Body Switch (Sasusaku) {Naruto Fandom}

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Ino smirked. She was waiting for this moment all day. 

She jumped out of her hiding spot once she saw the Uchiha walking by her.

"Sasuke-kun!" She shouted with a girly tone. 

Sasuke turned around ,looking annoyed.

'Her again...' He thought.


"Sasuke-kun, can you please close your eyes for a second? Please!" Ino begged, bringing out the puppy eyes.

Sasuke ignored her.

Damn it! I have to go with Plan B, even though it'll kill me! Wait, no it won't! I'll succeed! Ino thought.

"I-I'll stop bothering you for a week if you listen once!" Sasuke looked interested after that.

'That's good. I can focus on my goals more without her annoying me.' Sasuke thought.

"Fine. What do you want?" He asked rudely.


"Thank you Sasuke-kun! Please stand still and close your eyes!"

He obliged.

'What does she want from me?' He thought.

After a few seconds passed, nothing happened.

'Did she just trick me?'


"Hey, Sasuke." 

"Mind Transfer Jutsu!"


Thus, the world faded black for Sasuke.

'Eh?' Sakura thought as she woke up.

"Mmh, what happened?" She asked in a deep voice that sounded unlike her own.

She heard some grunting from behind her. Turning around, she saw... her?

'Wait, if I'm here, then who's-'

"Urgh..." The person in her body spoke.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked fearfully.

"I'm Sasuke, of course. Why do you ask, Sak-" He paused midway as he stared at his body.


"..." The two remained silent for a second.

"Ino." Sasuke realized.

"What about her?" Sakura asked, not particularly close to her.

"When I blacked, I heard her yell 'Mind Transfer Jutsu!' which, I assume, means that she switches minds with me. " Sasuke explained.

"But then I interfered, which must've somehow messed up the jutsu." Sakura continued.


"..."Another round of silence.

"Well, we can't just wait for this. Let's go to Ino and see if she can fix this. If she doesn't..." Sakura threatened, shaking her fist.

Sasuke inaudibly gulped. "R-right. Let's go."

Along the way...

Sakura felt her heart, well HIS heart, beat faster. She has a small, teeny, tiny crush on Sasuke, but pushed it aside. Her ambition of being a doctor as far more important than a silly crush. Besides, she found Ino and some of his fangirls a bit terrifying. It would also interfere with his goal in having vengeance as well, so she decided not to dwell on the rapid pace of her heart and ignore the heat on her cheek.

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