Ana x omega reader

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@Twinkel52 requesting alpha Ana Amari x female omega reader.... Ana is in love with (y/n), when (y/n) falls into heat Ana gets extremely protective, she kills anyone who goes near (y/n). Also going to end in smut.
Ana's POV
Here I was stuck in a cell with (y/n). We were surround by the enemy guards. I could smell the ranch alpha and beta guards watching us. See I am an alpha and (y/n) is a beta , well that was what I was told she is. In the cell with us are other alphas who kill for fun.
'(Y/n)' "Ana!" (Y/n) whispered to me. Shivers were running down my spine, her voice and scent was so addictive and hypnotic.
'Ana' " what is it (y/n)" as her name left my mouth a wave of her scent hit me hard. Her forest scent strikes me. That was impossible though, only an omega scent is able to do that when their in heat.
'(Y/n)' " Ana, I am starting my heat" of course she was, how did I never notice the tablets she took were holding her heats back. As I was about to speak again an alpha began to growl.
His eyes turned Dark and a disgusting smirk appeared on his face.
"Look what we have here boys, an omega in heat" my eyes widened as he licked his lips staring at (y/n) who was whimpering.
She turned to me with a begging look in her eyes. '(Y/n)' " protect me alpha" with those words leaving her mouth, I jumped in front of her. My eyes turning red and my voice starting to deepen.
One of the male alphas went to grab (y/n), before his long dirty fingers could even grab touch her, his wrist was now in my hands. I bent it backwards to only twist is causing a snap sound and scream to come from the Male.
The alpha that once was ready to attack now lied in front of me, crying out in pain. He coward away to the corner of the cell. The other alphas did not get the hint to back away.
A much larger alpha went for (y/n)'s feet only causing me to snap around grabbing his shoulder and head, snapping his neck.
Well I was distracted with the big alpha another one decide to lunge forward for my throat, just as I was waiting for teeth In my neck I felt soft hair. I look down to see a shaken, sleepy (y/n) protecting my neck. This caused the alpha to stop in his tracks, I took that as an opportunity to kill. I spun (y/n) behind me, I grabbed the alphas neck digging my nails into his throat, ripping his oesophagus out . Once I had down that all the other alphas decide to stand down.
I dragged (y/n) into a corner put her into my lap. This causing her to cuddle into me and whimper.
No ones PoV
Jack has opened the cell door wanting to rescue the females. See him and Gabe did know about (y/n) being an omega. When they could smell the omegas heat from males away, they got extremely worried. What they didn't expect to see were dead alphas and frightened alphas in the corner. Well Ana was holding onto an exhausted omega. Jack and Gabe locked eyes knowing the omega found her mate and she was safe.
They both laughed at the sight and tuned to Ana who seemed too look a little tired from the fight.
'Gabe' " tell me jack, I'm not the only one seeing this" he snickered staring at his mate.
Jack just laughed at Gabe. "No babe you are nr the only one seeing this. Let's get you guys home"

(Time skip for them being back~)
(Y/n) PoV
My body felt as if I was on fire, I was ackinf from the pain building up in me. I needed to release but I couldn't, the pain was making me what to scream. I have been holding back my heat for years and now I regret it, I need Ana to help me release.
I wanted to scream for her but my throat was dry, she only left for a few minutes to grab some close and me a drink and food. I needed her scent my weak body turned to look round the room, as my eyes landed on a chair that's when I saw it. Her scarf, why would she leave that. I crawled my way over to the blue scarf. I placed someone of the scarf to my nose breathing in her tea scent. I felt so addictive to her scent, I places the other half of the scarf between my legs. I stared to rubbing my cloth Pussy against her scarf and breathing in her scent more. Her scent could give me my release I knew it could.
As my body started to tremble, I heard a cough behind me, out of shock I jumped turning my head to see Ana standing there with a smirk. She slowly started to make her way towards me.
'Ana' " I knew my omega couldn't wait for me, what were you gonna do release with only my scent, wouldn't you rather my fingers or my sweet sweet skilful tongue."
Each word was causing my body to tremble and whimper. I need Ana now. I could see he lust in her eyes but she was being passionate wanting to tease me.
'Ana' she put her alpha voice on "drink your water baby other wise you can't have the feeling of my tongue against that wet canvas of yours."
I couldn't help but let a moan slip from my lips, now I knew she was doing this on purpose but I listened. I drank my water, spilling it a little down my chin. Once I placed the cup down she strolled over lifting my chin up with a tip of her finger.
'Ana' " don't you ever try and release unless you have my permission. Understood!?"
I couldn't speak it was like all of a sudden my throat and gone dry and my body was shaking with pleasure. I nodded my head letting her know I was all under her submission.
All of a sudden she picked me up causing my legs to wrap around her waist. She carried me to the bed placing me down gently. She crawled on top of me licking her lips.
'Ana' " now be my good omega and listen to your alpha"
I moaned nodding my head. She started to place soft gentle kisses on my face and lips. I felt her hands start to slide down my body as our lips connected into a hot passionate kiss.
This felt so right, her skin against mine, just her touch could make me release but I wasn't allowed too.
Her lips left mine and she started to slowly kiss down to my neck. As she reached my neck she left soft kisses teasing me. I wanted more but no words could leave my lips. My neck moved so she had more access to my neck, she knew that was a sign within seconds she was biting my necking leaving big, dark love bites.
As her soft lips attack my neck her hands slide down into my underwear. As she hit my clit her thumb rub gentle. I couldn't hold back the moan. This made her rub circles on my clit well my neck was being abused by her lips.
She stop and removed her hand and lips looking me in the eyes with lust. She slowly made her way down my body to rip my underwear off. I moaned at the sight of my alpha showing dominance.
Just as her lips led above my clit she breathed heavily on it causing my body to shiver and a low moan to leave my lips. 
She started to kiss all up my things leaving those marks and my hands running through her hair as my moans become louder.
I could feel her breathing so close to my clit, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed my release and I needed to feel her tongue against me.
'(Y/n)' " Ana please, I can't take it anymore... I need you"
Ana looked at me with a smirk.
'Ana' " I will if you ask me correctly"
I bit my lip, I was so nervous.
'(Y/n)' A-Alpha please, I need you, I need to release"
'Ana' " good girl, your release will be soon"
With those words said Ana tongue did a nice long stroke against my Pussy causing a moan to leave my lips. She didn't stop there, her arms hooked under my legs and her lips and tongue ate me till my legs shook.
The moans leaving my lips made my throat feel try but I couldn't stop I needed to let my alpha know how much I was needing this. With a few my long strokes of the tongue I screamed "ALPHA!" I released all my juice onto her tongue. She licked her lips staring into my eyes.
'Ana' " we are not done here, my omega"

Hey guys, I am so sorry I only just posted ahhh college is taking all of my time up, I will attempt to post every Wednesday cause that's my only day off. I want to let you know even on my day off I have chores that need to be done. I will do my best thank you guys so much I love you. Please if you have anymore requests let me know will add them on to my list.

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