Hanzo x reader

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"I also like hair, like good hair – but it's gotta be long enough to grab. Beauty spots, they're super cute. Oh, and when someone blushes really easily."
(Y/n) couldn't figure out how they had ended up leaning against the kitchen counter at 1 AM, listening to hanzo rant about his turn-ons. But here they was.
"And one other thing that I really like – oh god, this is gonna sound so pervy – I love being someone's first. Being able to make someone feel good for the first time, helping them feel comfortable and sexy, it's just .... nice, you know? It's nice."
(Y/n) swallowed, their throat dry. Yeah, he could believe that. Hanzo would be good at that.
"Yeah, really. And their reactions are so much more intense. Like, if I were to do this to you, for example –"
With a smooth step Hanzo was in his space, swiping him off his feet to lean back, caught against his chest in an undisputable romantic pose. (Y/n) felt a gasp catch in their throat, heat blossoming from their chest to dye their face with color.
"You would just be deadpan and ..."
His voice trailed off.
"(Y/n), you're .... Why are you ..."
"What?", they said breathily, trying to step out of the embrace. Hanzo followed, shifting his grip until he was pinning (y/n) against the counter, eyes scanning him with confusion, and a gleam of interest.
"You're reacting like – (y/n), are you a virgin?"
They shook their head profusely, not meeting Hanzo's eyes. Slowly, a warm hand trailed along their cheek, the touch ghosting down his neck, making them shiver embarrassingly violently. Hanzo made a ridiculous sound, like a child giggling with glee.
"Oh my god, you totally are."
Still shaking they're head, they tried to think of something to say that could save their dignity. But it was hard to think as Hanzo trailed fingers down his torso, tracing patterns across their chest. Every touch made them jump, and when hanzo's hands brushed across their nipples, they gasped loudly.
"You've never reacted like this before," Hanzo said wonderingly, seeming completely enraptured by their expressions.
"You've never touched me like this before", they retorted, struggling to keep their voice steady.
"That's true. You're so sensitive... You've never done anything? But you – you touch yourself, right?"
"It's not like I've never – it's just, we're busy up here, I don't have time to – "
Hanzo whistled.
"Jesus, it's no wonder you're so uptight. You've gotta relax now and then, you know? Release the tension. Soothe the sexual frustration."
(Y/n) made a protesting noise as Hanzo nudged their feet apart with his knee, slipping his thigh between them.
"I'm not sexually frustrated -"
"(Y/n). You're turned on."
Hanzo's voice had dropped, the atmosphere thickened to warm syrup. He began slowly rocking into (y/n), nose buried in their hair, and fuck, it felt good.
"Say the word and I'll stop," he whispered.
(Y/n) shivered, but didn't answer. Hanzo made a low whine.
"If you don't say anything, I'm not gonna be able to... not touch you right now. God, this is –"
His lips brushed the skin beneath his ear. Then he was pressing kisses unhurriedly into (y/n)'s neck, pulling their hair lightly to arch their neck to the side. (Y/n)'s mouth fell open as their breathing quickened. Hanzo's hand found his way, where it was clutching the counter, and threated their fingers together as he kept grinding into them. It was slow and gentle, all warm lips and soft touches, and (y/n) felt their body buzzing with the heat of it.
They whine when Hanzo pulled away. Suddenly someone walked in and it was Genji.
"Hello I just came to grab a glass of water. What you guys doing here"
(Y/n) looked away running their fingers through their hair.
" oh I walked In to make a cup of tea and saw (y/n) so we end up chatting"

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