Lucio x female reader

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I woke up feeling the warmth of the sun rays hitting my skin. I always loved the feeling of the sun against my skin I don't know why but it made me feel so alive. I chucked my blanket off of me and head to my closet to pick out an outfit for the day. Mm, what was there I could wear my army shorts and a black vest top with a loose white top or maybe my black skirt with my flower belly top and some cute flats. I grabbed the black skirt and flower top placing it on the chair in the bathroom. After having a quick shower I dried myself chucking on my outfit for the day. I walked down the stairs making myself some toast and tea. After a lovely quiet breakfast, I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun. I heard my phone ringing so I answered it

~phone call~

Hana- "yo girl where you at"

(Y/n)- "on my way now, you picking me up ?"

Hana- " yeah I'm outside your house dummy"

(Y/n)- " okay let me chuck my shoes on I'll see you in a second bunny"

~phone call ended~

I chucked my shoes on and walked out the door locking. As I turned around Hana was beeping her horn. I waved at her and started to head towards the car. I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. " oh my god girl you look so good today, no makeup dam natural you make girls so jealous" I just rolled my eyes " aww Hana, I'm not that good looking. By the way I am loving the gamer look" she just laughed " I know right so some anyway we need to go get Lucio and Jamison Kayyy~" I gave her a deadly smirk. "Oooh~ does Hana-San like Jamison" she blushed and started driving to the boys' house. "Oh my god you dooo~ I knew it. My god Lucio owes me 20" she looked at me for a second face as red as a tomato. " you made a bet with Lucio, shame on you (y/n)" we just laughed " Hana we all know you would bet on me, so it's shame on youu~" we just laughed and pulled up to the guy's house getting out of the car. Hana stayed behind me, I knocked on the door. Lucio opens the door giving me a devilish smile. " Lucio you owe me 20, she told me" "dam it Hana why couldn't you just hold it in for another two days" wrapping my arms around the boy's neck " aww don't blame her, she just loves him too much to keep it to herself. So Hana when you gonna confess you gonna do it today at the fair." Lucio just rolled his eyes well Hana said" actually yes I will, I'll do it today" I smirked " good girl" as Lucio walked to get Jamison Hana looked and whispered in my ear. "As long as you confess to Lucio and kiss him before midnight" I blushed so bad that the top of my body was red " I-i uh, why Hana that's not fair" she smirked at me " oh come on it'll be great, I notice the way you look at him." That's when Lucio came behind us " ooh (y/n) likes someone, (y/n) tell me who" I just looked away " you are not knowing, Hana wasn't even meant to know stupid curious bunny, I'm going in the car" I stormed to the car takin a seat at the front. Jamison looked puzzled "what's up with miss moody today" Lucio looked down, you tell him everything, and the fact he didn't know you liked someone upset him. You seemed pissed off when Hana took her seat starting the car "(y/n)-chan I'm really sorry" " Hana I don't wanna talk about it okay? I just wanna have a fun day with my favorite people, plus someone has to confess later" I wink at her and we laugh. She starts the car making her way to the fair. As she does, I put the radio on that's when the song most girls came on. The boys looked like they were gonna die, me and Hana started to sing along with it.

~some girls feel best in a tiny dress,

some girls, nothing but sweatpants, looking like a princess

Some girls, kiss new lips every single night

They're staying out late cause they just celebrating life~

Jamison was humming along to the music

Well, Lucio got out his phone being live and recording us.

~ You know some days you feel so good in your own skin

But it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in

'Cause you to look greatest when you feel like a damn queen

We're all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life

Most girls are smart and strong and beautiful

Most girls, work hard, go far, we are unstoppable

Most girls, our fight to make every day

No two are the same

I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls

I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls

I wanna be like, I wanna be like

I wanna be like, I wanna be like

I wanna be like, I wanna be like

Some girls, like to keep their physique real private

Some girls, wear jeans so tight, 'cause it feels so right, yeah

Some girls, every day searching, keep the page-turning

Sleepin' in late 'cause they just celebrating life

You know some days you feel so good in your own skin

But it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in

'Cause you to look greatest when you feel like a damn queen

We're all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life~

That's when we got there and Jamison jumped out of the car. I and Hana just smacked our heads as she parked her car. Lucio was giving Jamison a scolding. "Jamison come on it was moving I know you're an excited man but you can get Hana arrested" he looked apologetic, he ran to Hana giving her a tight hug. " I'm so so sorry bunny-sun I didn't mean to got too excited, please please please~ forgive your boomer-rang" Hana turned her head blushing "of course you are forgiven dummy" after that we got our tickets going on every single ride apart from two which we saved for last.

As we waited In line to go in the love tunnel, I whispered in Hana's ear. " kiss him in there and confess I dare you, or are you gonna wimp out" I winked at her and she took the bet. They went in first, So it was me and Lucio together and my heart was beating super fast. Lucio came near my ear and whispered "you think she'll confess" the warmth on my ear made me shiver with delight. "Maybe we will find out" as I stepped into the heart boat "hey Lucio let's make a funny face to the camera "of course let's do that" as we got to the camera. Lucio kisses me on the lips and then a flash went. " I'm in love with you (y/n), I don't want you being with anyone but me" I went bright red, as he carried me out. He bought the photo, I just figured what he did. " wow wow Lucio, you just kissed me." He nodded his head-turning bright red. "Hey Lucio" he looked at me, I stepped closer. "Do it again please" he put his hand on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me again. As we pulled "Lucio I'm in love with you, be mine ?" He just smirked, " I have been yours since day one" as we kissed again we heard a gasp "I knew it finally told you Jamison told you" we both blush that's until Jamison took Hanas to face in his hand and kissed her " goddamit, Hana I have been wanting to do that for years, Be my girl will you" Hana screamed yes and jumped into his arms. I and Lucio laughed.

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