Alpha widowmaker x fem omega reader

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Requested by @Universe_Widow I hope you enjoy. You wanted widow to get jealous of the other betas and alphas talking to her omega because they are being too friendly with her.

My ideas:

"So I'm not allowed to be upset because they were hanging all over you like dogs on heat"

"It's not funny"

"Baby, look at me"

"Your hot when your jealous, maybe I should hang with friendly people more often"

(Y/n) Pov

The cold air was satisfying, as if the wind were alive and their hands were holding onto my face making it numb. I could not help but laugh to the thought of wind being alive.

I just wanted to go for a run today but as the alphas Luna I was not allowed to go alone. I did not think much of it when I asked two of the guards to come with me. I had forgotten my alpha did not like them near me. They were a bit too friendly with every omega near them. They had this thing to flirt it be too friendly with any omega.

I just wanted to run nothing else but run. As the Luna I must be under protection during this season. Food is low, hunters find this the perfect time to kill and I am the Luna.

Smiling towards the Male beta, I told them I wanted to head to the pond today. The creatures that lived there during this season were friendly and always kept me safe. They had the sweetest smiles and the warmest of hearts. Their bodies would dance along the wind; well, their wings seem like the galaxy dust was following behind them. They always did make the colder season seems less harsh and glum.

shifting from my human form, I placed one paw on the cold, dry ground. Feeling the crunch of the leaves and snow hit under my paw made my heart race. The wind twirling around my fur made me feel it at ease. This was the feeling I loved, this was the feeling I craved when not being able to leave the camp.

Running to the pond I had forgotten I was not alone, my insist where to be still as a statue. As the two body is behind me, I snapped a growl at them. They quivered in fear, my eyes glanced on them and I just laughed.

'(Y/n)' " my apologies, I forgot I wasn't alone. Can you forgive me?"

Nodding their heads, giving me the sign that they understood it was an accident. I carried on making my way to the pond. The closer I got to the pond, the better the scent of the water and the creatures made the air smell of safety. Getting there I could not help but transform back into my human form. With a huge smile on my face, I called for the creatures to come out of their hiding space. As their small figures formed from the water and rocks. They zoomed over to me, flying around my body to make tier galaxy like dust sprinkle over me.

'Male beta 1 ' '" wow, they are so beautiful just like our Luna.'

I could not help but blush by this, it is who I am my body will react to small compliments. Only my alpha could make me truly feel love and needed though. Bowing my head as a sign of thank you, I carried on giving my attention to the rarity creatures before my very eyes. Stepping forward I had forgotten the rocks would be so slippery.

Falling forward into the icy water. My body started to freeze; it was as if it was designed my body inside started to stick. Making it difficult to move. The water started to feel my lungs. As I was about to take my last breath. I was pulled from the water to the land.

'Male beta 2' "oh no, are you okay? Can you transform? We need to get you back to medic straight away!"

Watching the boys transform, I tried to speak but my throat burned, and eyes watered.

I felt weak, cold. Holding on to the back of one of the males well they ran. I could not help but snuggling into the warm fur. It reminded me of her, the way her fur always made me feel at easy. How no matter what the weather her fur the opposite was always. Keeping everyone ether warm or cold during the seasons.

Has each sharp breath left my lungs, I felt my body start to shut down as, if this fur was a blanket over me. My eyes kept drifting between the dark world and the white wintery woods.

'Male beta 2' " dont fall asleep Luna we might not be able to wake you

Reaching my fingers into his fur, I tried to speak. However, my voice was no longer there, I felt the speed of the betas pick up, I gripped as tight as I could on to them.

Third Pov

as the two male betas, arrived at the front gates with the Luna on one them, they heard growls.

'Male beta 1' "please, we need medic, she is going in and out of concussions!

female omega what happened?!

As a few of the medics carried the Luna to medic, the males where question, panic filled the eyes of those around.

male beta 2 she fell, she was so distracted. we were lucky this one of here had the guts and strength to jump in after her

Suddenly, a huge, powerful growl was heard from the gates, everyone around quiver out of fear, it was unluck for the camp to hear a growl like that from the alpha unless they were out for blood. As the alpha made their way into the camp everyone started to drop to their knees with their heads lowering.

She made her way to the medic the range forming from her started to make everyone panic and get distracted from their task.

windowmaker alpha WHERE!! WHERE IS SHE!

A first went right through the wall, everyone starts to shake as the voice rose with more venom.

widowmaker alpha WHERE IS MY LUNA!

Everyone stops in their tracks and pointed to the bed covered in beta guards.

As the alpha made her way to her Luna, she smelt a stench she could not stand, a betas pheromone all over her Lunas scent.

A low powerful growl was released from, everyone turned their heads away from the alpha.

As the alpha turned to storm to the beta who scent was all over her Luna, a hand grabbed her wrist, the alpha growled making everyone quiver but the Luna.

(y/n) Luna STOP!! Please, he did nothing wrong, he saved my life. I slipped my love; this is my fault. Please come here I need your warmth.

The alpha did nothing but be silent for one second, she lost the grip on her wrist and made her way to her Lunas. cuddling into her Luna she stroked her hair. widowmaker alpha Im sorry my Luna, I worry for your safety and the only other scent that is allowed on you is me, I get jealous

As the Luna stroked their alphas cheek they whispered.

(y/n) Luna I love when you get jealous, you most reward these betas though, I love you

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