Moira x dying reader

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@by_lemonade requested this because they like my other dying reader. I'm sorry this isn't as good... when I hit 100 I'll be editing my book and redoing a lot of chapters most likely will re do this one... hope you enjoy
Readers POV
"Oh my god, can somebody get her away from me before she almost dies again?" Genji says as he storms out of the jet. You raise your arms up into the air and roll your eyes before following him.
"I don't see why you're so worried! I'm fine!" You state as you catch up to him. The two of you went on your first team mission together, per Gabe's orders. He said that the two of you needed to learn how to get along. Because that went so well. It was just a recon mission, no action, nothing major. Or at least that's what it was supposed to be. And it was, until Genji spotted a sniper. He told you to move, but you hesitated. If he hadn't shoved you out of the way, you would probably be dead.
Genji  shimada does not like you. Gabe tries to tell you otherwise, but you know the truth. He's always tense around you, he makes excuses to get away from you whenever you enter the room, and he is not nice to you. You respect that he doesn't like you; you understand the not everyone likes everyone else. You wish that it could be different, you really do. You have a bit of a liking towards the ninja, and you can't figure out why. His dislike of you hurts, but you brush it off. Plus  Moria has asked you to get along.
"I'm worried because you didn't listen to me, and I don't want your blood on my hands, whether it's literally or figuratively. Unlike you, I will get murdered if it's my fault you die." He snaps coldly, whipping around to face you. His cold metal eyes burn holes into yours, with the intensity of his stare. When you don't say anything, he turns back around and begins to walk away.
"Why the bloody fuck would you care if I died?" You mutter, quiet enough that he can't hear what you said.
"What was that?" He asks, turning around yet again.
"I asked why the bloody fuck you would care if I died. I can't figure it out. Why do you care?" You restate, not giving him enough time to answer before you turn away and go to the closest tree. You hear him call out your name, but you ignore him.
It wasn't fair, all you wanted to do was just get this mission over and done with. You were always nice to him and yet he was An asshole to you. Moira said I no choice but to be nice to him.
Sitting by the tree you waited for the air ship to arrive. As you looked down you notice a pair a feet. The feet plopped down in front of you.
"Look I care about you cause you are my friend, you make everything and everyone around us so much better... so yes I would care if you died. If you died Gabe would lose control, Mccree would go cold, I would be a killing machine again and Moira well Moira would give the world up and be brutal. You are her world and loosing you would mean loosing her world."
This brought a warm scarlet blush to my cheeks.
"Thank you genji, do you know what time the air ship will be here?"
Laying on his back he looked up to the sky, sighing I leaned my head back on the tree.
Suddenly a gust of wind blow at us. The air ship had finally arrived and was now landed.
Me and Genji jumped from our position running towards the air ship.
Walking on to the air ship I saw Moira, giving her a hug and a kiss. As the door closed, a sharp pain stuck in my stomach, I looked toward Moira smiling.
All I could here was a gasp, my knees weakening. Dropping to my knees I help my stomach. The stench of not only my blood but poison filled the air. It hit me a poison bullet hit me.
"Moira" my voice was low and shaky.
"I'm here I'm here, let me heal you"
"you can't I know you can't. This poison, you won't be able to do it trust me"
She wrapped her arms around me, laying my face in her chest. I could feel my breathe slow down. Placing one hand on her face, rubbing away the tears.
"Don't cry my love, I will see you in another life"
"No, you aren't leaving me, I need you"
The words hurt my heart but there was nothing she could do, I could feel my soul leaving my body.
"Moira, please... let me go... I promise we will be together again"
it was so cold, my body was covered in goosebumps. My body felt weak, I couldn't hold any longer.
"I love.."
'Time skip... to a month later'
Third PoV
It had been a month since the death of (y/n) and Moira has crashed and burned she wanted nothing more then to have her back. She had tried everything and this was her last hope.
She hasn't slept in a month and her focus was only on bring you back to life. She had turned cold and snapped at everyone.
Turning the switch fluids ran through your body glowing white. With the last of the fluid, your body rises up.
"You are alive, what is your name"
You did not say a word only stares blankly at the women before you.
Moira did not feel sadness but proud she made a monster and she was in control.
"Your name is white angle, you will listen to me and me only, understand?!"
You nodded your head.
In the background stood Genji and Mccree they knew what Moira has done. She dismissed your wishes and turned your sweet innocent self into a monster. They were afraid and said nothing but knew this would bring destruction.

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