to be able to ship everyone together.
"So, you gotta pretend you're mad. Or let your man do it." As she said those words, she nudged Kirishima a bit, earning a hit in response. "Then you'll chase us when the couple is close together. They're going to crash, and.." Mina left the sentence unfinished.
"And we can see the kiss! I call dibs on the photographer!" Hakagure said, patting her chest.

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