Hanzo x female reader

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You were not sure what people had meant when they said the worst part of getting your wisdom teeth removed was not actually the extraction itself. You thought maybe it was maybe the fear and anticipation before you your mouth was numbed. Now you knew it was the recovery period they were referring to.

You were miserable.

Your face was swollen and sensitive and there was a dull, annoying ache that would not go away even with the painkillers you had been prescribed. The swollen face did not help your self-esteem either. Your friends had tried to joke about it and make you feel better, but one called you 'peanut-head' and took it too far, hurting your feelings. After that you had decided to shut yourself in your room until you were back to normal, but you were quickly growing bored and getting hungry. You were hurting too much to be able to try and eat something and now a headache was beginning to grow in a sharp stab at the back of your head.

Tears were quickly forming in your eyes from the stress and anxiety building up. You sat on your bed sobbing, feeling hurt and miserable.

There was suddenly a knock at your window, and you chose to ignore it. You knew who it was. Hanzo. Technically the two of you were friends, but you could sense a different kind of connection with him sometimes. Still, you were cautious. Extremely cautious. You had promised yourself and your friends that you would not let things develop beyond a friendship in case he decided to make you his new plaything of the month.

The gentle knocking persisted, and you gave a single hard knock back. "Go 'way." Your muffled verbal response was just as miserable as how you felt.

"No, open up." Hanzo responded right away. "You aren't answering texts or calls and everyone's getting' worried." He paused. "I'm worried. Now open up or I'll break your window like the last time you wouldn't let me in."

He was such a persistent jerk. You unlocked your window and lifted it partway so he could open it fully and slip inside, feet first. He was tall and lanky, but he had grace which always surprised you. The first time you had watched him play lacrosse you had been amazed at how agile he was.

Hanzo flashed a smile in your direction. "Hey."

You might have returned his smile if you were capable of doing so. Instead, you turned back to curl up on your bed, missing Hanzo's frown. "What do you want?"

The bed dipped a bit as your current company settled on the edge of it. "You've never asked me that before. Usually when I come over you let me hang around."

It was true. If Hanzo decided to visit, you were comfortable enough with him to let him roam your room. Usually, he would watch some Netflix or play on one of your game consoles to pass the time, but generally he was there to keep you company.

You were not in the mood for anyone to be around this time. "I'm in pain and I'm upset, so this time I'm asking." Trying to talk was making everything worse.

"I'm here to check up on you. Everyone is worried. You're not usually so quiet." Hanzo's tone is uncharacteristically somber. "You weren't answering my calls, so I thought I'd come here and visit." He reached forward and gently brushed his fingertips over your cheek for a moment before moving to squeeze your shoulder in a show of support.

The gesture surprised you and set your heart at a rapid pace. The two of you spent a lot of time together, but you never really touched each other; no hugs even in greeting or even a handshake.

Whoops, he had not meant to do that. It was not like Hanzo did not want to touch you or hold you, but he knew what the stigma was with him. He did not want to do anything that would drive you away or make you think that he was insincere with his affection when he would finally admit them. "Sorry."

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