Hana x female reader

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reader PoV
You close your eyes. You caress slowly the cold, unattended wood. You take a long breath as you sit down and open your eyes. As you looked around you notice no one was around anymore, what people said was true, after school hours the class was completely empty, even though it was the most popular class in school, the most interactive, the one in which everyone managed to free themselves, to break free, the only moment in which they can take a single long breath and enjoy that short 1 hour. Even though most people say that music isn't art, since it's already there, it is something that doesn't come spontaneously as an artwork, you think otherwise, music in your opinion is art. Art is something in which you are free to do whatever you want, colorful and cheerful, or dull and sad, it is something in which everyone can enjoy themselves and show their true emotions.
You sighed as you returned your gaze to the instrument in front of you, the majestic instrument seemed to shine as the well kept pitch-black wood radiated a faint light. You gently stroked the object in front of you, so many memories came back every time you opened its lid to free the stunning black and white keys.
A single ray of sunlight fell upon the object, the keys appeared to glow as if inviting you to play with it, to delight your own senses with the noble and soft yet imposing sound of the melodies you knew.
You sighed as a few minutes passed, you stared dimly at the object in front of you. You slowly raised your hands as they now started to dance with the keys, they moved as if they knew what was coming.
You seemed to connect to the wondrous object, you felt as if it was speaking to you, you managed a short discussion with it, each one spoke softly with each other.
The room now full with color and cheer started to move, the soft melody gave the tempo as your own fingers danced around aimlessly.
You closed your eyes, grinning, you knew how to play since you were really young, at first it seemed as non sense, as if it was worthless, even if you played beautifully other people learning guitar or violin or any other easily carry instrument managed to show their skills at it any day, however with an instrument so big, you had to swallow back your words and stay silent as the others enjoyed their own music.
Later on, you figured that even though it was hard to find a place to play and enjoy yourself, the moment was worth it. Beautiful colors and sounds filled the room as the song slowly reached an end. The presence to which you had connected to slowly turned black and lonely, it gently let go of you. You let a soft sigh as you opened your eyes, a little sad that the moment had ended, yet you were happy that it had happened.
"That was beautiful!" A girl voice said as a shadow emerged on the corner of the room
"How long have you known how to play?" her face now visible showed her beautiful features
"Around 12 years, i started when i was very young... when I was around 2- 3years old" you answered,
You looked at her, then turned away quickly as your started to turn red.
"Why are you blushing?" she walked around the chair as she lowered her face to look at you directly
"I... I thought I was alone... I don't like to play in front of others" Your face now bright red
"Why? that was truly beautiful! play another one, please?"
"We- Well, umm..." you stammered
"Oh come on! please!"
"Fine, but only if you play afterwards, I know you know how to play, I have heard you other days!"
She giggled softly,
You sighed as you lowered your gaze once again towards the keys. You thought for a while, then out of the sudden you thought of the perfect song. You raised your hands slowly as you started once again to play, this one was a little more sad than the one before, yet it had a slight hint of joy that made anyone smile while listening to it.
As the song slowly ended, once again you opened your eyes to look at her, it shocked to see that she had a tear running down her cheek. It shone for a slight moment as you looked dimly at her, she wasn't only crying but she was smiling too, you giggled a little, she was beautiful and she seemed really gentle and when you saw her with a tear and smiling you thought that you were right to have chosen that melody.
"So? how was it?" you asked her, a small smile on your face
"It- It was... beautiful, thank you..." her eyes gleamed
"Now its your turn" you said as you stood up, retreating slowly of the instrument
"I- oh no the time! I'm late I have to go"
"Why? you promised!"
"I know I'm sorry but my friends asked me to meet them..."
With that, the brunette left the sight of the girl in front of her.

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