Roadhog x female reader

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'Beep' 'beep' 'beep'. My arm slung over my pillow hitting the snooze alarm. It was currently 4 am. A groan left my throat. I got out of bed making it then walked over to my shower. I grabbed my bubblegum body wash as well as my tea green shampoo and conditioner. After serval minutes of a quick wash I stepped out, grabbing a towel. I strolled over to my closet, picking a simple vest top and blue jeans. I grabbed my unicorn socks and my blue underwear. I dried my body, then put my hair up in a quick messy bun. I grabbed my clothes and changed into them. I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I slipped my white Nike's on I headed over to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. After a quick breakfast I grabbed the cleaning supply and made my way over to the training room and shooting range. I made everything spot less. I put new targets on the shooting range. Cleaned all the weapons for training. After that I made my way back to the kitchen starting to make everyone breakfast since it was now 6 am. As I flipped the first pancake I saw Soldier 76 start to walk in the kitchen. "Good morning, I see you're up early again." I giggled. "Of course I am it's my job remember to make sure everyone in this place is fed. Have you got a mission today ?" He just chuckled "yes I do, why you wondering?" I smiled placing his plate of pancakes and a cup of water in front of him. " would you do me a favour, for when you come back." He just smiled at me "of course what may I help you with." I rose up with joy. " would you get me one or two of those plushies roadhog is always taking about." I could see he was starting to grin. " of course I'll do that, I'll be back later tonight so I'll see you then" I jumped with joy giving him a hug " you are the best" I walked back over to my pan making the rest of the guys their morning breakfast. Hana didn't look too happy being awake this time but that didn't surprise me I knew she was gaming all night with sombra that girl honestly. I slipped coffee in front of her, she gave me a warm smile and carried on eating. After everyone had their food I started to clean up the mess and head to the training room to spar with Hana. "Good morning Hana you ready" she nodded her head. "Right we need to practice how to defend your self without your meck or gun" she look pissed " buttt (Y/N) I don't wanna I have my gun I'm fine" I put on a serious face, she looked a little scared. "Hana what happens if one of them takes your gun you'll be there all helpless and nobody will be able to rescue you, you need to learn this. Your young we can't let you die young"  she looked at me then nodded her head. i sighed " Hana go grab me and you a staff over there okay" she nodded and made her way over to the staffs as she did the I took my top off leaving me in my sports bra and joggers. she headed over my way with a blush. as I grabbed the staff i saw Jamison and roadhog sit in the corner watch us. my lips curved into a warm smile. " Hana I'm gonna go easy at first okay? but i will slowly start to get rougher and harder okay?" she nodded her head. i raised staff up too her and put my body in the fighting position. she went to swing her staff at my head but I ducked, I ripped her placing a foot on her chest and my staff next to her neck. I just shook my head I pulled her up. I grabbed the staffs and place them off the matt. " right now its heads free okay" she nodded then ran straight for me, i stepped to the side then put my foot out she tripped nut got straight back up. she went punch but I blocked with my heads causing her to groan. she went to punch again, I grabbed her wrist flipping her over. I gave her the chance to stand again. she tried to kick my side, I ducked I put my hands toe floor and raised my leg causing an upper kick. this hit Hana in the face causing her to go flying across the room, my lips curved into a smirk. I could see she was starting to get tired. I gave her one finally blow. "well done Hana I wasn't expecting you too last this long take a break and maybe go see mercy about your face sorry." she giggle " its okay thank you for training" I sighed i headed to my bag grabbing my water bottle only too see it wasn't there. i turned around only to see hoggie with a water bottle, he put it in my heads, ,my cheeks turned red. "ah thank you exactly what I needed what a life saver you are" he grunted then pointed to the training floor, I titled my head. " wanna try against me!" I smiled. he nodded his head. " okay no weapons allowed just handed to hand combat and don't go easy on me big boy" he grunted well nodding his head. We both made our way to the floor I was nervous cause I was tiny compared to him but I had a few tricks up my sleeve. I took my stance and he stood there after I asked if he was ready he put his thumb up. I could see Hana and Jamison in the corner watching us and Hana with her camera ready. He threw a punch to be but I put my hands on top twisted my body to go up then flip on the floor. 'Crap that was close' I kicked his side only too see no effect go on him just a little change in his breath. He grabbed my leg swinging me to the ground I made an oof noise. As he went to grab me again I rolled to the side. It gave me an idea. I looked at him the charged forward he went to grab me but I ducked rolled causing him to trip over. We heard the bunker laugh and Hoggie made a grunting noise. This went on for the next half an hour of me being thrown to the floor or me tripping hog. My last move I made was I kicked my leg up hitting his jaw but as I did that his fist hit my rib cage causing me to fly to the side I hit the wall with a crash. I tried to get up but my body hurt too much I new it was bruised and I could feel my rib cage and broken. I looked up too see hog standing above me. "Wow man that was a long as fight, dam no wonder your a tank" I gave him a weak smile. I tried to stand up but he shook his head, he picked me up in his arms bringing my body close to mine the last thing I was expecting from him was " (Y/n) I hurt you pretty bad, let me take you to mercy and fix you up. I need one angel to fix my angel" I blushed and covered my face. I could feel/hear the smile radiating from him. I leaned closer into him "thank you" I smiled "actually Hoggie I have a present for you later will you accept" he lifted his mask so I could see his lips those sweet rough lips. "I will accept anything from my angel, as long as you accept this" that's when he leaned in too kiss me. I accepted the kiss, playing my lips along with his. God this was the best day ever.

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