Mei x female reader

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(Mei's POV)
"I invite you all to my New Years party!" I said excitedly. Everyone smiled and agreed to come when I started to pass out the envelopes. I was really excited to share these with everyone, especially (y/n). I looked around to find her, but I didn't see her. "Winston, where's (y/n)?" I asked.

"Oh, I think she is in the lab working on something." He said adjusting his glasses.
"Xiexie." I said and went to the main lab.

I walked in and saw I looked, soon I heard a small explosion and saw one of the doors open. (Y/n) stumble out with smoke behind her and her face covered in smog. I rushed over and moved the goggles off her face. She looked up and chuckled.

"Hay *cough* Mei." She said, coughing a bit.
"Ni hao (y/n). You okay?" I asked her, helping her up.
"Yeah, just mixed the wrong chemicals." She said going over to a sink and washing off her face.
"What did you mix?"
She looked at me a bit embarrassed. "Um....your cooling agent with some (Insert random chemical here)."
I giggled. "I see how that went." I said. "Oh, I wanted to give you this." I gave her the envelope and she look.
"Oh, you hosting a New Years party?" She asked and I nodded.
"I wanted to know if you would like to come?" I asked. She nodded and smiled.

"Of course I would love too." She said. "I'll make sure I am dressed in something not so....dirty." She said and I giggled. "See you there then. Zaijian!" I said and quickly left. YES! She is coming. I skipped down the hall. I didn't notice and I accidently bumped into Hana and Lena. "Oh, I'm sorry." I said and helped Hana up.

"It's okay, why were you skipping?" She asked.
"Oh, huh-"
"You asked (y/n) to your party love?" Lena asked with a smile.
I nodded. "Yes, and she agreed."
"You going to tell her?" Hana asked.
I nodded again. "Yes! I will tell her then." I said. I admit I was a bit more excited then I should be.
"Good love. Be nice to see you two actually together and not staring at each other from across the room." Lena giggled a bit. I only blushed, cause those moments did happen.

"Well, I better make sure everything is ready, Zaijian." I said and quickly ran off. I cannot wait for tonight.

(Your POV)
I sat down at my desk and looked at the invitation. I smiled and knew that tonight I will tell her. I got up and went to my room to see what I got to wear. Looking through my closet and noted I shoulder wear something red and maybe gold.....well maybe just red. As I looked through, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I said and I saw Lucio skate in.
"Hey gurl ." He said.
"Hey." I said. "Mmmmm."
"Picking out an outfit for tonight, huh?" He said and noticed me keep shifting stuff.
"Yeah, god damn." I kept looking through.
"Hey, why not go out and by one?" Lucio said. "The nearest city isn't that far, and with the speed of the jets, we would be back in no time." He suggested.

I thought for a second. "Sure, let's do this." I said. "Alright!" Me and Lucio raced to the hanger, only to be stopped by the big Gorilla stopped us. "Where are you two going?" He asked.

"We're heading out to get a (y/n) something for the party, if you don't mind." Lucio explained.
"Well, guess it wouldn't hurt." Winston said adjusting his glasses.

"Thanks." We said and ran past him. He chuckled to himself and watched us as we grabbed one of the two jets and was out of that hanger fast.

(Two hours later, Mei's POV)
I got the last of everything prepared and soon people started to arrive. I greeted them as they walked in. Soon, last person to show up was Lucio, but it seemed he was talking to someone. I walked over and started to hear him.

"Come on girl, she'll think it's cute." He said.
"F-Fine. But if she doesn't, I blame you."

Soon the person he was talking to stepped out and throw the door. It was (y/n), tho she was dressed on traditional Chinese outfit, with red and gold. I smiled. She noticed me and blushed. "How do I look?"

"You look great!" I said.
"Thanks, you look great too." He said.
"Xeixei." I said.
"Well I'll leave you two be, I'm going to do my job." Lucio said and went off to set up his music.
"So, (y/n), did you have just laying around?"
"No. I didn't really have anything nice, so me and Lucio headed off and made a quick trip to get something." She explained.
"Well, I say it was worth it. You do look cute." I said and she blushed a bit again.

I giggled and took her hand. I felt a small blush on my cheeks as we went and began to enjoy the party. Everyone was having a good time, epically (y/n) since she seemed to not leave my side for most the time. The party went on for a few hours, and soon things started to calm. But it was almost time for fireworks.

I led (y/n) to a good spot to watch them. We sat down and waited. She looked around and seemed to be a bit nervous. "You okay?" I asked her.

"Y-Yeah.....just, I want to tell you something." She said.
"I actually have something to tell you too." I said.
"Oh? go first." She offered.
"How about you go first." I said.
"Huh....we both go?"

I nodded and we both took in a breath and said: "I love you. What?" We looked at each other, my eyes looking into her (E/C) ones. As we both sat there, I quickly got my senses back. "You love me?"

She nodded, a small blush. "Yeah, I do a lot. You were my first friend at Overwatch, and well, you are an amazing person. I felt myself falling for you the more time we spent doing anything. But, you do too?"
I nodded. "Yes, and pretty much for the same reasons."

We kept looking at each other, finally I leaned in and she did the same. Our lips met in the middle and it felt amazing. We stayed there, kissing for a bit longer, until finally we needed air and broke apart. We panted a bit.

"Wow...." She said.
"Heh, could say it was a-Mei-zing." She joked and I giggled.

The fireworks started and we spent it holding each other. I rested my head on her chest as we watched. I felt her calm down a bit.

"Love you Mei." She said.
"Love you too (y/n)~" I said.

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