Reinhardt x reader pt2

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I had locked myself away in my room after days of searching with no results. The Glass shoe was on a podium my father set up in my room for some reason, my brother knocked on my door and entered "come (Y/N), you can't sit here and sulk. There's still place to search, you can still find him" i sighed and stood "you know...i'm going to search myself, instead of hiring other people. I'll do it personally" my brother grinned and ruffled my hair.

So here i was at the 23rd house and the last house too search, i knocked on the door and it was pulled open roughly. It was the old man with the two sons from the ball "oh! your grace, come in!" he said shocked.

I nodded with a smile trying to maintain face, i stepped in holding the glass shoe "do you know anyone whom this might belong too?" i asked holding up the shoe.
His two sons rushed in and nodded "it's mine!" they yelled at the same time, against my protests they tried it on but their feet didn't fit.

I sighed "is there anyone else in the house?" i asked, the old man shook his head "just me, my sons and our cat Lucifee". Just as we walked towards the door i heard a yell "wait! Please wait!" i turned around, it was the man from the ball! Except he was dressed in rags and covered in dirt and dust.

As i ran over too him the old man stuck our his foot causing me to stumble and the shoe to fall from my grasp. The glass hit the floor and shattered upon impact, i stared at the broken glass in horror, the blonde boy did too but waved it off "it's okay because... i have the other one" he slipped his hands into his apron and there it was an exact replica of the shoe shattered on the floor.

He slipped it on and it fit like a glove, i grinned and ran over to him taking his hand "we're leaving to the castle" "you can't do that!" the old man and his two sons yelled, i turned around and gave them a stern look "i don't think it's wise to raise you voice against a member of the royal family" they looked to the ground ashamed.

I tugged the male outside and we left into the carriage which headed towards my- our castle.

~Timeskip )~

The boy who still hasn't told me his name has been living here for a few weeks, my family is definitely fond of him, and his step father and siblings have been given punishment for what they did too him all these years courtesy of the king.

I was on the balcony, the same one he had been on when we met, it's strange, even after all these weeks he still hasn't told me his name. I felt a familiar presence behind me and turned around to greet him "my lady" he bowed "i told you call me (Y/N)" i rolled my eyes.

We rested on the marble railing looking over the garden together, while my brother and his wife Cinderella strolled around the garden. The blonde grasped my hand tightly all of the sudden.

I turned to look at him in curiosity, not anticipating him to be nose to nose with me. My eyes widened in shock, he brushed a hair behind my ear and closed his eyes, i did also. There was a soft pressure and warmth on my lips, of course i knew what it was and gently reciprocate the action.

The kiss lasted a few moments, before we pulled away with smiles "so um...what's your name?".

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