Roadhog x reader pt1

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(Y/n) was typing away at their  computer when they received word from the commander that they were bringing the team back, they were on route with only one injury; Roadhog had taken a bullet to his inner thigh. Being the man he is, the bullet didn't pass through, and when he was healed by Ana's biotic rifle, the wound healed over with the bullet inside. While Mako normally wouldn't care about a little wound like this, he knew that he wasn't in the Outback anymore, and the motherly doctor would chew him out if he didn't let her get it out, so he opted to just get it over with. At least he liked them; they  weren't  an asshole or anything, but they were too caring for their  own good.

Not long after they recieved the call, they had  prepared a medbay specifically made for the larger members of the team: Roadhog and Reinhardt were the two that ususally found themselves here. Of course, any member could use it, but the only other candidate that could find themselves requiring a larger space would be Winston, but he didn't do too much field work, and thus, was never in the clinical area often; for injuries, at least. (Y/n) opted to maintain their focus on the current work. It was a little after 9pm, the team they took (Roadhog, Junkrat, Symmetra, Ana, and Tracer to pilot the Orca) was gone since noon, which they vaguely recalled Mei and zarya joking about something to do with Mccree's High Noon.

A few minutes later, their  focus was interrupted by heavy thuds outside the metal  door, and a large man lumbered his way in.

"'Ey, Ang. Got a bullet n' my leg that wants out, thought you could 'elp." The mountain of a man wasn't acutally that terrifying to them. Maybe he liked them? (Y/n) thought he had good intentions nowadays, though he has done terrible things in his past. But he's put that behind him.

"Ja, that's what I was told. Let's do a quick scan, see where it's at." They  replied gleefully, ready to get to work.

"Don' think that'll do ya any good, I know where it's' at." He grumbled out between heavy breaths.

"If only it were that simple. I must see how deep it is, you stubborn man." (Y/n) joked, Hog replied with a deep chuckle.

"'Kay, whateva ya need ta do." He replied with his Aussie accent.

Shortly after, he was lying on his back, watching a white metal ring swoop over him several times. It took longer than a normal person because he had more to scan, but he didn't mind. The doctor was good people, Hog knew that well. Before he knew it, (Y/n) was speaking again.

"Well, it looks like it'll be a bit of a longer operation than I anticipated, but that's fine. I'll have to put you under, because no matter how good your tough guy act is, this would hurt. A lot." (Y/n) informed him, the last part in complete seriousness.

Mako didn't like the idea of being put to sleep, but it wasn't worth making a big deal about. He (although hesitantly at first, before (Y/n) assured him everything would be fine) agreed, and accepted the IV that ran into his arm. Soon enough, he drifted off into a deep, artificial sleep.

(Y/n) had decided that it was time to get to work, and becan depriving the man of his equally large clothes. He wasn't as dirty as Junkrat; he'd apparently gotten over the habit of being conservative with water, and took regular showers. There was another thing they noticed, and it was really hard to ignore.

Roadhog had a really big penis, for lack of a better term. They didn't glorify it in their mind. (Y/n) had to focus, this man was injured. They opted to cover it up with a gown for now. A small part of them was turned on by the monster that wasn't the man himself, and decided to take a better look after the procedure.

~25  Minutes later, after the operation succeeded

(Y/n) wiped a sweat from their  brow with the back of the forearm, sighing in relief at the sight of the bandage around the mans leg. (Y/n) saw the patient gown on the man's colossal cock, and it was... growing?! They felt a wave of heat wash over them, and they bit their  lip. It'd been a while since they indulged in sexual desires, their  job was so demanding at times...

(Y/n) pulled the gown off, and the large member kept going. (Y/n) just watched, they mouth wide open in amazement at his size. (Y/n) eventually broke away from the sight to grab a ruler to see how long he was. When (Y/n) compared the size of the ruler to the size of the man in the sickbed, they gasped. 12 inches. They were starting growing wet,, their  mouth watering. (Y/n) wanted this, and he wouldn't wake up anytime soon, so what was the harm? They had several more hours until he would wake up.

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