Junkrat x reader

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Third POV

It was what 12 in the afternoon, which meant there in the kitchen was a young beautiful person making everyone in the overwatch towers lunch. There they were making everyone a full-on late English breakfast. Just like Lena,(y/n) was from Britain. They decide to make something a little different than what everyone would usually have. They thought the tanks would love this the most cause of how much energy they use on the battlefield. (Y/n) walked over to the table setting everyone's plates out. Once that was down they started putting the food on the plates. (Y/n) walked over to the microphone to say lunch was served and will go cold if they don't hurry along. Just like that everyone but junkrat showed up. " huh where's junky, isn't he always the first one" said Lena. Mercy giggled and looked over at Genji "Mm (y/n) why don't you go get him, surely he will love to see you" (y/n) just rolled her eyes and started to head over to junk-rats workshop. As they opened the door, they could hear a stressed-out junkrat. They slowly made their way to him trying not to make a sound. Once behind him, they placed their fingers on his shoulders." Hey did you not hear me call for lunch your foods getting cold." "Ah (y/n) I'm sowwy, let's go then, (y/n) can I hold your hand I have missed you today" (y/n) just looked at Jamison and blush, they started to walk away but put their hand out for Jamison to grab and entwine his fingers with theirs " I take that as a yes my majesty" Jamison catch up with his love entwining his fingers with theirs. " Jamison I have missed you too, I wish you would take a break sometimes" as they walked into the kitchen their fingers detached from each other Jamison sitting in his seat and (y/n) resting into theirs. " Whoa (y/n) you really know how to make some good homemade English breakfast," Lena says " it's no big deal just reminds me of home and how my mum used to make her homemade breakfast on bad days, hey Lena do you miss England" tracer just smiled. " yes I do Luv, I'm going there next week I am seeing Emily, it's a surprise wanna come with me. You can Jamison with you he will finally get to see England" Jamison peeked his head up looking excited " if I do go and Jamison comes where will we be staying" Lena just smiled with excitement " I have a spare room back home you and Jamison can stay there Emily wouldn't mind." Jamison was particularly bugging me with those puppy eyes. " okay okay we will go with you but as long as you behave Jamison I can't be dealing with you being an immense criminal in England where I grew up got it" he just nodded his head well shoving food in his mouth. I just loved looking forward to next week. Who would have thought of spending a week with Jamison in the country I grew up in.

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