Sombra x male reader

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It was as if God wished to punish you when you discovered what had happened to your best friend. You'd been seated in one of the few lounges in the Talon base reading a book when the Latino female that you'd been expecting found you. Her violet eyes that normally sparkled with mischief were dull and lifeless, and her normally carefree air had changed to a depressing cloud. You set aside the book you'd been holding and sat up. "Sombra, you alright?" You asked and earned a shake of the head. "What's wrong?"

She sighed and walked over to you, leaning over to look you in the eyes. Then, she lifted her finger and poked your nose, mouthing her famous words, but nothing came out. You gave her a confused look at her muteness. "What?" You asked. "Ugh you idiota...I can't do 'it' anymore. I can't-," she exclaimed, unable to even say the word and it was then that it dawned on you.

You sat there stunned, eyes wide as you stared at her. She can't boop anymore? What? Why? But I need this...her boop makes my day, you thought as you spaced out. She snapped her fingers before your face and snapped you out of your thoughts as she spoke, "Eh, Chico! Hello? Anyone in there?"

"Eh! Sorry...I spaced out."

"Ugh! I don't have time for this! I'll go figure this out myself if you won't help me!"

"Sombra!" You called after her as she left and groaned as you fell back on the couch in defeat. "How am I going to survive...?"


It was a week later she returned to you with good news. You'd felt dead inside since learning her cheerful little 'boop' was gone. It was something that brought light into your life and her's as well since she'd been gloomy ever since that day. You yawned, opening the door after hearing a knock on it. "What is it? I'm trying to-"

A finger tapped your nose before a voice said, "Boop!"

You froze, eyes wide before looking down to see the Latina woman standing before you grinning. You were ecstatic to say the least as you laughed and grabbed her up by the waist. She yelped as you pulled her into your room and began to spin her around. "AYE CHICO STOP!" she shouted as you spun her around for a few seconds more before putting her down.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so happy and it's so good to see you smiling again."

She laughed and rubbed the back of her neck. "I guess I am pretty happy about it."

You grinned at her laughter. It always had such a strange affect on you. "Hey...why don't we go out and celebrate?"


"Yeah! Get drinks or something."

"Hmph, alright. I got just the place!" She exclaimed, hooking her arm through your and leading you out of the room. "You ever been to Calaveras...?"


I grabbed my outfit for the night and waited outside sombra's room, tonight was the night I was going to kiss her and confess.
She walked out in a purple dress my mouth dropped open.
"Your going to catch flies if you leave your mouth open"
I shook my head... " now isn't someone looking like a dam queen"
She giggled linked her arm with mine. We hopped in the car and drove to the club.

As we were grinding with each other, she whispered in my ear to grab us drinks. I nodded my head and turned to the bar. When I can back with the drinks, there she stood with another guys tongue in her mouth.

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