Sombra x female singer reader

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Reader PoV
I stared into those once cheerful eyes that showed me I was the world to them. Now staring into those eyes I only saw myself as nothing but someone she would go to. Not someone she loved, I had enough I was sick of being treated like nothing but a toy. Sombra walked towards me still with angry in her voice screaming how she had a show but she rather be snooping into peoples past and gathering information. My head dropped it's like she didn't even want to spend time with me. I went to place my hand on her cheek but she slapped my hand away and kept ranting. This was certainly not the woman I fall in love with and I had enough. As she turned to face me again I raised my hand and swung at her. I slapped her the sound was loud among the silence.
'(Y/n)' " we are over"
She looked stunned, I could see the wheels in her head turning, questioning what was happening. I didn't give her time, I walked towards our bedroom and only packed the important things and I would leave the rest. Once packed I walked towards the door, she was there in the same spot like she could care less.
'(Y/n)' " you know, I wish you still loved me and looked at me the way you used too. I guess you chose your work over me and that my dear is regretful... enjoy your life sombra don't bother looking for me I'm done with you."
With those last words I threw my key to the floor and walked out the door. I made my way to my car and started to drive to one of the only people who still cared for me.

'Time skip'
Third person PoV
Years had past and (y/n) changed she become more heartless to love and focused on her self And her friends. She was living with Lena and Emily.  (Y/n) had end up working for overwatch and was a medical nurse but was also every now and then she would dance at Parties and big events.
Today was like any other normal day (y/n) had to check up on Mercy to see if she was doing okay and that she wasn't over working her self like she usually does. She knocked On the door, hearing a small mumble saying come in.
As she entered the room she saw Mercy, bags under her eyes and paper work everywhere.
Without a word (y/n) collected the paper putting them in the correct places and grabbed a blanket.
'(Y/n)' " let's go your tired and genji will kill the both of us if you don't sleep"
Mercy said nothing because she knew (y/n) would not take no for an answer.
(Y/n) grabbed Mercy carrying her like a bride, mercy snuggled into the blanket as well as (y/n) neck. She locked the door and made her way to mercy and genji's room. As she entered the room she felt a metal hand on her shoulder.
'(Y/n)' " good evening genji, I see you just got back from your mission. Unfortunately Angela is asleep In my arms she stayed up all night again."
'Genji' " good evening (y/n), let me take her then I'm glad you're  around when I'm gone other wise she would never sleep."
(Y/n) handed mercy to genji and walked away. She made her way to Lena's place to get ready for an event. Her, Lena and Emily were invited for a 100 year anniversary for a charity that proved care not only for humans but omnics now.
Once (y/n) entered the house the smell of cookies filled the air. (Y/n) knew to well that Emily was in one of her nervous moods and decided to make cookies. The girl walked over to Emily and knocked on the wall causing Emily to jump....
'(Y/n)' " shall we start getting ready considering we take the longest"
(Y/n) raised their brow and smiled towards the red head.
'Emily' " of course lets go, the cookies are cooling down so we can eat them half way through getting ready"
A bright smile appeared on the female lips.
'(Y/n)' "what a smart move"
They made their way towards the bedroom, grabbing their dresses and placing them neatly on the bed. Emily decide to go with a white knee length dress, well (y/n) had decided to go with a black thigh length dress.
The girls stripped from the clothing they had on before and put on some sexy underwear as well as the dress. Emily has to decide to go with a light load of make up and have red lip stick as well as straighten her fire red hair.
(Y/n) on the other hand decide she wanted to her eyes stand out and her lips a dark colour. Her hair was fluffy.
They were ready to go, hearing the honk of the car they got their shoes on and made their way down to the car.
The drive wasn't long and they were there, (y/n)s door was opened and she was helped out the car. Signing in she made her way toward the stage after saying her good byes to Lena and Emily telling them she will she them later.
The lights went low and the stage was lit up, she could hear everyone having fun that's when she let loose.
(Reader is singing)

"Hey Fonsi
Oh no (Qué pasa Demi)
Hey yeah
Tengo en esta historia algo que confesar
Ya entendí muy bien qué fue lo que pasó
Y aunque duela tanto, tengo que aceptar
Que tú no eres la mala, que el malo soy yo
No me conociste nunca de verdad
Ya se fue la magia que te enamoró
Y es que no quisiera estar en tu lugar
Porque tu error solo fue conocerme
No eres tú, no eres tú, no eres tú, soy yo (soy yo)
No te quiero hacer sufrir
Es mejor olvidar y dejarlo así (así)
Échame la culpa
No eres tú, no eres tú, no eres tú, soy yo (soy yo)
No te quiero hacer sufrir
Es mejor olvidar y dejarlo así (así)
Échame la culpa
I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles, baby, just let it be
So come and put the blame on me, yeah
I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles, baby, just let it be
So come and put the blame on me, yeah
No eres tú, no eres tú, no eres tú, soy yo (soy yo)
No te quiero hacer sufrir
Es mejor olvidar y dejarlo así (así)
Échame la culpa
No eres tú, no eres tú, no eres tú, soy yo (soy yo)
No te quiero hacer sufrir
Es mejor olvidar y dejarlo así (así)
Échame la culpa
Solamente te falta un beso
Solamente te falta un beso
Ese beso que siempre te prometí
Échame la culpa
Solamente te falta un beso
Solamente te falta un beso
Ese beso que siempre te prometí
Échame la culpa
I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles, baby, just let it be
So come and put the blame on me, yeah
I don't really, really wanna fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles, baby, just let it be
So come and put the blame on me, yeah
No eres tú, no eres tú, no eres tú, soy yo (soy yo)
No te quiero hacer sufrir
Es mejor olvidar y dejarlo así (así)
Échame la culpa
No eres tú, no eres tú, no eres tú, soy yo (soy yo)
No te quiero hacer sufrir
Es mejor olvidar y dejarlo así (así)
Échame la culpa
Solamente te falta un beso
Solamente te falta un beso
Ese beso que siempre te prometí
Échame la culpa
Solamente te falta un beso
Solamente te falta un beso
Ese beso que siempre te prometí
Échame la culpa"
Sombra pov
Wow was the only thing running through my mind, she was so talented I completely forgot that she could sing. She looked stunning showing off her passion, how I missed her so much. I couldn't though, I forgot to love her and i broke her. Looking back up to stare at her I had notice out of all the people here she was staring straight back at me. Giving me a shy smile, she made her way off the stage. I couldn't wait there any longer, I spotted her one more time and our eyes connected, I pointed to the deck outside and made my way there, closing the doors behind me waiting for her.
As soon as I heard the doors open and close I couldn't hold back I didn't want to.
'(Y/n)' " you know I hate you right, at least right now i do... you hurt me and you didn't even notice what you were doing to me and that broke me."
'Sombra' "look I know, I hurt you, I know I messed up so bad... I did something worse then cheating... I made everything more important then you, that was cruel because I know now that you were so much more important to me then work, then hacking then feeling power.
Really I need you to listen okay"
Nodding my head I agreed to listen to her, not because I wanted to but I know it's the best thing I need to do.
'Sombra' " I want to make this work, I want to show you that you are perfect and mean more to me then a computer, I want you to know you are worth being someone's first choice. I want to take you out and show you off. Kiss you anytime I want. Hold you close and wake up to you in my arms or in your arms every morning. I want to see your family and bring you flowers. I haven't ever wanted something more then I need and want you in my life. I need and want it to be me and you. I know I'm not perfect and I won't always be able to be perfect. But I will try and make this work, prove  to you that your more then just someone in the background that your my number one and will always be my priority."
Tears formed in my eyes, liquid running down my face. Wiping them away well blushing.
'(Y/n)' " you really mean this? You aren't lying to me are you. I wouldn't be able to take it if you were."
'Sombra' "I promise, I meant everything I said. I won't lie to you again unless I am surprising you with a gift."

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