Widowmaker x male reader

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It was dark.

When light is shown his eyes recoil in distaste. He blinks unwanted tears away that well up without his permission. The light bombards his vision and for a moment he lays there on the fabric below him with barely any awareness of his surroundings. He's just focusing on his eyes, blinking more than he'd like, before they finally decide to adjust to his new conditions.


The only thought that runs through his mind is a question of where he is. With little to no awareness on his surroundings his eyes finally decide to adjust to the light. He is relieved when he can see again and he makes a move to sit up to get a good look at where he was. The sudden jolt of pain in his abdomen prevented him from doing such though until he realizes... oh boy. He had gotten shot. Hadn't he? Wait - he was sure... but... He looks around once more and frowns.

Right... that woman in that mask... whatever it was. She had shot him. With some weird looking liquid too - purple in color - that had injected itself into his system.

Now he remembers.

He had went on a routine Talon mission before he had encountered an unknown sniper. She had gotten into position and hit him right where it hurt because he hadn't spot her in time. Although usually when he's injured the hefty little droid he had - he had created - would usually tend to him immediately. He had affectionately named it Digit and the little flying droid was useful in many ways. It could scout out the area - let him see through it's eyes - and effectively attach itself to people to give them a nasty shock if anyone were to attempt to reach out for it. The droid also had medical abilities to help out (Y/N) if anything happened, like the woman sniper, but had his droid not been incapacitated by missiles that had come from his right.

It took the blow for him.

Which is weird because he didn't program that into it's system - neither did he program a personality into Digit - so the droid wasn't capable of acting things out without command.

"You're getting rusty."

Amélie. No. Widowmaker.

She leans against the door frame and looks at him with an impassive gaze.

His heart aches -

Aches -

He had followed her to Talon.

He had joined her.

Because he - he...

He was selfish.

And jealous.

Yet when Talon's operations comes to light - when he realizes there's something bigger happening - he knows it was best to have joined their forces. There's something going on unknown to the eyes of civilians, citizens, normal people. Overwatch stood in their way, stupidly, as they attempted to bring a greater good to the world. Why depend on Overwatch who didn't want to do anything outside of the law when you could join Talon?

Sure the means they used weren't righteous but it was necessary.

"Well I haven't been in the field in a while." He shrugs and he's right. He's been stuck in the lab working on Talon technology that had broken down. They had given him the blueprints, the schematics, everything in hopes that he'd fix up everything they pushed into his arms.

He did.

He wasn't particularly smart nor scientific - but he knew how to follow instructions to the smallest detail. That was exactly how he made Digit... with the stolen instructions of a inventor's assassinated body.

The slender woman pulls up a chair next to his bed as the door slides to a close automatically behind her.

"But don't worry - I finished the mission." She looks smug when she says it.

"You came here just to rub it in?" (Y/N) groans. Of all things... seriously?

"Oh no -..." She purrs, "I also came to tell you about your... robot."

"My robot." He repeats.

"Yes... It seems it's becoming an AI."

"H-... What?" (Y/N) sputters.

"They took a closer look at the blueprints you stole -..."

"You mean they invaded my room?"

"Why are you surprised?"

(Y/N) sighs.

"As I was saying... it was found out that it was made to learn from experiences. Essentially... it's developing a personality. One that's particularly attached to you his creator. That's why it saved you from that bullet..."

"It didn't feel like a bullet." (Y/N) grumbles. No. It felt like someone shot a shot at him. The needle sticking through his skin upon impact.

"That's all." Widowmaker stands up but (Y/N) hand reaches up to grab her wrist without a second thought.

"Wait - can you stay with me...?" He asks, not even thinking about the words that blurt out of his mouth.

"I am not a babysitter." She hisses.

"I never said you were. I just... don't want to be alone."

No - he just wanted to have her at his side.

After all he was an incredibly selfish man. He wanted her all to himself - even if she gave him a cold shoulder - even if she still mourned for her husband.

Against all odds however, when he believes that she'll probably snatch her wrist away and leave, instead she sits back down on the chair with the grace of a ballerina. Folding her arms against her chest and throwing a leg over the other she then says, "You're hopeless."

And he agrees.

He really is hopeless.

Yet he still dreams about her - holding her hand - leading her through the halls of an Overwatch base even though he had sworn to himself that he had left that organization for the greater good. In his dreams she's not Widowmaker, she's Amélie, and she smiles at him with the quirk of her lips.

Together - he'd like to think - they fall in darkness.


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