Mercy x female reader

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The room was dimly lit as a group of agents prepared from another mission. As everyone else was debriefing about the operation, your mind wandered off to your uncomfortable situation. You felt sick to your stomach like your insides were churning around like a washing machine. The throbbing headache didn't help either. You groaned at the pain, leaning over in your seat, clutching your stomach, trying to prevent another accident from happening at 20,000 feet. Why did you feel this way and why did it have to be during a top secret mission? The plane shook at it hit a wave of turbulence. Something began to crawl up your throat but you held it down, resulting in a coughing spell.

"(y/n), are you ok?" Your (e/c) eyes looked on to a pair of slate blue ones. It was Angela, your caring (and now worried) wife for three years.

"I-I'm fine, Angela," you mustered between coughs.

"Are you sure?" She placed a hand on your burning face, "You've been feeling like this for a couple days now." Typical Angela; ever since you got sick, she's been as frickled as a mother hen, always checking up on you and trying to make your stay at home where you could recover.

"It's probably just stress from this mission." You barely managed to fight off another wave of nausea.

"You don't have to continue if you don't feel well."

"I'm strong, Angela," you beat a fist against your chest, "I'll be ok."

"Alright," she placed a light kiss on your cheek, "I love you, (y/n)."

"Love you too, Angela." You returned the embrace in reply as the back of the plane opened and everyone was getting up, ready to start the mission at hand. The both followed in suit but not before Angela whispered in your ear.

"And be careful." You turned back to your wife and replied before heading out.

"I will."

~Super-Secret Time-skip Go! ~

You had just cleared another room in the large, eerie warehouse when a rush of pain struck your abdomen; it was unbearable like thousand needles jabbing you at the same time. As the pain in your stomach intensified, you began to feel lightheaded. Swimming between the sharp pain and the flighty feeling in your mind, you slumped against the wall and fell to the floor. One of your time members, who was right behind you, watched you hit the ground and ran over to you, making sure you were alright. You were unconscious. He went to grab his radio when he heard yours go off on your belt.

"Building's clear," Angela buzzed in on her radio, "Any problems?" He took your radio and replied.

"We got a man down." It didn't take long for Angela to reply.

"We're on our way." It wasn't long before Angela and some other agents come to the aid of their fallen comrade. Your mission partner managed to lean you against the cold, hard concrete wall when the help arrived. 

"Who's down?" Angela asked in a panicked frenzy; the other angel was a bit hesitant to say who, "Well?"

"Your wife, ma'am," he finally managed to confess.

"Is she alright!? Is she hurt?!" Her eyes grew wide as she ran over to your side and checked over you in a flustered mess. After a few nerve-racking minutes, she sighed, relieved that there appeared to be no visible wounds or injuries.

"No ma'am, she just fainted." Angela got up and faced the rest of his party who were waiting in anticipation for their next order.

"Abort the mission and bring her back to the helicarrier." The ragtag time of men and women looked at each other, afraid to say anything until the soldier who originally found spoke up.

"But Captain-" He was cut off by his commanding officer.

"That's an order."

The man said no more as the rest of the party watched the angel gently picked up his love and headed towards the helicarrier, cradling you in her arms and worrying about what lied ahead.

~Another Time-skip~

A bright shade of white flooded your eyes as you awoke to find yourself in a hospital room. Your eyes were blurry from the sand that rested on your eyes. You wiped them out as you tried to make out your surroundings. The room was plain, with only a table, a window, some medical equipment, and a familiar figure at your side, holding your hand and gently rubbing it with his thumb.

"How do you feel?"

"A little green around the gills but doing fine," You giggled slightly but then you began to remember the events that lead here, "What happened?"

"You fainted during the sweep of the building," her warm hand left yours only to reconnect with your face, brushing a few loose (h/l) locks behind you ear, "You almost gave me a heart attack, you know."

"I did?" you mumbled, your cheek burning out into a flustered mess, "I'm sorry Angela; I didn't know that would happen."

"It's fine. You're ok now and that's all that matters."

"Mrs. and Mrs. Ziegler?"

The question came from a large but gentle-looking nurse, who was waiting at the doorway for your lover's quarrel to simmer down.

"Yes, ma'am?" She asked with a cautious tone.

"I came to say that (y/n) will be fine and that she can leave the hospital in an hour."

"Thank you," Angela sighed, glad that nothing serious was wrong with you.

"Oh," She popped in a merry cheer, "and also congratulations."

"For what?"

"Well," she grinned, barely able to contain her excitement, "The cause of your faint spell and recent illness was because of your pregnancy." Both Angela and you grew wide-eyed at the shocking news.

"Wait, (y/n)'s pregnant?" She seemed to choke on her own words.

"That is correct, Miss ," she replied in a cool, calm manner.

"I'm p-pregnant?" Your voice was even worst, squeaking into an almost inaudible tone.

"I'll let you two be. Good luck!" She turned back around and made her way out the door, leaving the two, or in this case three, of you alone in that bland hospital room. Angela turned to you; a mixture of emotions encompassed his face.

"It worked, I can't believe it worked" Angela was delighted, she hugged me.
" we are gonna be parents and the child will belong to us"
I cried with tears of joys, "Angela I'm so happy"

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