Reinhardt x female reader

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You giggled as you watched your boyfriend come into the kitchen, it was quite amusing seeing the large man in a brown t-shirt, blue jeans and a pink apron. Fareeha giggled as she followed him, the small child bubbling with excitement at what they were doing today. The white haired man joined you where you stood by the island in the kitchen, ingredients scattered over its expanse. There were eggs, sugar, and more ingredients set out on the island that Fareeha eyed with fascination as if she didn't think the ingredients could make the sweet treats they were creating. You'd already set the oven to heat up whilst you three made the sweets. "Alright, who's ready to make some cookies?" boomed Reinhardt with a familiar grin on his face that made you feel ecstatic as usual whenever you were with him.
"I know I am," you replied. "What about you Fareeha?"
"Yes!" she squealed enthusiastically.
"Alright Fareeha, can you go grab a bowl?" you asked her as you snatched up the butter, heating it in the microwave for a few moments, and she nodded eagerly, going to grab it.
"Here you are, (y/n)!" she exclaimed, coming back moments later as the microwave went off.
"Thank you sweetie," you said warmly, taking it from her as Reinhardt got the butter from the microwave. "Now can you grab the sugar and 2 eggs?"

She nodded, sifting through the ingredients on the island to grab them while you put the bowl down and grabbed the vanilla. You started putting it in the bowl as Reinhardt helped put the butter in and went to grab a spoon to mix it. You let Fareeha pour in the sugar and then cracked the eggs, putting them into the bowl. Handing her the bowl, you let Fareeha stir the ingredients whilst you, and Reinhardt whisked together the flour, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl. After a few minutes you took the dry ingredients and started mixing them with the wet, Fareeha handing you the bowl once her arms got tired of stirring. You mixed the contents together as the young child poured in nearly the whole bag of chocolate chips. You knew your teeth would hurt later, but if the child wanted that many chocolate chips, you'd deal with it.

As you three were placing them on a baking sheet, a certain blond man entered the room in his usual attire of blue with the symbol of the organization you called your family on his chest. Not far behind followed his companion in a dark gray hoodie with a Kevlar vest on, smoking a cigar and wearing the usual black beanie. "Hello Jack, Gabriel," you greeted. "Good morning (y/n)," said Jack as he took a seat and Reyes grunted with a nod in your direction.
"Whatcha makin'?" asked Gabriel.
"It's cookies, what does it look like?" you asked incredulously, and he chuckled.
"I was joking," he said, smoke coming from his lips.
"Gabe, didn't Ana say she didn't want you smoking around her daughter?" you reminded as you put the cookie sheet in the oven.
"Pfft, it's one time," he replied with an eye roll. "She'll get over it."
"Oh really? 'I'll get over it'?" said a voice, and he froze, eyes wide as he looked over at the woman who leaned on the door frame. "Would you like to repeat that Reyes?"
"N-No," he said as Fareeha ran over to her mother and hugged her.
"Mom!" she said happily, and Ana brightened at seeing her daughter.
"Hello, my little Fareeha," she greeted warmly. "Now Gabriel...get rid of the cigarette, or go outside."
He groaned in contempt, before heading for the door, and Jack sighed, "Doesn't he know how gross those things are?"
"Why don't you go enlighten him?" you asked as you leaned on the counter, feeling Reinhardt's hand rest on your back, rubbing circles comfortingly.
"I guess I could give it a shot considering Angela always tries to tell him, and he never listens to her," he said, pushing himself out of his chair.
"Good luck," said Ana as he walked past her to go after Reyes. "So what are you three making?"
"Cookies," said Fareeha excitedly.
"Sounds delicious," said Ana with a warm smile. "However, you need to clean your room, remember?"
"But mom!" she whined.
"You can have cookies after you clean," said her mother and the girl shot past her, going to clean her room. "We will be back."
"See you later!" you called after her leaving you with your boyfriend.

You smiled as you turned to him, seeing his loving gaze greeting you. You felt his strong, but inviting arms pull you in close before his lips pressed against your forehead. Your felt like a childish school girl as your face heated up, and your legs felt like jelly at just the smallest show of affection. He chuckled in response to this and buried his face in your (h/l), (h/c) hair, breathing in deeply before letting it out again. You closed your eyes, feeling completely relaxed in his warm, inviting embrace. You silently wished you could remain there forever, not worrying about any threats to your family or missions or such, just to stay there in his embrace that always comforted you.


A while later, the cookies were ready as the oven beeped, and you reluctantly pulled away from Reinhardt. You two had been cuddling and sharing small kisses here and there as you two simply enjoyed each other's company and alone time. Although you say it, you hated how you two didn't get a lot of alone time together and the main reason for this was Reinhardt was often out on missions. Meanwhile, you stayed back normally and did paperwork or helped Mercy whenever the others returned from missions.

You put on an oven mitt and took out the cookies, there sweet buttery, chocolate smell filling the air and making you sigh in content. You placed the cooking sheet on the counter before turning off the oven and closing it again. You smiled as you were joined by Reinhardt, who grabbed a plate to put the cookies out on. After waiting a few minutes you did so, pulling them from the cookie sheet with a spatula and placing them on the plate. With that done, you both began to clean up and once that was one, you two took a seat at the island. You grabbed a cookie and took a bite, a small 'mmm' coming from you at the sweet chocolatey taste. He chuckled at your reaction and took one for himself and produced the same noise. You giggled and he said, "You're an amazing cook (y/n)."
"Oh please, you helped me and so did Fareeha," you said warmly as your cheeks heated up in embarrassment.
"Still amazing," he said and kissed you gently. "I love you (y/n)."
"I love you too, Reinhardt," you murmured feeling content and loved.

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