Mercy x reader part 2

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Reader POV
As those words left my mouth, I grabbed my bag hanging my head low and left the room. Once the door shut behind me a heavy sigh left my lips. I skin my bag over my shoulder, well placing a hand on my rib. I made my way over to the kitchen. I slung my bag on the top of the table. I crouched my body down grabbing a cup, I filed it up with ice cold water. As my lips pressed against the the cold refreshing glass, Genji walked in.
'Genji' " Ah (y/n) what are you doing in here? Aren't you meant to be with Angela?"
'(Y/n)'  " Genji I was with her but I just left"
'Genji' " well here I thought brave (y/n) would at least confess to the girl. What happened? Must be interesting"
A sigh left my lips as I placed the now once refreshing drink onto the side.
'(Y/n)' " your brothers boyfriend ruined everything for me. I was so closing to kissing her Genji! But your fucking brothers boyfriend walked in and ruined the whole moment"
'Genji' " how close was you to kissing her"
'(Y/n)' " I was as close as your brother Hanzo with trying to kill you"
As soon as those words left my mouth, me and Genji burst into laughter.
'Genji' "dude that's so close, I'm gonna kill Mccree for you"
'(Y/n)' " it's fine man, now I know she wants to kiss me, anyway I'm gonna head to the all gender public shower"
I shot Genji a wink, he just laughed at my words. I grabbed my bag making my way towards the shower.
Once I made my way to the showers, I stripped from my clothings wrapping myself in a towel round my body. After that I shoved the rest of my stuff instead my personal locker. I grabbed my body wash, shampoo and conditioner, I walked over to the cubical, shuttling the shower curtain behind me.
I switched the shower on to mild hot. After that I took my towel off hand it on the rack, I started to wash my body well I was singing 'hello' by Adele.
Suddenly the shower curtains opened and I screamed, covering my self with my hands.
'Mercy' " wow, (y/n) I didn't know you could sing so well"
'(Y/n)' " Jesus Christ Angela, you scared the life out of me"
'Mercy' "sorry about that, that reminds me I also want to apologise for earlier...."
before Angela could finish what she was saying I dragged her close to me. I quickly shut the shower curtains whispering in her ear.
'(Y/n)' " Angela stay quite"
She nodded her head, I didn't know what was wrong with me but this felt right. She leaned her head against my body. All of a sudden as her head touched me I felt a shiver rub down my body, I automatically wrapped one arm around her. I leaned out bodies against the wall . We started to listen to the people who had walked in, my other arm rested on her hip.
'Hanzo' " are you ready cowboy for some fun"
Oh god was all I thought, they weren't going to do what I thought they were, right?
'Mccree' " oh huckleberry of course I'm ready for you."
We heard the shower next to us turn on, I knew what this meant. I swear I was gonna kill them. Angela then brought her lips up to my ear whispering.
'Mercy' " (y/n) what are they doing?"
I gulped, lifting my knee a little, she then placed her self , so my knee was now in between her and she was resting on my thigh.
'(Y/n)' "Angela I think they are going to have sex"
She slightly moved her hips on my leg like a grinding action. A shiver run down my spine, my hands slightly tightened on her hips. All of a sudden we heard one of them get slammed to the wall.
'Hanzo' " Ah Mccree your so big, please harder"
Fuck they were having sex, plus Angela was grinding on my leg this was not a good situation. Angela leaned her head on to my neck, all of a sudden her hips were grinding more on to my thigh.
'Mercy' " (y/n), ah please touch me"
She bite down on my neck holding back a moan. I lowered one of my hands from her hips to her womanhood, I traced a finger over her clit. This causing her to bite down a little harder but I didn't stop. She was moaning slightly but the boys moans next to us were louder. I could tell this drove Angela a bit more horny. She started to grind more on my thigh and fingers.
She lifted her head and our lips pressed together, we turned our kiss into a passionate, hungry make out session. As the boys moans got louder and closer to there climax Angela came. I quickly turned the shower over grabbing us towels and carrying her to my locker. I grabbed my things then here and made our way to my room.
'Mercy' " thank you, your fingers and thigh was so great"
I could tell she was starting to get tired so I grabbed one of my tops and her underwear. I placed the top on her then put her underwear on. I tucked her into bed, once she was sound a sleep I grabbed my joggers and tank top. I made my way to kitchen, I walked passed a mirror to see my neck covered in hickeys.
Once in the kitchen I grabbed my self a sandwich and made Angela one but put it in a tub so if she was hungry she could eat it.
After eating, I packed my bag for tomorrow and set the alarm for 3 am so Angela had time to get ready and pack. We were leaving at 6 so that should give her time. I placed my self in the bed wrapping an arm around the girl. I dozed off to sleep.
The next morning I woke up to the alarm going off and Angela sitting on top of me.
'Mercy' "(y/n) your awake"
'(Y/n)' " now this is a view I wanna wake up every morning too, good morning my angel"
She blushes, then smiled.
'Mercy' " good morning my love, you ready for today"
I nodded my head lifting my self up to wrap my arms around her waist.
'(Y/n)' " you know Angela I can't focus unless I have my healing kiss"
I licked my lips waiting for the kiss. She leaned closer to me, her lips hovered over mine what felt like forever. She lowered her lips against mine causing a spark to rub through my body.
'(Y/n)' " thank you my angel, truly are beautiful"
Mercy just giggles at me, she hopped off and got changed into her clothes and headed to her room to pack her things. I on the other hand got changed into my black leggings and tank top, leather jacket and hostler. I grabbed my shoes and bag making my way to the kitchen to have some food.
Once I had eaten, I grabbed a water bottle and headed for the vehicle. I got in and sat at a seat next to Genji. Angela walked in and sat on my other side. The other people here wear Reinhardt, Ana and
We all talked for a while till we landed, I grabbed my throwing knives, whip and machine gun. Because I was an attack I wouldn't be with mercy a lot.
We got there and had to get as many people as out as possible. Me and Genji went off first together scouting out the buildings for any survivors. We saw one little girl, I looked at Genji and gave him the signal to go round. I walked up to the girl.
'(Y/n)' " hello, luv... my names (y/n) I work with overwatch. I'm here to get you out safely. Are you alone?"
The girl didn't speak only just nodded her head. I picked her up carrying her, Genji then walked beside me scaring the girl by accident.
'(Y/n)' " don't be afraid this is Genji he works with me, we won't hurt you"
She reached her arm out to Genji, he took her in his arms and I got my whip out ready. After a 20 minute walk we gave Angela the kid and I winked at her. Me and Genji went back out looking for more survivors, as we walked into a building I was thrown to the wall by a man. I groan in pain. He grabbed me lifting me up as he went to punch, Genji caught his hand. The man screamed in fear.
'(Y/n)' " please, we are not here to hurt you, we are here to help you get out. I'm (y/n) from overwatch this is Genji. If you have anything that you want to take with you please but stay between me and Genji. We will take you back to our team to get you checked over."
They all cheered with joy, the man apologised to me grabbing his child.
'Genji' " (y/n) I'm gonna take the back you take the front, a crowd of 35 people gonna be hard to control and protect so take the front."
I nodded my head, I walked in front of them leading the way.
As we could see mercy and them. Suddenly a rock was thrown in front of me. A machine came out starting to act me. I sliced it in half.
'(Y/n)' " now everyone get to mercy and Reinhardt they will get you out safely"
They all started to head to them, well me and Genji were fighting over the omnics. A little boy tripped an omnic saw this he went to shoot. Just before the bullet could hit the boy I stood behind him covering him. I screamed in pain, I picked the boy up throwing him to Reinhardt.
I held my side, Genji and me were surround. With no sign of dva and Reinhardt and the others protecting the people. We had to fight ourselves.
'Genji' "(y/n) you are bleeding!"
I groaned.
'(Y/n)' " yeah I know so let's kick some ass"
He nodded grabbing his sword. I grabbed my gun I aimed it and started to shoot at the omnics. I used my throwing knives to shut their circuits down. I got shot from behind, I quickly spin around shooting the omnic in the face. Once they all fell down. Genji walked to me helping me walk over to mercy and ana. We got there, Reinhardt was getting the last lot of people on the ship as well as a hurt dva.
'Mercy' "oh (y/n) you are so hurt"
'(Y/n)' " it's worth it, protecting all those people"
I stopped and listen to my surroundings something felt wrong. As we all started to walk in the ship. An omnic grabbed mercy ready to shoot her. I ran to the omnic and ripped its head off, I then saw the bomb on Mercy.
'(Y/n)' "mercy when I say fly to Genji. Shut the door and fly the ship away"
'Mercy' "why my love, what about you?"
'(Y/n)' " Angela, please don't be mad, I love you and I have for a very long time... there's something under my bed I want you to have. "
I kissed Angela and told her to fly. As she fluids to them I ripped the bomb off her. The last thing I saw was Angela, screaming a no.....

Sooo.... I don't know why I wrote this but please comment and tell me what you thought

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