Genji x blind male reader

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author's note

so I wrote this at 3 am, I know I know. naughty author. I couldn't help it, I'm sorry if this is bad I'm realy sorry but this was requested by @ben10freak

You will wear your shades a lot, so humans dont think that you are blind, but they can obviously still tell. Whenever you go out, it's either with someone, so you can hold their hand, or link arms, or you keep your hand resting on the wall next to you. You will have a stick with you in your back pocket just in case. nonetheless It is a hard life, you are a tough cookie.

Reader pov

It was late at night and I was walking down the same old street towards my house. It was like any other day in the week, just walking down the same routine street, my hand against the rough brick wall, traveling my way back home. Home. That word made me shudder. Don't get me wrong, I love my family! Theyre just a little too overprotective on me. Sometimes I just wish they'd trust me to take care of myself.

As my thoughts took over my body, I didn't notice that my hand had let the rough surface, it  was nowhere to be found. I hesitantly crouched down to feel the ground. Tarmac. Magnificent, I'd walked into the road. I stood up and shuffled this way and that, trying to find a way to safety before a car came along. Thank god my normal routine  streets was empty, or I thought for sure, otherwise I would look foolish right now. At least I hope their empty.

I continued to go forward searching for the sidewalk but I only seemed to get further away from it.

"um hello I yelled. "Anyone there?! I need a little help?!"

The streets remained uncomfortably silent. I sighed before just giving up, standing still and waiting for someone to come over and say 'are you actually being serious kid, get out of the fucking road" So, I could follow the voice back to the sidewalk. I'll tell you, sometimes being blind can be a HUGE pain in the ass!

The streets were quiet for another 5 minuets, which felt like years or so, before I heard the sound of an engine. Wait... A CAR?! I jolted around to find a way out but I couldn't find one. The vehicle honked a few times as I continued my desperate search, the engine getting louder by the second. It was going way over the limit, I'll tell you that. There was a sudden, ear piercing screech of brakes as I braced myself. This was it. I was going to die. Well, (Y/N), any last words?

"Eep!" I yelled as I was quickly lifted off my feet and carried off somewhere. After a while, I was set back onto my own two feet and was met with the most worried voice ever!

"are you okay! I thought that car was going to kill you" Said the voice.

It sounded like a robotic human but it cant be.

"Umm... Who are you?" I asked, curious of my savior. He seemed to gasp a little.

"Y-Your not afraid of me? You dont know hate me?" His voice contained confusion.

"No... Why would I? are you a killer?"

"Wait, your serious? Why arent you freaking out?"

"Um, no..." I removed my shades, reviling my pale, colourless eyes. "I'm blind."

We stood in silence for a few seconds.

"Would you like me to help you home?" He asked.

"that would be so great, I live on xx-xxx street do you know where that is?."

"yes I do, here ill carry you there get on my back" He stuttered, causing me to giggle.

"Thank you

"hi im genji?"

"hi im (Y/N)."

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