Doomfist x female reader

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As a member of Talon yourself, you were very aware of the organization's no-nonsense, all dark and brooding type of system. Except for the frequent childish bickering and teasing the members did on occasion. Otherwise, completely no-nonsense and totally dark and brooding.

With that in mind, you decided to spread a little light and positive mood around the mildly eerie base. You, being the Halloween enthusiast that you were, had originally planned the idea for later on in the month, more like an actual Halloween party on said day, but when a large portion of the agents came home disappointed and beaten down from yet another recently failed mission, you decided to move up your cheer up squad agenda.

Your goal was to decorate the cafeteria with red, gold, and orange autumn decorations with a dash of mild Halloween flair. It took some persuading to get the kitchen staff on board with making special treats to match the party theme, along with letting you use their cafeteria for your antics in the first place. Currently, the only big issue left was having a way to keep all the other Talon agents out of the cafeteria until you were ready. That and to keep their curiosity, should it arise, away.

Who might you go to for such a predicament? The biggest, scariest member on the team who also happened to dislike the uneventful at-home part of Talon, of course.

"Hey Doomie!" You knocked on the open door of Akande Ogundimu's room before strolling inside.

The large, muscular man sat in an armchair with a book in hand, looking sophisticated as he ever has since he joined Talon. When you hollered the obnoxious nickname, something that your pal Sombra had come up with, Akande lowered his book and raised an eyebrow at you.

He questioned, "Can I help you?"

You leaned in the doorway and flashed a grin his way. "As a matter of fact, you can."

A quick explanation of your plan and wandering around the room later, Akande was on board to to block off the cafeteria and shut down suspicions. Not only did he appreciate you trying to put a little entertainment into the otherwise dull base but he also admired the fact that you were trying to cheer up your fellow teammates after their mission had gone sour.

"You have a good heart," he'd mentioned before agreeing.

You had replied, "You know, a lot of us here do? And yet, we're part of a big bad gang of criminals. 'S weird, if you ask me."

You'd gotten what you wanted, so with a clap on the large man's back and sharing a time with him, you headed back on your way to prepare decorations and music.

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