Ana x reader

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(Y/n) could do nothing more than flinch, backing up against a wall.
"Come on, you really shouldn't be picky... Especially if you're an unmated omega... A rare one nonetheless..." The man cooed, making (y/n) push himself more against the wall.
This was one of the lesser alphas, reaking heavily of alcohol and cheap cologne.
But another smell floated into the air, powerful but soft, a female alpha.
A low growl rumbled through out the hall, "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
The male alpha was pulled back and tossed against the opposite wall.
"Back off," Snarled the female.
The lesser alpha glared up at the female, only for his blood to chill as his eyes with with a pair of dark brown.
The terrifying female alpha was powerful, judging by the smell that hit the air and the fact he was also looking down the barrel of a revolver.
The male got to his feet and ran off.
(Y/N) felt their legs tremble as the woman looked at them, mint green eyes soft.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.
They swallowed and muttered, still under shock and seeing the glow around her.
"Alpha..." they breathed.
Her eyes widened a little, her lips parting in shock.
Ana gave jack and gave a scowl ,a blush on her face.
(Y/N) blushed a little as well, tightening his grip on Ana's hand.
"Jesus Christ, you two are precious." Gabe joked "Well done Ana."
"Congratulations." Jack smiled, relieving Ana of embarrassment for now.
"Gabe, jack, this is (Y/N) (Surname). (Y/N), these are my best friends."
Hearing her say their name sent butterflies free in their stomach and made their heart flutter.
"It's nice to meet you." They said softly.
"Welcome to the family." Gabe grinned.
"We'll try and make you feel right at home." Jack piped.
"I hope you can deal with a family full of alphas." Ana said softly, squeezing (Y/N)'s hand as well
They set her a sweet smile, their cheeks dusted a soft pink, "We're true mates. I'm meant to deal with it."

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